Since 2007, we have been working on making Java web application
development easier. Play started as an internal project at Zenexity
and was heavily influenced by our way of doing Web projects: focusing
on developer productivity, respecting Web architecture, and using from
the start a fresh approach to packaging conventions - breaking where
it made sense the so-called JEE best practices.
In 2009, we decided to share these ideas with the community as an open
source project. The immediate feedback was extremely positive and the
project gained a lot of traction. Today - after two years of active
development - Play has several versions, an animated community of
3,000 people, with a growing number of applications running in
production all over the globe.
Opening a project to the world certainly means more feedback, but it
also means discovering and learning about new use cases, requiring
features and un-earthing bugs that we were not specifically considered
in the original design and assumptions. During the two years of work
on Play as an open source project we have worked to fix all of these
kind of issues, as well as to integrate new features to support a
wider range of scenarios. As the project has grown, we have learned a
lot from our community and from our own experience - using Play in
more and more complex and varied projects.
In the meantime, technology and the Web have continued to evolve. The
Web has become the central point of all applications. HTML, CSS and
Javascript technologies have evolved quickly - making it almost
impossible for a server side framework to follow. The whole Web
architecture is fast moving towards real-time, and the emerging
requirements of today's project profiles means SQL no longer works as
the exclusive datastore technology. At the programming languages level
we've witnessed some monumental changes with several JVM languages,
including Scala, gaining popularity.
That's why we think it's now time to move on, and to consider the next
major version of Play. Welcome Play 2.0!
Native support for Java and Scala
In Play 1.1, we started exploring the possibility of using the Scala
programming language for writing Play applications. We initially
introduced this work as an external module to be able to experiment
freely without impacting the framework itself.
Properly integrating Scala into a Java-based framework is not trivial.
Considering Scala’s compatibility with Java, one can quickly achieve a
first naive integration that simply uses Scala’s syntax instead of
Java’s. This, however, is certainly not the optimal way of using the
language. Scala is a mix of true object orientation with functional
programming. Leveraging the full power of Scala requires rethinking
most of the framework’s APIs. After several versions we now have a
clean Scala module that allows the use of most of Play's features from
Scala, in a Scala-ish manner.
Now, we are reaching the limits of what we can do with Scala support
as a separate module. Initial design choices we made in Play 1.x,
relying heavily on Java reflection API and byte code manipulation,
have made it harder to progress without completely rethinking some
essential parts of Play’s internals. Meanwhile, we have created
several awesome components for the Scala module, like the new
type-safe template engine and the brand new SQL access component
Anorm. So we have decided that, to fully unleash the power of Scala
with Play, we are moving Scala support from a separate module to the
core of Play 2.0, which will be designed from the beginning to
natively support Scala as a programming language.
Java, on the other hand, is certainly not getting any less support
from Play 2.0; quite the contrary. The Play 2.0 build provides us with
an opportunity to enhance the development experience for Java
developers. Backed by our experience throughout the project we have a
clear idea of what we need to achieve and what mistakes we have to
Powerful build system
From the beginning we have chosen a fresh way to run, compile and
deploy Play applications. At the time it may have looked like an
esoteric design - but it was crucial to providing an asynchronous HTTP
API instead of the standard Servlet API, short feedback cycles through
live compilation and reloading of source code during development, and
promoting a fresh packaging approach. Consequently, It was difficult
to make Play follow the standard JEE conventions.
Today, this idea of container-less deployment is more and more
accepted in the Java world. It's a design choice that has allowed the
Play framework to run natively on platforms like Heroku, which
introduced a model that we consider the future of Java applications
deployment on elastic PaaS platforms.
Existing Java build systems, however, were not flexible enough to
support this new approach. Since we wanted to provide straightforward
tools to run and deploy Play applications, in Play 1.x we created a
collection of Python scripts to handle all build and deployment
related tasks.
But developers using Play for more enterprise-scale projects, which
require build process customization and integration with their
existing company build systems, were a bit lost. The Python scripts we
provide with Play 1.x are in no way a fully featured build system and
are not easily customizable. That's why we've decided to go for a more
powerful build system for Play 2.0.
As we need a modern build tool, flexible enough to support Play
original conventions and able to build Java and Scala projects, we
have chosen to integrate SBT in Play 2.0. This, however, should not
scare existing Play users who are happy with the simplicity of Play
build. We are leveraging the same simple play new, run, start
experience on top of an extensible model: Play 2.0 will come with a
preconfigured build script that will just work for most users. On the
other hand, if you need to change the way your application is built,
deployed, etc., a Play project being a standard SBT project will hand
you all the power to customize and adapt it to your special needs.
This also mean better integration with Maven projects out of the box,
the ability to package and publish your project as a simple set of jar
files to any repository, and especially live compiling and reloading
at development time of any depended project even for standard Java or
Scala libraries projects.
Focused on type safety
One benefit of using Java as programming language for writing Play
applications is that the Java compiler can check certain parts of your
code. This is not only useful for detecting mistakes early in the
development process, but it also makes it a lot easier to work on
large projects with a lot developers involved.
Adding Scala to the mix for Play 2.0, we will clearly benefit from
even stronger compiler guarantees - but that’s not enough. In Play
1.x, the template system is dynamic, based on the Groovy language, and
the compiler can’t do much for you. As a result, errors in templates
can only be detected at runtime. The same goes for verification of
glue code with controllers.
