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Jul 9, 2008, 4:44:46 AM7/9/08
to TopLanguage



A lot of people were impressed by my finishing the read-through of SICP, completing the vast majority of the exercises. I received a lot of warm comments on my conclusion post - in the blog, on email, and on the Reddit link that immediately took place #1 in the Programming section and held it for a day.

The most interesting feedback was, however, from Geoffrey S. Knauth. He's acquainted with the book authors, and when he told them about my project, they agreed to sign a book for me, which Geoffrey then shipped to Israel on his own expense.

Here's the book and a slip of paper displaying the complex logistics behind this shipment:

SICP book and slip

And this is the opening page, with the authors' signatures:

Signed SICP

I'm really happy about this, and want to thank Geoffrey again for his initiative.

以下是他的sicp project描述。我倒不是认为每个人都一定要读完SICP做完上面的练习。这个牛人给我最大的感触就是:专心致志的话,一年能做多少事啊!很多人觉得一年时间太短了,然而一年的时间到底有多长呢?答案是It depends..

I've completed the SICP reading project, which I began on June 19th, 2007. In hindsight, it seems like a very long time (almost a year!), during which this was my main hacking project at home. So, in this conclusion I want to examine my progress, and compare the result with my initial goals.

The original plan was:

  1. Read the book
  2. See all the video lectures by Sussman and Abelson themselves
  3. Do most of the interesting exercises in the book
  4. Do some of the larger projects listed here and here

Let's see how I've managed:

  1. Done
  2. Done
  3. This is the point I'm most happy with. I've completed the vast majority of the exercises in SICP and posted them online. Of the 356 exercises in the book, I've skipped about 20, so I've completed 94% of the exercises – which is far above my initial plans.
  4. I didn't do this, but there's no need, having completed so many of the exercises. I feel I gained a completely solid understanding of the material, and won't gain much by doing the projects.

Also, I originally planned to reimplement all the code do all the exercises in Common Lisp. Later I changed my mind and decided to use PLT Scheme for some of them. Eventually, I've been using both languages interchangeably, which is a good thing, as I got some practice with both.

Here are some numerical statistics that emphasize the magnitude of this endeavor:

  1. I've written 52 blog posts (not including this one) in the SICP category, spread over 10 months.
  2. The combined total length of my posts (including code snippets) is 66,265 words. For comparison, Jack London's "Son of the Wolf" is 50K words long.
  3. Some of the large projects from the book I've re-implemented in wholeness: a constraint propagation solver, an evaluator (interpreter) for Scheme, a generic object-oriented arithmetic package including complex and polynomial arithmetic, Huffman encoding, an interpreter for a logic programming language similar to Prolog (as a DSL on top of Lisp), a picture-language interpreter, a simulator for digital circuits, a symbolic differentiation package, a virtual machine for a simplified pseudo-assembly DSL, an interpreter for Scheme written in this pseudo-assembly, and finally, a compiler for Scheme that spits out pseudo-assembly code.
  4. Counting with the cloc tool (Count Lines Of Code), the total physical LOC count1 for the code I've written during this time: 7,300 LOC of Common Lisp, 4,100 LOC of Scheme. If you prefer raw LOCs2, it's 10,800 LOC of Common Lisp, 5,600 LOC of Scheme. So this is more than 10 KLOC of Lisp code, any way you look at it, which is a lot, since Lisp is a very expressive high-level functional language.


Henry Read

Jul 9, 2008, 5:08:20 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/9 pongba <pon...@gmail.com>:



A lot of people were impressed by my finishing the read-through of SICP, completing the vast majority of the exercises. I received a lot of warm comments on my conclusion post - in the blog, on email, and on the Reddit link that immediately took place #1 in the Programming section and held it for a day.

The most interesting feedback was, however, from Geoffrey S. Knauth. He's acquainted with the book authors, and when he told them about my project, they agreed to sign a book for me, which Geoffrey then shipped to Israel on his own expense.

Here's the book and a slip of paper displaying the complex logistics behind this shipment:

SICP book and slip

And this is the opening page, with the authors' signatures:

Signed SICP

I'm really happy about this, and want to thank Geoffrey again for his initiative.

以下是他的sicp project描述。我倒不是认为每个人都一定要读完SICP做完上面的练习。这个牛人给我最大的感触就是:专心致志的话,一年能做多少事啊!很多人觉得一年时间太短了,然而一年的时间到底有多长呢?答案是It depends..

