#!/bin/bash # privacyidea-fetchssh.bash # This script queries the json interface of a privacyid3a server to retrieve # the public ssh key for a specific host (hostname). # With this script you can test the 'privacyidea-authorizedkeys' function of # your privacyid3a server from a remote host. # # Some small modifications to this script (paramaters for the input values and # some plausibility checks should be enought to use it as a replacement for # 'privacyidea-authorizedkeys' and to have less dependencies. # # If debug is set to 0 the script only echoes the public key. # If debug is set to 1 you will see a lot of information. # # History # v0.1 03/31/2015 Peter Murr mailinglists [at] pcfreak [dot] de #input parameters server='privacyiedeaserver' username='admin' password='password' hostname='hostname' debug=0 # 0 or 1 # some checks for dependencies command -v jq >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "script requires jq but it is not installed. Aborting."; exit 2; } command -v sed >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "script requires sed but it is not installed. Aborting."; exit 2; } command -v sed >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "script requires curl but it is not installed. Aborting."; exit 2; } command -v sed >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "script requires tr but it is not installed. Aborting."; exit 2; } # other variables baseurl="https://$server" application='ssh' headersalways1='Content-type: application/json' headersalways2='Accept: application/json' cpar='-s -k' # add -v to get verbose output if you search for bugs! # retrieve authentication token (we need this for all further requests # see http://privacyidea.readthedocs.org/en/latest/modules/api/auth.html # this is a POST request with data json=$(curl $cpar -H "$headersalways1" -H "$headersalways2" -d '{ "username":"'$username'", "password":"'$password'" }' $baseurl/auth) jstatus=$(echo "$json"|jq .result.status) if [[ "$jstatus" != "true" ]]; then # if request failed .result.status=false echo "Could not get a valid token with the provided credentials" exit 1 else token=$(echo "$json"|jq .result.value.token|sed 's/"//g') # get token from json and remove double quotes fi # List all machines that can be found in the machine resolvers. json=$(curl $cpar -L -G -H "$headersalways1" -H "$headersalways2" -H "Authorization: $token" 2>/dev/null) jstatus=$(echo "$json"|jq .result.status) if [[ "$jstatus" != "true" ]]; then echo "Could not retrieve any machine resolvers!" else if [[ "$debug" == "1" ]]; then hostnames=$(echo $json|jq .result.value[].hostname[]|sed 's/"//g'|tr "\n" " "|sed "s/\(${hostname}\)/\[*\]\1/g") # mark the host in output echo "" echo "available machine resolvers: $hostnames" echo "" fi fi # Fetch the authentication items for a given application 'ssh' and the given client machine [hostname]. # this is a simple GET request with the hostname as parameter json=$(curl $cpar -G -H "Authorization: $token" -d "hostname=$hostname" $baseurl/machine/authitem/$application) jstatus=$(echo "$json"|jq .result.status) if [[ "$jstatus" == "true" ]]; then resultusername=$(echo "$json"|jq .result.value.ssh[0].username|sed 's/"//g') # remove double quotes also resultuser=$(echo "$json"|jq .result.value.ssh[0].user|sed 's/"//g') # remove double quotes also resultsshkey=$(echo "$json"|jq .result.value.ssh[0].sshkey|sed 's/"//g') # remove double quotes also if [[ "$debug" == "1" ]];then echo "hostname: $hostname" echo "username: $resultusername" echo "user : $resultuser" echo "sshkey : $resultsshkey" else echo "$resultsshkey" fi else echo "no successful query!" fi