We really want to push further this idea of having Play check most of
your code at compilation time in the 2.0 version. Accordingly, we have
decided to use the Scala based template engine as the default for Play
applications - even for developers using Java as the main programming
language. This doesn't mean that you have to become a Scala expert to
write templates in Play 2.0, just like you were not really required to
know Groovy to write templates in Play 1.x. Scala will be mainly used
to navigate your object graph in order to display relevant information
with a syntax that is very close to the Java one. However if you want
to unleash the power of Scala to write advanced templates
abstractions, you will quickly discover how Scala, being expression
oriented and functional, is a perfect fit for a template engine.
And that's not only true for the template engine: the routing system
will also be fully type-checked. Play 2.0 will check all your routes'
descriptions, and verify that the everything is coherent, including
the reverse routing part.
As a nice side effect, being fully compiled, the templates and route
files will be easier to package and reuse and you can expect high
performance gain on these parts at runtime.
Built for asynchronism
Today's web applications are integrating more concurrent realtime
data, so web frameworks need to support a full asynchronous HTTP
programming model. Play 1.x was initially designed to handle classic
Web applications with many short lived requests. But now, the event
model is the way to go for persistent connections - though comet,
long-polling and WebSockets.
Play 1.2 already provides great asynchronous HTTP support and
WebScokets using continuations. Play 2.0 will be architected from the
start under the assumption that every request is potentially long
living. We want, for instance, to generalize Controller and
WebsocketController concepts into one single simple model that fits
all needs.
But that’s not all: we also need a powerful way to schedule and run
long running tasks. Although the original Play 1.0 Jobs model was
introduced for this, we really need something more powerful and
robust. The Actor based model is unquestionably the best model today
to handle highly concurrent systems, and the best implementation of
that model available for both Java and Scala is Akka - so it's going
in. We will be introducing native Akka support for Play applications,
making it possible to write highly distributed systems.
Datastore and Model integration
Datastore is no longer synonymous with "SQL database", and it probably
never was. A lot of interesting models of datastores are becoming
popular, providing different properties for different scenarios. For
this reason it has become difficult for a Web framework like Play to
make bold assumptions regarding the kind of datastore that will be
used by developers. A generic play.db.Model concept in Play no longer
makes sense, since it is almost impossible to abstract over all these
kinds of technology with a single API.
We want to make it really easy in Play 2.0 to use any datastore
driver, ORM, or any another database access library without any
special integration with the Web framework. We simply want to offer a
minimal set of helpers to handle common technical issues, like
managing the connection bounds. We also want, however, to maintain the
full-stack aspect of Play framework by bundling default tools to
access classical databases for users that don't have specialized
Today, the preferred way for a Play Java application to access an SQL
database is the Play Model library that is powered by Hibernate. But
since it's annoying in a stateless Web framework like Play to manage
stateful entities such as the ones defined in the official JPA
specification, we have provided a special flavor of JPA keeping things
as stateless as possible. This forced us to hack Hibernate in a way
that is probably not sustainable in the long term. To address this, we
plan to move to an existing implementation of stateless JPA called
EBean. If you don't care too much about what is used under the hood
then it will change almost nothing for you, but if you really want to
use Hibernate or even another official JPA implementation you will be
able to do it without any special integration with Play. And if you
are using Scala we will continue to bundle Anorm.
Changes for current Play users
Play 2.0 will be a major release so it is unlikely that it will be
compatible at the API level with previous versions. Of course at the
architecture level you will find the same set of components, organized
in the same way, and most importantly, you will live the same 'Play
What about my existing Play applications? How difficult will it be to migrate?
Don't worry, we don't expect you to migrate your existing applications
to Play 2.0. The Play 1.x versions will continue to be maintained and
you don't need to move to Play 2.0. We ourselves have many Play 1.x
web applications running and we will of course continue to support
Remember: Play 1.2.3 is still the best way to write Web applications
in Java while Play 2.0 is still under development, and will continue
to be maintained and developed by the core team and contributors. Play
2.0 is an opportunity to move to for your next project, or the next
major rewrite of your application.
Getting started
Play 2.0 is still under heavy development and APIs are likely to
change, but you can already have a look to our preview versions. We
have set up a new GitHub repository to host the development, and we
have released a first preview version.
On the dedicated page at, you can
track progress on this exiting project.
Have fun!
Guillaume Bort,
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Most part of the core (HTTP and asynchronous invocation handling) will
be written in Scala, because it is really easier and more robust
(avoiding mutable states in this part will just make it easier to
debug and maintain).
But all the Java related API will be written in Java. Because we want
to provide an idiomatic API for Java and not force Java developers to
deal with Scala types. Also we want to have a clean Javadoc for the
Java API.
> 2. CRUD based at the moment bold on JPA. Will there be a CRUD-Module
> in the future?
I don't think so, or perhaps as an external module for particular ORM.
But trying to provide an unified CRUD module for all persistence
engines we can imagine is way too difficult. Anyway I think that the
current CRUD module is not flexible enough. It mainly solve the need
of writing a lot of repetitive screens, but It think it can be solved
with a better form/paginated list, tag components instead. But nothing
is decided yet.
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Guillaume Bort,
It exactly what we count on. That's why, even if we provide a default
ORM for Java to keep the fullstack aspect of Play, allowing users to
create quickly web applications, we won't integrate it too much with
the other parts of the framework. It is really important for us that
we can use whatever persistence engine you want with Play 2.0, without
need to hack it.