I've completed the SICP reading project, which I began on June 19th, 2007. In hindsight, it seems like a very long time (almost a year!), during which this was my main hacking project at home. So, in this conclusion I want to examine my progress, and compare the result with my initial goals.

The original plan was:

  1. Read the book
  2. See all the video lectures by Sussman and Abelson themselves
  3. Do most of the interesting exercises in the book
  4. Do some of the larger projects listed here and here

Let's see how I've managed:

  1. Done
  2. Done
  3. This is the point I'm most happy with. I've completed the vast majority of the exercises in SICP and posted them online. Of the 356 exercises in the book, I've skipped about 20, so I've completed 94% of the exercises - which is far above my initial plans.
  1. I didn't do this, but there's no need, having completed so many of the exercises. I feel I gained a completely solid understanding of the material, and won't gain much by doing the projects.


Jul 9, 2008, 5:35:18 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/9 Henry Read <henr...@gmail.com>:


Jul 9, 2008, 6:13:43 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/9 翁翊成 <wen...@gmail.com>:


Jul 9, 2008, 6:18:42 AM7/9/08
to TopLanguage
马桶时间最合适,我现在的杂志和纸版书都是在这个时间看,code complete要不是太厚不适于蹲踞阅读,也早该看过一遍了

On 7月9日, 下午6时13分, hayate <hayate...@gmail.com> wrote:
> sigh
> 现在好希望有整块整块的时间啊
> 2008/7/9 翁翊成 <weng...@gmail.com>:
> > Orz
> > 2008/7/9 Henry Read <henry...@gmail.com>:
> > 这牛人太专心了,是在不能及。
> >> 2008/7/9 pongba <pon...@gmail.com>:
> >> 从fanfou同学arrix_ <http://fanfou.com/arrix>那里看到的消息。
> >>> 此牛人于07年6月开始读SICP,到今年6月份,读完SICP并几乎做完了上面的所有练习。被reddit转载,再被一个认识SICP作者的人看到,然后SI-CP作者集体签名送了本SICP给他。
> >>> 以下是他本人的(注意其中的reddit链接):
> >>> A lot of people were impressed by my finishing the read-through of SICP,
> >>> completing the vast majority of the exercises. I received a lot of warm
> >>> comments on my conclusion post<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2008/04/18/sicp-conclusion/>- in the blog, on email, and on the Reddit
> >>> link <http://www.reddit.com/info/6g9mq/comments/> that immediately took
> >>> place #1 in the Programming section and held it for a day.
> >>> The most interesting feedback was, however, from Geoffrey S. Knauth. He's
> >>> acquainted with the book authors, and when he told them about my project,
> >>> they agreed to sign a book for me, which Geoffrey then shipped to Israel on
> >>> his own expense.
> >>> Here's the book and a slip of paper displaying the complex logistics
> >>> behind this shipment:
> >>> [image: SICP book and slip]<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/img_2182.jpg>
> >>> And this is the opening page, with the authors' signatures:
> >>> [image: Signed SICP]<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/signed_copy.PNG>
> >>> I'm really happy about this, and want to thank Geoffrey again for his
> >>> initiative.
> >>> 以下是他的sicp project描述。我倒不是认为每个人都一定要读完SICP做完上面的练习。这个牛人给我最大的感触就是:*
> >>> 专心致志的话,一年能做多少事啊!*很多人觉得一年时间太短了,然而一年的时间到底有多长呢?答案是It depends..
> >>> I've completed the SICP reading project, which I began on June 19th,
> >>> 2007<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2007/06/19/introducing-the-sicp-reading-...>.
> >>> In hindsight, it seems like a very long time (almost a year!), during which
> >>> this was my main hacking project at home. So, in this conclusion I want to
> >>> examine my progress, and compare the result with my initial goals.
> >>> The original plan<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2007/06/19/introducing-the-sicp-reading-...>was:
> >>> 1. Read the book
> >>> 2. See all the video lectures by Sussman and Abelson themselves
> >>> 3. Do most of the interesting exercises in the book
> >>> 4. Do some of the larger projects listed here<http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/psets/index.html>and
> >>> here<http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science...>
> >>> Let's see how I've managed:
> >>> 1. Done
> >>> 2. Done
> >>> 3. This is the point I'm most happy with. I've completed the vast
> >>> majority of the exercises in SICP and posted them online. Of the 356
> >>> exercises in the book, I've skipped about 20, so I've completed 94% of the
> >>> exercises - which is far above my initial plans.
> >>> 4. I didn't do this, but there's no need, having completed so many of
> >>> the exercises. I feel I gained a completely solid understanding of the
> >>> material, and won't gain much by doing the projects.
> >>> Also, I originally planned to reimplement all the code do all the
> >>> exercises in Common Lisp. Later I changed my mind and decided to use PLTScheme for some of them. Eventually, I've been using both languages
> >>> interchangeably, which is a good thing, as I got some practice with both.
> >>> Here are some numerical statistics that emphasize the magnitude of this
> >>> endeavor:
> >>> 1. I've written 52 blog posts (not including this one) in the SICPcategory, spread over 10 months.
> >>> 2. The combined total length of my posts (including code snippets) is
> >>> 66,265 words. For comparison, Jack London's "Son of the Wolf" is 50K words
> >>> long.
> >>> 3. Some of the large projects from the book I've re-implemented in
> >>> wholeness: a constraint propagation solver, an evaluator (interpreter) for
> >>> Scheme, a generic object-oriented arithmetic package including complex and
> >>> polynomial arithmetic, Huffman encoding, an interpreter for a logic
> >>> programming language similar to Prolog (as a DSL on top of Lisp), a
> >>> picture-language interpreter, a simulator for digital circuits, a symbolic
> >>> differentiation package, a virtual machine for a simplified pseudo-assembly
> >>> DSL, an interpreter for Scheme written in this pseudo-assembly, and
> >>> finally, a compiler for Scheme that spits out pseudo-assembly code.
> >>> 4. Counting with the cloc<http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=174787>tool (Count Lines Of Code), the total physical
> >>> LOC count1<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2008/04/18/sicp-conclusion/#fn1>for the code I've written during this time: 7,300
> >>> LOC of Common Lisp, 4,100 LOC of Scheme. If you prefer raw LOCs2<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2008/04/18/sicp-conclusion/#fn2>,

