PLINK v1.90b7 64-bit (16 Jan 2023) (C) 2005-2023 Shaun Purcell, Christopher Chang GNU General Public License v3 Logging to data_TL_4_KD.log. Options in effect: --bfile twas_snp_chr1 --make-bed --merge-list TL_allfiles13chromosomes_imputedgenes.txt --out data_TL_4_KD 515522 MB RAM detected; reserving 257761 MB for main workspace. Warning: First fileset to be merged contains duplicate variant ID(s). Variants with matching IDs are all merged together; if this is not what you want (e.g. you have a bunch of novel variants, all with ID "."), assign distinct IDs to them (with e.g. --set-missing-var-ids) before rerunning this merge. Error: 1 variant with 3+ alleles present. * If you believe this is due to strand inconsistency, try --flip with data_TL_4_KD-merge.missnp. (Warning: if this seems to work, strand errors involving SNPs with A/T or C/G alleles probably remain in your data. If LD between nearby SNPs is high, --flip-scan should detect them.) * If you are dealing with genuine multiallelic variants, we recommend exporting that subset of the data to VCF (via e.g. '--recode vcf'), merging with another tool/script, and then importing the result; PLINK is not yet suited to handling them. See for more discussion.