Please track the progress, and if you think that we make choice that
could limit integration with other persistence engine, in particular
Siena, tell us!
> Moreover, when you foresee to integrate EBean, please also think about otherIt exactly what we count on. That's why, even if we provide a default
> frameworks (mine is siena as you may know) which will need to be integrated
> and do not wire everything too much tightly. In an ideal world, I would like
> to be able to remove completely EBean if I don't want it and replace it by
> Siena!
ORM for Java to keep the fullstack aspect of Play, allowing users to
create quickly web applications, we won't integrate it too much with
the other parts of the framework. It is really important for us that
we can use whatever persistence engine you want with Play 2.0, without
need to hack it.
Please track the progress, and if you think that we make choice that
could limit integration with other persistence engine, in particular
Siena, tell us!
We prefer to merge efforts to provide a single perfect framework that
will support Scala and Java independently.
If you are using the Scala module currently, the migration path to
Play 2.0 will be easy. The most important change that will make
migration to Play 2.0 difficult is the new type safe template engine.
But if you are already using it it will be easy.
> One question - will play-scala 1.x eventually move to Scala 2.9.1? I hope
> that feature isn't planned for the 2.0 version only.
Problem is that Scala 2.9.0 breaks the Java reflection API (they done
it for good reasons however). So migrating the Scala module to 2.9.x
breaks almost everywhere it uses Java reflection API(binding,
fixtures, etc.). It's almost impossible to migrate without rewriting
these parts.
I see anorm hasn't bean ported yet... btw, I take it you meant ebean
for java, anorm still preferred for scala?
On 8 September 2011 00:02, Rakesh Waghela <> wrote:
> Windows is not supported yet ?
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It is what will be provided out of the box in the fullstack approach.
But nothing will prevent you to use anything else, either Java or
Scala based.
We don't want to reinvent the wheel. The whole approach and syntax is
borrowed from Razor template engine. And signature declaration
are just plain Scala declaration.
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Guillaume Bort,
What's matter for us is to continue to support and maintain the
previous versions that are already running so many applications. And
we will do it. As you know, when we had the security alert lately, we
fixed all versions, including the 1.0.3.x. And we will continue to do
it, even after the 2.0 release. We have also a lot of applications
running on Play 1.x and we will surely not rewrite them all, or
abandon them.
If you have already several applications running on Play for
your customers, it's fine, there is no need to migrate them. Just
consider 2.0 for you next project, or if it's worse it for a
particular application.
On the other hand, I'm sure than once the 2.0 version will be ready,
the community will help to port the current Groovy template engine or
JPA based Model API as Play 2.0 modules to ease migration of old
projects. It should be fairly easy, just for now we want to focus on
developing the core of the next major version.
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Guillaume Bort,
No need annotation for that. It will clearly be different API, so if
you use a statically compiled template it will just be a standard
method call, but if you want to evaluate a Groovy template (if a port
if available in 2.0) you will just have to call render()
Probably, nothing is final yet. But in 2.0 we will not block users to
use another namespace for controllers anyway.
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Guillaume Bort,
> Couldn't the controllers always be imported by default; so that thisProbably, nothing is final yet. But in 2.0 we will not block users to
> piece of boilerplate isn't needed at the beginning of every view.
use another namespace for controllers anyway.
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That's why we think it's now time to move on, and to consider the next major version of Play. Welcome Play 2.0!
-- Sylvain Wallez -
We are using Akka internally for requests dispatching, and performance
are awesome. You can test the sample application.
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The newer Rails stacks are less useful when it comes to getting a new app up and running. I would like to caution all the Play maintainers against too much modularity. If the seams show a lot then the barrier to entry rises and a main benefit (and appeal) of the framework is lost.
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There has been some mention of reinventing the wheel and when I
started using the Scala plugin one thing lit up a warning sign for me
and that was Anorm.
I'm using Squeryl on my current project and I like it a lot. I looked
at Scala-Query and my Scala chops were just not up to it (barely are
with Squeryl). There are about 3 other database integration packages
for Scala now. So I was wondering, why Anorm? Is it really just an
in-house project?
I could see the same argument being made for the templating engine,
but that is much more tightly integrated with the rest of the project.
Anyway, in general sounds good..
Oh one other question.. you mention having good Java idiomatic APIs,
will there be Scala idiomatic API's as well? Seems like a lot of work
to maintain them both and keep them in sync. Currently the Scala
plugin is lagging and it has a very partial API retool.
def list(page:Int, sort:String) = { val p = if(page > 0) page else 1 Secured(p != 42) { Cached(p, sort) { Action { println("Listing page " + p + " using " + sort) Html(views.html.list(p, sort).toString) } } }
public class JavaApplication extends Controller { @Cached public static Result index() { System.out.println("REQUEST -> " + request()); String url = routes.JavaApplication().hello(5, "World").url(); return Html(javaIndex.apply(url)); }
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> --
> Guillaume Bort,
Nothing is decided yet, but we will surely not backport important
changes like the new build system, scala support or the type safe
routing and template engine to the 1.x serie.
However it is likely than we will try to port the existing Groovy
template or the Hibernate based Model engine to the 2.x serie (after
the 2.0 release) to ease the migration. But not as standard default
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Guillaume Bort,
If play!2 is easy and productivity enough, It may could interest developer who don't know scala or even java.