Jun Yang

Jul 9, 2008, 6:18:44 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
专注也是一种稀缺的品质, 因为伴随着专注而来的长时间的孤寂和审美疲劳往往会让人过早地离专注.

提到专注,一下就想到了李昌镐. 李自呈资质不如曹薰炫,马晓春这些一流棋手,包括曹和一代宗师吴清源也都认为李不是天才, 认为他的成功更多靠的是专注. 而正是靠着专注,李能够如长河匹链一般,横在曹,马等一流棋手面前,不可逾越,成就其围棋皇帝的霸业.

2008/7/9 翁翊成 <wen...@gmail.com>:



Jul 9, 2008, 6:25:30 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com


Jul 9, 2008, 6:29:38 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
SICP不适合马桶和床头,原因嘛Eli在conclusion中也说了。Code complete也不适合,首先因为太沉了 :)


遗憾的是,我还没有读完SICP,MIT已经停了6.001,取而代之的是6.00 http://web.mit.edu/6.00/www/info.shtml



Jul 9, 2008, 6:41:36 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/9 hayate <haya...@gmail.com>:


Googol Lee

Jul 9, 2008, 7:21:36 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com


2008/7/9 pongba <pon...@gmail.com>:


My blog: http://googollee.blog.163.com

lxcypp lxc

Jul 9, 2008, 7:30:43 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
读电子书 强烈推荐 Sony-PRS505
目前我手头就有一台, 无论是用来看小说
E-ink屏幕不费眼睛, 省电,

我完全把它用来当枕边书 和 马桶书,还有排队书,坐车书,编译书。。。。。。

2008/7/9 Googol Lee <goog...@gmail.com>:


Jul 9, 2008, 7:45:06 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com


Ray Stinger, nickname Lich_Ray
God is in his heaven, all's right with the world.
let focus = 'computing' in where:
let focus = 'computing' in here:


Jul 9, 2008, 9:54:28 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/9 pongba <pon...@gmail.com>:


Jul 9, 2008, 9:55:25 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
分辨率再大点就好了 读标准的pdf还小了点啊

2008/7/9 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:

lxcypp lxc

Jul 9, 2008, 10:00:59 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
你指的是读PDF文件吧? 用软件转一下,可以把1页A4切割为2页,
我现在大部分技术方面的PDF 都是用这种方法读的。

2008/7/9 hayate <haya...@gmail.com>:


Jul 9, 2008, 10:52:57 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/9 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:

Yong Yuan

Jul 9, 2008, 10:55:40 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/9 hayate <haya...@gmail.com>:

lxcypp lxc

Jul 9, 2008, 10:58:44 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
505只能看书,效果一流,但用来做电书管理,随身图书馆 还是不行,管理功能太差。

2008/7/9 Yong Yuan <y...@cs.toronto.edu>:


Jul 9, 2008, 11:09:23 AM7/9/08
to TopLanguage
这一年打算买来看的只有dreaming in code和programming erlang,到底是哪轮的猴年马月能出来

On 7月9日, 下午6时41分, pongba <pon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2008/7/9 hayate <hayate...@gmail.com>:


Jul 9, 2008, 11:10:46 AM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
韩磊说dreaming in code已经下印刷厂了。


Jul 9, 2008, 10:12:43 PM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
pongba 写道:

此牛人于07年6月开始读SICP,到今年6月份,读完SICP并几乎做完了上面的所有练习。被reddit转载,再被一个认识SICP作者的人看到,然 后SICP作者集体签名送了本SICP给他。


A lot of people were impressed by my finishing the read-through of SICP, completing the vast majority of the exercises. I received a lot of warm comments on my conclusion post - in the blog, on email, and on the Reddit link that immediately took place #1 in the Programming section and held it for a day.

The most interesting feedback was, however, from Geoffrey S. Knauth. He's acquainted with the book authors, and when he told them about my project, they agreed to sign a book for me, which Geoffrey then shipped to Israel on his own expense.

Here's the book and a slip of paper displaying the complex logistics behind this shipment:

SICP book and slip

And this is the opening page, with the authors' signatures:

Signed SICP

I'm really happy about this, and want to thank Geoffrey again for his initiative.

以下是他的sicp project描述。我倒不是认为每个人都一定要读完SICP做完上面的练习。这个牛人给我最大的感触就是:专心致 志的话,一年能做多少事啊!很多人觉得一年时间太短了,然而一年的时间到底有多长呢?答案是It depends..

I've completed the SICP reading project, which I began on June 19th, 2007. In hindsight, it seems like a very long time (almost a year!), during which this was my main hacking project at home. So, in this conclusion I want to examine my progress, and compare the result with my initial goals.

The original plan was:

  1. Read the book
  2. See all the video lectures by Sussman and Abelson themselves
  3. Do most of the interesting exercises in the book
  4. Do some of the larger projects listed here and here

Let's see how I've managed:

  1. Done
  2. Done
  3. This is the point I'm most happy with. I've completed the vast majority of the exercises in SICP and posted them online. Of the 356 exercises in the book, I've skipped about 20, so I've completed 94% of the exercises - which is far above my initial plans.
  1. I didn't do this, but there's no need, having completed so many of the exercises. I feel I gained a completely solid understanding of the material, and won't gain much by doing the projects.

Also, I originally planned to reimplement all the code do all the exercises in Common Lisp. Later I changed my mind and decided to use PLT Scheme for some of them. Eventually, I've been using both languages interchangeably, which is a good thing, as I got some practice with both.

Here are some numerical statistics that emphasize the magnitude of this endeavor:

  1. I've written 52 blog posts (not including this one) in the SICP category, spread over 10 months.
  2. The combined total length of my posts (including code snippets) is 66,265 words. For comparison, Jack London's "Son of the Wolf" is 50K words long.
  3. Some of the large projects from the book I've re-implemented in wholeness: a constraint propagation solver, an evaluator (interpreter) for Scheme, a generic object-oriented arithmetic package including complex and polynomial arithmetic, Huffman encoding, an interpreter for a logic programming language similar to Prolog (as a DSL on top of Lisp), a picture-language interpreter, a simulator for digital circuits, a symbolic differentiation package, a virtual machine for a simplified pseudo-assembly DSL, an interpreter for Scheme written in this pseudo-assembly, and finally, a compiler for Scheme that spits out pseudo-assembly code.
  4. Counting with the cloc tool (Count Lines Of Code), the total physical LOC count1 for the code I've written during this time: 7,300 LOC of Common Lisp, 4,100 LOC of Scheme. If you prefer raw LOCs2, it's 10,800 LOC of Common Lisp, 5,600 LOC of Scheme. So this is more than 10 KLOC of Lisp code, any way you look at it, which is a lot, since Lisp is a very expressive high-level functional language.




Jul 9, 2008, 10:43:58 PM7/9/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/9 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:

lxcypp lxc

Jul 10, 2008, 12:59:06 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/10 helium <heliu...@gmail.com>:

Googol Lee

Jul 10, 2008, 2:42:55 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com


2008/7/10 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:

lxcypp lxc

Jul 10, 2008, 2:49:05 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
我觉得在马桶上敲代码 实际意义不是很大,敲代码不是能够分散开,零零碎碎地做的事情。

2008/7/10 Googol Lee <goog...@gmail.com>:


Jul 10, 2008, 3:23:18 AM7/10/08
to TopLanguage
岂止不是很大!是严重影响 XX心情与状态发挥!

On 7月10日, 下午2时49分, "lxcypp lxc" <lxc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 我觉得在马桶上敲代码 实际意义不是很大,敲代码不是能够分散开,零零碎碎地做的事情。
> 看书的实际意义比较大一些。
> 2008/7/10 Googol Lee <googol...@gmail.com>:
> > 真是贵阿……
> > 我觉得工人舍的小本都不错,马桶上也能拿来敲代码。而且,不管是windows还是linux,软件的优势是不可比的。
> > 2008/7/10 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:
> > 淘宝上有卖的,2200~2600不等,现货贵一些,从美国寄过来的便宜一些,不过要等几天。
> >> 另外他看中文需要汉化。
> >> 2008/7/10 helium <helium....@gmail.com>:
> >> 这个目前大概什么价钱
> >>> 2008/7/9 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:
> >>> > 读电子书 强烈推荐 Sony-PRS505
> >>> > 目前我手头就有一台, 无论是用来看小说
> >>> > 还是用来看技术文档,都相当舒服。
> >>> > 可以随时随地拿起来就看,待机时间也相当长,
> >>> > E-ink屏幕不费眼睛, 省电,
> >>> > 充一次电起码用好几天(大约翻3000页)
> >>> > 我完全把它用来当枕边书 和 马桶书,还有排队书,坐车书,编译书。。。。。。
> >>> > 2008/7/9 Googol Lee <googol...@gmail.com>:
> >>> >> 我们团购个EeePC吧,这样马桶时间也可以随时编译一下看看是不是对的。
> >>> >> 就是更加容易便秘了……
> >>> >> 2008/7/9 pongba <pon...@gmail.com>:
> >>> >>> 2008/7/9 hayate <hayate...@gmail.com>:

Googol Lee

Jul 10, 2008, 3:23:50 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
马桶上敲代码仅仅是一些实验,比如我现在天天在马桶上看《C++ Template Programming中文版》,有些地方看的似是而非,就像敲点代码实际试一下,然后只能折个角留到痛快后才行。等痛快完了,当时想的一些东西可能也都没了,上机器也就是敲遍代码试试结果……

2008/7/10 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:

lxcypp lxc

Jul 10, 2008, 3:37:48 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
马桶上的时间太碎了, 很难遇到 你在xx的时候 正好需要敲一段代码吧。
当然XX时间相当长的话 又 另当别论。囧rz ...


2008/7/10 Googol Lee <goog...@gmail.com>:


Jul 10, 2008, 4:35:47 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/10 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:

马桶上的时间太碎了, 很难遇到 你在xx的时候 正好需要敲一段代码吧。
当然XX时间相当长的话 又 另当别论。囧rz ...



Jul 10, 2008, 4:41:55 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
2008/7/10 pongba <pon...@gmail.com>:

然XX时间相当长的话 又 另当别论。囧rz ...
> 我蹲了三次把《物种起源》看掉了1/3。
> 没办法,从小跟老爸学的..



lxcypp lxc

Jul 10, 2008, 4:42:20 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
如果是英文版的 就不得不 Orz ....

2008/7/10 pongba <pon...@gmail.com>:


Jul 10, 2008, 4:42:53 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/10 SpitFire <spit...@gmail.com>:



Jul 10, 2008, 4:44:24 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/10 翁翊成 <wen...@gmail.com>:

哈,哈哈,哈哈哈,哈哈哈哈.. :->


Jul 10, 2008, 4:45:42 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/10 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:
如果是英文版的 就不得不 Orz ....