As the rails which bring new developer into Ruby world.
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#2 is a different story and one which I think the Play developers should consider very carefully. Developer productivity and ease of use are crucial values that should not be sacrificed. It is natural for project members to grow more sophisticated as their engagements expose them to more large and complex projects (I'm looking at you Spring Framework). But, ultimately, it is the 5 or 10 minute video demo that sells the framework to the masses.As long as developers are able to easily download the framework, create a new project with a single command and create a database-driven website with just a handful of files and easy-to-understand syntax, all with fast modify-deploy cycles then we should be OK.If we start seeing things like handle(_, _, _, _, _) as common method signatures then I think we'll be in trouble :)
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On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 17:46, homerdoe <> wrote:
> What attracted me for Play was the folowing things:
> 1-Speed of reloading(Python scripts)
> 2-Java
> 3-JPA
1. The speed of reloading is not linked to the use of python. We used
Python because we didn't want to launch a JVM for each command; this
issue is fixed with the use of the sbt console: you can open a
console, run several commands and it will be in the same. Reloading of
Java code will NOT be slower. Compiling Scala code is slower than Java
code, but if you choose to code in Java it won't be a problem
2. Java will not be a second citizen. We understand nobody likes
Scala, and Java has its own advantages. Both languages will be equally
supported. What language is used to write the core doesn't matter,
it's just an implementation detail.
3. While Hibernate will not be included, we will include Ebean
( which has an API very close to JPA: it uses a
lot of annotations from the javax.persistence.* namespace. It's
actually more in the spirit of Play because it natively support the
explicit save. In Play 1.0, we had to patch Hibernate to get this
behavior. Of course, if you really want to use Hibernate, nothing will
prevent you from importing it to your project.
> Although i like Scala, i just cannot understand how can someone make
> some big business apps without a proper IDE for it.
It's a matter of taste, but if you're an IDE guy you should check out
Typesafe's Scala plugin for Eclipse:
They're throwing a lot of ressources to the project, it's already
pretty good and we can expect it to get better in the future.
> Im sorry guys but play may be gone for me, just hope you reconsider
> those decisions.
You're free to use whatever framework you like, but I'm confident Play
2.0 will appeal to the same Java developers who liked Play 1, and not
just people interested in Scala.
Erwan Loisant
2. Java will not be a second citizen. We understand nobody likes
Scala, and Java has its own advantages. Both languages will be equally
supported. What language is used to write the core doesn't matter,
it's just an implementation detail.
That's one of the reasons for which we wanted to announce with a preview: To reassure users regarding our intentions. Download the preview and simply use the plain old "play new"
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I happen to love Scala but where I work it's hard to introduce a new language; I am waiting to make my pitch for a Scala app when 2.0 becomes an official release. In the meantime I have been diligently trying to port some Java apps over to Scala because I find it to be extremely powerful and showing people a working app is the best marketing tool. Despite the Scala resistance in my organization, the good news is that even though most engineers are not ready to switch to Scala, at least they are using the Play! Framework which is a pleasure to work in. So, it is definitely important to keep the Java support baked in for the old school peeps. Great job to all the devs that make Play! a reality!
Thanks for all the hard work, Playboys. You've made an amazing
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> Play has
> become big, because it is essentially Django/Rails for the Java world.
Exactly why we got into Play (along with the simplicity of the python
commands and the fact that we do not need to use an IDE to develop the
java projects we seem to inherit constantly).
My personal opinion is try to make 1.2.2/3 even simpler for non Java
developers to use and more Django/Rails like rather than move to
another programming language and build system. What advantages exactly
does this increased complexity bring to Play?
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Obviously I personally like where this is going, however even if you
have doubts, I suggest looking at the sample app (yes this is a java
), and then just wait awhile and see where it goes.
(2) I love Scala, but Scala library developers tend towards the
readability-destructive habit of creating punctuation-based DSLs for
each of their libraries. Not every library needs a DSL, and not every
DSL needs to use punctuation. If you ever consider putting operators
like '**', '<#', '<<?', '>>?', etc into the code base _please_
If will not change in Play 2.0. You will use the same
new,run,start,test commands to manage your application. The fact that
we use SBT under the hood instead of python scripts will not change
anything on the final UI.
And like in Play 1.x you will be able to work without IDE. Play will
just recompile and reload any change when you hit reload.
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Guillaume Bort,
Really no one can say that a Java developer will be lost reading or
writing this stuff.
Guillaume Bort,
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> Just to clarify here, Anorm did NOT invent a syntax, a DSL or operators. It implements standard Scala Parsers Combinators
Granted, and I understand your rationale: "The Parser Combinator
library is a scala standard lib, therefore all Scala developers will/
should be familiar with its syntax." But I hope the continued
controversy around Anorm's syntax has communicated to you that this
assumption may not be sound or reasonable.
To reiterate and bring this back to the topic, I love the move to
Scala but would hate to see more Play! APIs seduced into employing
punctuation operators and thereby murdering readability.
punctuation operators and thereby murdering readability.
>> I wouldn't call it "murdering readability" anyway.
> Apologies! Looking back on it, that wording was chosen out of
> frustration and way too harsh.
> I also do not wish to deride what you've done with Anorm, because
> after doing the homework I described in my previous post I can
> definitely appreciate the library's versatility.
No problem.