Jul 10, 2008, 4:50:48 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
我曾经因为找不到合适的书把自己憋得够呛~ 现在在卫生间里面放了一个小书柜,定期整理里面的书。

2008/7/10 SpitFire <spit...@gmail.com>:

殷远超 http://www.yinux.com


Jul 10, 2008, 4:51:09 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/10 SpitFire <spit...@gmail.com>:


Jul 10, 2008, 4:52:23 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/10 殷远超 <yinyu...@gmail.com>:
我曾经因为找不到合适的书把自己憋得够呛~ 现在在卫生间里面放了一个小书柜,定期整理里面的书。


lxcypp lxc

Jul 10, 2008, 4:54:51 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/10 hayate <haya...@gmail.com>:


Jul 10, 2008, 5:01:13 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
XD 开个玩笑

2008/7/10 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:

lxcypp lxc

Jul 10, 2008, 5:07:40 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/10 hayate <haya...@gmail.com>:


Jul 10, 2008, 5:14:40 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com


2008/7/10 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:

Googol Lee

Jul 10, 2008, 5:15:51 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com


2008/7/10 殷远超 <yinyu...@gmail.com>:

lxcypp lxc

Jul 10, 2008, 5:50:42 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
¥2200 ~ ¥2600

2008/7/10 蒙面骑士 <qin...@gmail.com>:


Jul 10, 2008, 7:45:54 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com


Jul 10, 2008, 11:07:42 AM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com


2008/7/10 coco <cooo...@gmail.com>:


Jul 10, 2008, 10:47:42 PM7/10/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
1. 这个看PDF感觉怎么样?会不会太小啊
2. 电池以后不行了能单换么

2008/7/10 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:


Jul 11, 2008, 12:20:23 AM7/11/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
可以去www.hi-pda.com的论坛看看 那里有很多人买了 也有实物效果图

2008/7/11 helium <heliu...@gmail.com>:

lxcypp lxc

Jul 11, 2008, 2:48:27 AM7/11/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

Henry Read

Jul 11, 2008, 2:51:00 AM7/11/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/11 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:

Jianfei Wang

Jul 11, 2008, 4:07:26 AM7/11/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com


Jul 11, 2008, 4:31:18 AM7/11/08
to TopLanguage



On Jul 11, 4:07 pm, "Jianfei Wang" <fran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 这个事儿不是刘江4月份的时候推荐过了嘛?当时倒是没引起关于"腚力"的大讨论啊 lol
> https://groups.google.com/group/pongba/browse_thread/thread/1e1352136...
> 2008/7/11 Henry Read <henry...@gmail.com>:
> > 上厕所看书对身体不好。
> > 2008/7/11 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:
> >http://www.hi-pda.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=7&filter=type&typeid=61
> >> 2008/7/11 hayate <hayate...@gmail.com>:
> >> 可以去www.hi-pda.com的论坛看看 那里有很多人买了 也有实物效果图
> >>> 2008/7/11 helium <helium....@gmail.com>:
> >>> 问两个问题,
> >>>> 1. 这个看PDF感觉怎么样?会不会太小啊
> >>>> 2. 电池以后不行了能单换么
> >>>> 2008/7/10 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:
> >>>> > 我不是托,我也不卖这玩意儿,
> >>>> > 只不过用这个东西觉得很舒服,所以见人都会推荐一下。
> >>>> > 我有好几个朋友在我的推荐下都买了。。。
> >>>> > 2008/7/10 hayate <hayate...@gmail.com>:
> >>>> >> 您不是托儿吧
> >>>> >> XD 开个玩笑
> >>>> >> 2008/7/10 lxcypp lxc <lxc...@gmail.com>:
> >>>> >>> 买个505最合适了,呵呵,现在我是三上了。。。。
> >>>> >>> 2008/7/10 hayate <hayate...@gmail.com>:
> >>>> >>>> 这样的人还不少,douban不是有个到哪儿都带着书小组吗
> >>>> 我主要是怕无聊,古人曰三上,所以在马桶上,公车上,睡前床上没书看是最痛苦的事了。但是我还是希望能有大块的时间看书,特别是对于想要啃并且需要纸笔的书。
> >>>> >>>> 2008/7/10 SpitFire <spitfi...@gmail.com>:

Sniper H.L.