> Point is that change is both awesome and scary, and I'd love to see
> Play! come out of this great change as the undisputed king of JVM web
> frameworks, if it isn't there already =)
Perfect )
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Guillaume Bort,
I personally use play-scala. I don't really care if the core is in
java or scala, it makes no difference to me as an end user. But I
imagine scala makes it easier to write the core of play.
At the end of the day I love play 1.x (even when I use it with java),
and I trust the Zenexity guys will continue on in play 2.x what makes
play 1.x so great to use.
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2011/9/30 冉兵 <>:
Nicolas Leroux
Well I am in a bit similar position. I have deployed many Play apps.
But yeeh only 2 just serious (eshop + CRM) ones. Anyway I have
initializated a move from Play to a Python land.
Reasons are 3:
1. Python is more lightweight - memory + lines of code + for unix
admin system tasks it is totally superior - so it better suits my
needs for very small projects.
2. Play is shifting to version 2 which is going to be a total rewrite.
3. I am not willing to learn Scala (atleast not till it reaches Next
Big Language tag)
Piero concerns would be also my concerns if I would be in a position
of starting a new project with another java programmers I would be ...
well ... a bit lost.
I see that Scala is nice language but for me it has a horrible
unreadable syntax (Perl like) + in my opinion it's so powereful that
it's overcomplicated.
But Anyway these are just my needs so I believe that many other guys
will be very happy about this Scala shift ... so do not take my words
so seriously. Different people have different tastes.
Thanks for your very nice and hard work on Play!
> --
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As a module maintainer I find the python system hard to work with. I
have do deal with all args twice because I have to pass them into a
java class. Also If you write your own modules, you can't keep them in
a private maven repository because deps management doesn't support
basic auth. I'm not saying SBT automatically makes things better, but
it potentially frees up time that the devs have to spend maintaining
the python build system.
I guess we just need to wait and see how it is. Play 1.x could be
forked by somebody if really needed. But I have faith :)
There is no reason thinking that Java will become a 2nd class citizen
(unless of course FUD).
Typically we are currently working faster on the Java API than on the
Scala one. Here is for example a typical CRUD controller in Play 2.0
written in Java and using Ebean models:
Guillaume Bort,
On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Guillaume Bort
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> There is no reason thinking that Java will become a 2nd class citizen
> (unless of course FUD).
> Typically we are currently working faster on the Java API than on the
> Scala one. Here is for example a typical CRUD controller in Play 2.0
> written in Java and using Ebean models:
I'm not Martin Oderski but I can see that template editForm.scala.html
wont compile because of :
@helper.html.form(action = routes.Tasks.dekete(id)) {
Otherwise - good job! I like it.
Why that?
On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Guillaume Bort
Of course it catch it. My fault I hacked the code directly into the
Gist interface.
On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Martin Grigorov
Well, basically writing the core in scala just make it easier and more robust.
For example here is a small Scala code snippet from the DB plugin that
read the configuration file to init every found data source, and the
way we would have to write it in Java:
Not only the Java version is longer and more tedious to write, but it
is also way more error prone, all the null cases must be properly
handled by the developer and are not checked at all by the compiler.
Also we need to manage synchronized block explicitly (and Java purists
will probably notice that the synchronization stuff is not perfect and
can lead to duplicate datasource connection problems in some race
conditions). And the resulting API is error prone as well, since
everywhere else in the code you have to remember to use getDbs()
instead of direct access to dbs, even if it would just properly
compile and fail under some conditions. The result is far from perfect
as well because all this stuff stay completely mutable and some
external code (for example a plugin) would be able to modify the
internal state of the DBPlugin leading to strange errors difficult to
Basically Scala allow us to write less code, more robust since it is
completely checked by the compiler and completely null free, and fully
thread safe (that is the most important in an async web framework).
This is just a small example. There are some parts like parsing and
compiling routes,configuration and template file is a nightmare to do
in Java (using home made parser and regex stuff). Typically Play 2.0
is currently very good at reporting errors as everything is properly
parser into a valid AST making it possible to properly report errors.
And of course all the internal async handling is way easier to write
in Scala using the Actors paradigm.
But all Java specific API like the Ebean plugin, the Java databinding,
etc. are still written in Java.
Even if we had written the code async stuff, or the parsers/compilers
in Java, knowing the Java language would not be enough to be able to
understand it. You would have to understand very low level async or
parsing Java code, way more complicated to undersand than simpler high
level code written in Scala.
So yes it is possible to handle proper synchronization in Java but you
have to remember all these patterns and their issues. It is way
simpler to let a compiler manage it properly using the Scala natively
supported singleton objects and lazy val.
2011/9/30 Ivan San José García <>:
Of course you can but why bother with that if higher level concepts
like singleton objects and lazy val manage it properly for you?
It is the same kind of arguments you can apply to Java. You can choose
to write a program in Java instead of C because you don't have to
bother with pointer management and use an higher concept of reference
and garbage collection instead. Of course a C developer could argue
that if you manage your pointers properly it is not an issue, but you
have to admit that it is just simpler and more robust to let a
compiler manage this aspect.
> Huh? There will only be nulls in your Maps if you put nulls in your
> Maps. Java doesn't just magically throw nulls into your data
> structures willy-nilly.
Yes but you have to deal with null anyway in Java. Look at the sample
Java code, there many places where I can't avoid them, and have them
to manage them properly.