Jul 11, 2008, 10:22:42 AM7/11/08
to TopLanguage

On 7月9日, 下午4时44分, pongba <pon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 从fanfou同学arrix_ <http://fanfou.com/arrix>那里看到的消息。
> 此牛人于07年6月开始读SICP,到今年6月份,读完SICP并几乎做完了上面的所有练习。被reddit转载,再被一个认识SICP作者的人看到,然后SICP作者集体签名送了本SICP给他。
> 以下是他本人的(注意其中的reddit链接):
> A lot of people were impressed by my finishing the read-through of SICP,
> completing the vast majority of the exercises. I received a lot of warm
> comments on my conclusion
> post<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2008/04/18/sicp-conclusion/>- in the
> blog, on email, and on the Reddit
> link <http://www.reddit.com/info/6g9mq/comments/> that immediately took
> place #1 in the Programming section and held it for a day.
> The most interesting feedback was, however, from Geoffrey S. Knauth. He's
> acquainted with the book authors, and when he told them about my project,
> they agreed to sign a book for me, which Geoffrey then shipped to Israel on
> his own expense.
> Here's the book and a slip of paper displaying the complex logistics behind
> this shipment:
> [image: SICP book and
> slip]<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/img_2182.jpg>
> And this is the opening page, with the authors' signatures:
> [image: Signed SICP]<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/signed_copy.PNG>
> I'm really happy about this, and want to thank Geoffrey again for his
> initiative.
> 以下是他的sicp project描述。我倒不是认为每个人都一定要读完SICP做完上面的练习。这个牛人给我最大的感触就是:*
> 专心致志的话,一年能做多少事啊!*很多人觉得一年时间太短了,然而一年的时间到底有多长呢?答案是It depends..
> I've completed the SICP reading project, which I began on June 19th,
> 2007<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2007/06/19/introducing-the-sicp-reading-...>.
> In hindsight, it seems like a very long time (almost a year!), during which
> this was my main hacking project at home. So, in this conclusion I want to
> examine my progress, and compare the result with my initial goals.
> The original plan<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2007/06/19/introducing-the-sicp-reading-...>was:
> 1. Read the book
> 2. See all the video lectures by Sussman and Abelson themselves
> 3. Do most of the interesting exercises in the book
> 4. Do some of the larger projects listed
> here<http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/psets/index.html>and
> here<http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science...>
> Let's see how I've managed:
> 1. Done
> 2. Done
> 3. This is the point I'm most happy with. I've completed the vast
> majority of the exercises in SICP and posted them online. Of the 356
> exercises in the book, I've skipped about 20, so I've completed 94% of the
> exercises - which is far above my initial plans.
> 4. I didn't do this, but there's no need, having completed so many of the
> exercises. I feel I gained a completely solid understanding of the material,
> and won't gain much by doing the projects.
> Also, I originally planned to reimplement all the code do all the exercises
> in Common Lisp. Later I changed my mind and decided to use PLT Scheme for
> some of them. Eventually, I've been using both languages interchangeably,
> which is a good thing, as I got some practice with both.
> Here are some numerical statistics that emphasize the magnitude of this
> endeavor:
> 1. I've written 52 blog posts (not including this one) in the
> SICPcategory, spread over 10 months.
> 2. The combined total length of my posts (including code snippets) is
> 66,265 words. For comparison, Jack London's "Son of the Wolf" is 50K words
> long.
> 3. Some of the large projects from the book I've re-implemented in
> wholeness: a constraint propagation solver, an evaluator (interpreter) for
> Scheme, a generic object-oriented arithmetic package including complex and
> polynomial arithmetic, Huffman encoding, an interpreter for a logic
> programming language similar to Prolog (as a DSL on top of Lisp), a
> picture-language interpreter, a simulator for digital circuits, a symbolic
> differentiation package, a virtual machine for a simplified pseudo-assembly
> DSL, an interpreter for Scheme written in this pseudo-assembly, and
> finally, a compiler for Scheme that spits out pseudo-assembly code.
> 4. Counting with the
> cloc<http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=174787>tool
> (Count Lines Of Code), the total physical
> LOC count1 <http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2008/04/18/sicp-conclusion/#fn1>for
> the code I've written during this time: 7,300
> LOC of Common Lisp, 4,100 LOC of Scheme. If you prefer raw
> LOCs2<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2008/04/18/sicp-conclusion/#fn2>,
> it's 10,800 LOC of Common Lisp, 5,600 LOC of Scheme. So this is more than
> 10 KLOC of Lisp code, any way you look at it, which is a lot, since Lisp
> is a very expressive high-level functional language.
> --
> 刘未鹏(pongba)|C++的罗浮宫http://blog.csdn.net/pongba
> TopLanguagehttp://groups.google.com/group/pongba

Henry Read

Jul 11, 2008, 10:25:45 AM7/11/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com
Just do it.

2008/7/11 Sniper H.L. <littlesn...@gmail.com>:

hui liu

Jul 24, 2008, 7:32:56 AM7/24/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

2008/7/9 hayate <haya...@gmail.com>:

2008/7/9 pi1ot <pilot.cn@gmail.com>:

马桶时间最合适,我现在的杂志和纸版书都是在这个时间看,code complete要不是太厚不适于蹲踞阅读,也早该看过一遍了

On 7月9日, 下午6时13分, hayate <hayate...@gmail.com> wrote:
> sigh
> 现在好希望有整块整块的时间啊
> 2008/7/9 翁翊成 <weng...@gmail.com>:
> > Orz
> > 2008/7/9 Henry Read <henry...@gmail.com>:
> > 这牛人太专心了,是在不能及。
> >> 2008/7/9 pongba <pon...@gmail.com>:
> >> 从fanfou同学arrix_ <http://fanfou.com/arrix>那里看到的消息。
> >>> 此牛人于07年6月开始读SICP,到今年6月份,读完SICP并几乎做完了上面的所有练习。被reddit转载,再被一个认识SICP作者的人看到,然后SI-CP作者集体签名送了本SICP给他。
> >>> exercises in Common Lisp. Later I changed my mind and decided to use PLTScheme for some of them. Eventually, I've been using both languages

> >>> interchangeably, which is a good thing, as I got some practice with both.
> >>> Here are some numerical statistics that emphasize the magnitude of this
> >>> endeavor:
> >>>    1. I've written 52 blog posts (not including this one) in the SICPcategory, spread over 10 months.
> >>>    2. The combined total length of my posts (including code snippets) is
> >>>    66,265 words. For comparison, Jack London's "Son of the Wolf" is 50K words
> >>>    long.
> >>>    3. Some of the large projects from the book I've re-implemented in
> >>>    wholeness: a constraint propagation solver, an evaluator (interpreter) for
> >>>    Scheme, a generic object-oriented arithmetic package including complex and
> >>>    polynomial arithmetic, Huffman encoding, an interpreter for a logic
> >>>    programming language similar to Prolog (as a DSL on top of Lisp), a
> >>>    picture-language interpreter, a simulator for digital circuits, a symbolic
> >>>    differentiation package, a virtual machine for a simplified pseudo-assembly
> >>>    DSL, an interpreter for Scheme written in this pseudo-assembly, and
> >>>    finally, a compiler for Scheme that spits out pseudo-assembly code.
> >>>    4. Counting with the cloc<http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=174787>tool (Count Lines Of Code), the total physical
> >>>    LOC count1<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2008/04/18/sicp-conclusion/#fn1>for the code I've written during this time: 7,300
> >>>    LOC of Common Lisp, 4,100 LOC of Scheme. If you prefer raw LOCs2<http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2008/04/18/sicp-conclusion/#fn2>,
> >>>    it's 10,800 LOC of Common Lisp, 5,600 LOC of Scheme. So this is more
> >>>    than 10 KLOC of Lisp code, any way you look at it, which is a lot,
> >>>    since Lisp is a very expressive high-level functional language.
> >>> --


Jul 24, 2008, 7:42:06 AM7/24/08
to pon...@googlegroups.com

dbe86144-794916zdb-56as2792545 hui liu 于 07/24/2008 07:32 PM 写道:
> 呵呵。。。
> 2008/7/9 hayate <haya...@gmail.com <mailto:haya...@gmail.com>>:
> 马桶适合读杂志啊
> 没有大块时间的坏处,是每次续传的时候还要回退一下。
> 2008/7/9 pi1ot <pilot.cn <http://pilot.cn/>@gmail.com
> <http://gmail.com/>>:
> 马桶时间最合适,我现在的杂志和纸版书都是在这个时间看,code
> complete要不是太厚不适于蹲踞阅读,也早该看过一遍了
> 友情提醒各位注意便秘危险...
> On 7月9日, 下午6时13分, hayate <hayate...@gmail.com
> <mailto:hayate...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> > sigh
> > 现在好希望有整块整块的时间啊
> >
> > 2008/7/9 翁翊成 <weng...@gmail.com <mailto:weng...@gmail.com>>:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Orz
> >
> > > 2008/7/9 Henry Read <henry...@gmail.com
> <mailto:henry...@gmail.com>>:
> >
> > > 这牛人太专心了,是在不能及。
> >
> > >> 2008/7/9 pongba <pon...@gmail.com <mailto:pon...@gmail.com>>:
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