> We'll just have to agree to disagree here, and I recognize that
> without Scala knowledge, I can't be on even footing. Literally
> thousands of projects use Java to parse thousands of data formats
> without apparent trouble. JSoup uses Java to parse HTML, which is
> known to be a real PITA. I've done templating in Java and not felt it
> was particularly difficult or awkward. And of course, that template
> parsing is encapsulated in a class so code using it doesn't have to
> worry about the details.
Again I don't say that it is not possible to write a parser or a
compiler in Java. It's just more complicated because you have to
handle lower level code, instead of focusing on declaring your
> How or why? Java is very good for writing asynchronous stuff.
Because again managing synchronization between thread sharing some
memory state, is lower level and more error prone than using the Actor
model (Shared Nothing, based on Message Passing).
Not exactly since you don't have any immutable Java structure in Java.
For example declaring a:
final Map<String,String> internalData;
will avoid to assign a new reference to internalData but will never
avoid to change the internal state of the Map.
> You can also create immutable java objects using final.Not exactly since you don't have any immutable Java structure in Java.
For example declaring a:
final Map<String,String> internalData;
will avoid to assign a new reference to internalData but will never
avoid to change the internal state of the Map.
The j.u. collections are mutable but there are third party libraries
which provide immutable collections
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I wont argue here :-)
I can say that if I need to update the Nth element in my mutable list
it will much faster than any technic you know (including functional
persistent data structures) with an immutable list. But I see your
point. You can always fallback to mutable ArrayBuffer if the use case
requires it.
-- T.J.
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-- T.J.
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I’m not sure of that. I think the Play 2 Java API will be even nicer
than the Play 1 Java API. Just jook at the gists posted by Guillaume
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Now I've read somewhere about Play1.0 maintenance for at least 8
months.. this is not nearly enough for a project that is just started.
Even if maintenance is given for a longer period, it does not make
sense to use a framework that will not evolve.
Switching to 2.0 afterwards seems to be complicated as there is no
compatibility. Not in the templates, not in the controllers and not in
the model. Knowing a rewrite will be needed does not make us very
eager to bet on this horse. Using 2.0 from the beginning is not
possible because its not ready. Also there is the scala thing that
scares us, like explained earlier.
I guess there are other people with this problem as well. As it stands
now, there is no way to start or continue a new project with Play. At
least not if you need to explain that decision.
This probably won't be an issue if your using Java, since it won't be
invoking the scala compiler. if you are using scala templates it could
be an issue, although the compiling issues that ive seen seem to focus
around the stack which is only a very small bit of memory anyway (<
1M). The only other time this will be an issue is if you compile the
core itself, which you probably wont be doing a lot.
Personally I've been using and compiling scala for a year now. I have
never had an issue with memory until I managed to find a bug/feature
of the scala templates. This should be fixed when/if the grammar is re
done for the templates.
As for memory leaks, in general I would say its about the same as
Java. If you don't destroy the reference from stack to heap, it
persists and you potentially have a "leak". If anything I think an FP
style of coding probably limits this more than OO since you have more
"function" scoped data. (I could be wrong on FP vs OO memory usage, I
haven't really thought about it until today).
Btw I totally agree about docs and tests. Java/scala docs on "hard to
understand if you dont know scala" functions could go a long way to
helping people grep the code. I still scratch my head over some of the
parser combinator api and scala type system.
> On 1 Okt., 16:48, Miuler <> wrote:
>> +1 SCALA
>> For my scala is one of the main reasons why playframework appeared on my
>> list.
>> Scala playframework echo to appear on the map.
I am one of those developers who never post on this mailing list (except
to push the developers to fix a certain bug, but my pull request has
been ignored so far). In any case, I would like to add my weight towards
the voices of dissent over the direction and handling of Play 2.0.
I have no new arguments from what has already stated, but to state my
1. The is no backwards compatibility for running Play 1.x projects,
preventing us from migrating to Play 2.0. Among the points I am making,
this is the most important one.
2. Supporting Play 1.x for only "at least 8 months more" doesn't
reassure me at all. Our projects, including the necessary support, are
typically measured in years.
3. The Play 2.0 announcement signals that no major improvements will
come to Play 1.x, and that Play 1.x will be retired some point in the
near future.
4. Being relatively new, Play lacks documentation either with the Play
website/application or elsewhere on the Internet. The Javadocs looks
woefully incomplete in certain areas. This forces people to look into
the source code. Converting to Scala strongly dilutes this ability to
understand the source code for most of the developers out there.
5. Point 4 above also implies that modifying Play to our own
requirements becomes more difficult.
The announcement of Play 2.0 makes me think that it was a mistake for us
to investigate and start projects in Play at the first place. If this is
what you are going to do in Play 2.0, do you think I will have the
confidence that if I develop using Play 2.0, then I can continue my
project when Play 3.0 comes out? It is sad because Play 1.x had so much
potential, and I would like to see it evolving into a more mature
platform with the large number of small wrinkles smoothed out. I hope I
am proven wrong, but so far I am unconvinced.
Yee Fan
return ok(editForm.render(id, form(Task.find.byId(id))));
This looks like LISP! Personally I can deal with this kind of
programming because I use LambdaJ and I like vaguely fluent
interfaces, but this isn't always popular in the Java community. The
old format would presumably be:
Task task = Task.findById(id);
What do I want to find? A task. How do I want to find it? By id. What
do I want to do with it? Render it. This is a lot more straightforward
than talking about an editForm (what is that?) and forcing an ok()
wrapper around 99.99% of return statements.
Don't you think that this "slow" and conservative progressing is one
of the key factors of Java's success? Really, its not that "hip and
cool" like other newcomers on the JVM - BUT it worked for the last 15
years without breaking backward compatibility. Together with plain C
it is the most used programming language, far ahead of any others
(TIOBE). It has evolved into something that is easily useable for
nearly every kind of project, _and_ it is quite comfortable nowadays.
But this whole discussion about Scala pros and Java cons has nothing
to do with the concerns stated in this thread. These are non technical
and should not be alleviated by FUD about how worth Java is or is not.
> I'm sad to see that JavaDon't you think that this "slow" and conservative progressing is one
> is now an aging language stuck in a state where every move is like so slow
> that it's not even worth anymore. Hopefully the VM is still alive.
of the key factors of Java's success? Really, its not that "hip and
cool" like other newcomers on the JVM - BUT it worked for the last 15
years without breaking backward compatibility. Together with plain C
it is the most used programming language, far ahead of any others
(TIOBE). It has evolved into something that is easily useable for
nearly every kind of project, _and_ it is quite comfortable nowadays.
But this whole discussion about Scala pros and Java cons has nothing
to do with the concerns stated in this thread. These are non technical
and should not be alleviated by FUD about how worth Java is or is not.
To write something you write in 2 lines in Python, you need 10lines in Java.
On Monday, October 3, 2011 6:30:17 AM UTC-4, Pascal wrote:To write something you write in 2 lines in Python, you need 10lines in Java.I don't want to enter this discussion again, but I'll only say that this resumes how I see Scala : "you need 2 lines instead of 10 in Java". And this is exactly one of the reason why I'm not attracted by Scala! I prefere readable and easy to understand code over compact and powerful one. I've seen some Perl code been able to do some very complex tasks in very few characters. And it was very hard to understand!
I would never, ever, use a line like "return ok(editForm.render(id, form(Task.find.byId(id)))); " (if this is a real example from upcoming Play 2.0).
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For some, it is an advantage. Bigger projects need time to develop -
and its not good if everything changes too often.
> Due to new technologies around web/mobile/distributed/..., Java doesn't fit
> anymore very well sometimes (for web particularly, it's really overkill
> outside Play). To write something you write in 2 lines in Python, you need
> 10lines in Java.
Depends... take your examples:
for action based frameworks, more low level - in one word rails style
of developing there is nothing in java except Play! Stripes has some
good concepts, but seems not to be get much love lately.
But if it comes to component based frameworks which are used by more
and more companies there is not much missing.
Seaside! would be my favorite framework, but Smalltalk is nothing I
can introduce without heavy contrary wind. In Java you can choose
between Wicket, Tapestry and Seam/JSF2 (as well as some more). All of
them are excellent frameworks to use. But right, we are in the
enterprise domain here. It doesnt make sense to use component based
frameworks to build small to medium sized portals. But its not like
Java has not its place in web development as well.
we have two big players in this space. iOS and Android. One of them
uses Java the language (not the JVM), and it is not beside the point
to say that its one of the reasons google was able to build such a
great ecosystem that fast. So it seems as Java is suited really well.
not sure what you mean exactly, but looking at Hadoop, ZooKeeper at
the one side and cloud offerings like google's appengine and amazons
stack my feeling is that Java is not inoperative in this space as
> Groovy is the best example of it... It looks like Java (yet being dynamic)
> but it brings syntactic sugar and new concepts that are so practical that I
> don't understand why they didn't appear in Java sooner. I don't ask Java to
> be hype but Collections in Java is just a pain for ex, why don't we have
> Mixin in Java???...
Groovy is great, but I would never want to write backend logic in it.
This needs to be statically typed - we can leverage the power of
groovy very easy inside of Java code (BSF) - thats the best of two
worlds where it is needed.
About mixins, I dont think this is something that needs to get into
the language itself.
> Moreover, when you compare Java to C# for ex, you begin to think that Java
> hasn't been evolving for a few years now and it's a pity IMO (which is very
> subjective).
> So yes Java is something widespread that is usable by everyone and it will
> remain the most used languages for years but it's not a reason NOT to make
> it evolve (without breaking backward compatibliity naturally).
But it does evolve - java 7 is a compromise, and we all know why. But
it brings many neat little things. Java 8 is suspected to bring the
bigger things like lamdba expressions (closures) and jigsaw. So I
really dont see it the way you do.
> Hopefully for Java, there is a very good VM on which we can run other
> languages now and there are so great libraries in Java that it's the best
> platform to build professional apps and that's why Play is great compared to
> Django or Rails.
Full Ack. But we need to consider that Rails and Django can run on the
JVM as well with.
> IMO, the real interesting part of Java is now the VM and the language is
> just one among others. But give a try to Scala just to see its concepts, if
> you like developing, you should find it really refreshing and you should see
> your lines of code quite different in a few weeks ;)
Yeah, maybe. I've looked at it some time ago and it did not attract me
too much, but maybe its time to have another look. Clojure looks
interesting for learning new concepts as well. But if it comes down to
web development, JRuby on Rails is a far better option than learning
Scala. As mentioned before there is no chance we can use a Scala web
framework for our projects. If we decide to train people into a new
language for web development, it will most likely be JRuby as it is
acceppted by more people.
> Anyway long life to Java as a platform ;)
Nice example!
It is plain simple: if 'maybeId' is not null then update the entry,
otherwise the entry is new so save it.
But this example shows that the application developer should know some
Scala to be able to use the new more powerful templates.
views in scala makes me feel either im alien or the view !
Not exactly. I've written it using Option here, but it could be
written this way:
@helper.html.form( if(maybeId == null) else
Also the complexity of this line comes from the fact that both create
and edit templates are merged into a single template that handle both
actions. Actually in the previous post I've posted a simpler example
using separate templates.
Being able to properly use a single template to handle both edit and
create is an advanced use case (almost impossible to achieve it
properly in Play 1.x). As beginner you will probably use more
straightforward code like in
Guillaume Bort,
"Learn Scala to use Scala templates, otherwise use any other templating system."But do we have any option in 2.0 ? :(
2. Supporting Play 1.x for only "at least 8 months more"
Nicolas Leroux stated this earlier in this thread (email from 30. Sep):
"Play 1.x will still be actively maintained for at least the next 8 months."
- play 2.0 will support both java AND scala at the same level (none of
them will be second class);
- play 2.0 is written both in scala and java, especially to provide
nice APIs in both languages. Yet it's true that most parts of the core
will be written in scala for convienence and efficiency;
- play 1.x.y WILL be maintained. There is a strong community here,
many apps in production, so don't worry.
The goal is the same as the first version's: to provide a fun and a
very productive java framework. And Play 2 adds an other focus: a
better reliability and maintainabilty (thanks to static typing
everywhere it is possible).
Please keep in mind that Play 2.0 is currently under heavy
development. It's not even an alpha so many things (including APIs)
may change before the official release. It's too soon to worry about
moving from Play 1.x.y.
Stephane Godbillon
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The bottom line is that you can safely start your project with Play 1.2 right now, since the current version of Play is still the best web development platform out there, and because support for Play 1.x is not going to disappear any time soon.
Play 1.x
We will continue to contribute to Play 1.x development for at least six months after Play 2.0 is released. We expect this to include:
• enhancements
• bug fixes
• documentation.
As contributors to the open-source project, we believe this is important to ensure continuity until Play 2 is established and Play 1.x users are able to migrate.
Lunatech Research currently provides consultancy and support for Play 1.x and will continue to do so for up to 5 years. Lunatech is in the same position as many Play users: we are involved with ongoing development and support for several customer projects that use Play 1.x. We are committed to maintaining the applications we develop for our customers, in some cases for more than ten years so far.
Play 2.x
Play 2.x development is ongoing. We want it to be as easy as possible to migrate Play 1.x to Play 2.0, not just for our own projects, so we plan to work on a migration path.
Lunatech will continue to use its Play expertise to support commercial projects. In particular, we will offer assistance with migrating to Play 2.0 as well as long-term commercial support for Play 2.x.
Java vs Scala
Please note that none of the above is about Java vs Scala. Play will not force you to choose between the two; Play is more interested in simpler and more productive web development. After all, Play is for ‘web developers’, not Java (or Scala) developers.
Meanwhile, most of our customers will continue to use Java exclusively, and we also be using Play 2 with Scala.
Nicolas Leroux & Peter Hilton
Play framework committers
Lunatech Research
PS: when I said "at least 8 months", I was talking about enhancements of course.
Yee Fan
On 10/4/2011 6:35 PM, Nicolas Leroux wrote:
> Following the discussion around the Play 2.0 announcement, we would like to clarify our position on development and support of both Play 1.x and Play 2.x. This refers to two things: our work on the open-source project in our roles as committers, and the commercial support that we provide as part of Lunatech Research.
> The bottom line is that you can safely start your project with Play 1.2 right now, since the current version of Play is still the best web development platform out there, and because support for Play 1.x is not going to disappear any time soon.
> Play 1.x
> We will continue to contribute to Play 1.x development for at least six months after Play 2.0 is released. We expect this to include:
> � enhancements
> � bug fixes
> � documentation.
> As contributors to the open-source project, we believe this is important to ensure continuity until Play 2 is established and Play 1.x users are able to migrate.
> Lunatech Research currently provides consultancy and support for Play 1.x and will continue to do so for up to 5 years. Lunatech is in the same position as many Play users: we are involved with ongoing development and support for several customer projects that use Play 1.x. We are committed to maintaining the applications we develop for our customers, in some cases for more than ten years so far.
> Play 2.x
> Play 2.x development is ongoing. We want it to be as easy as possible to migrate Play 1.x to Play 2.0, not just for our own projects, so we plan to work on a migration path.
> Lunatech will continue to use its Play expertise to support commercial projects. In particular, we will offer assistance with migrating to Play 2.0 as well as long-term commercial support for Play 2.x.
> Java vs Scala
> Please note that none of the above is about Java vs Scala. Play will not force you to choose between the two; Play is more interested in simpler and more productive web development. After all, Play is for �web developers�, not Java (or Scala) developers.
> Meanwhile, most of our customers will continue to use Java exclusively, and we also be using Play 2 with Scala.
> Nicolas Leroux& Peter Hilton
In my readings I have found that it can be
difficult to call certain Scala contructs/classes from Java
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I think that if play2.0 is good in java, people will try the scala version when they are ready! It's exactly how I came to scala and now I really think that writing my backend core in scala is certainly more efficient than doing it in java! But I can go on providing java for interfaces in this way.
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