#! perl # Copyright (C) 2006, The Perl Foundation. # $Id: 01-ops2pmutils.t 16894 2007-02-04 22:54:29Z jkeenan $ # 01-ops2pmutils.t use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { use FindBin qw($Bin); use Cwd qw(cwd realpath); realpath($Bin) =~ m{^(.*\/parrot)\/[^/]*\/[^/]*\/[^/]*$}; our $topdir = $1; if (defined $topdir) { print "\nOK: Parrot top directory located\n"; } else { $topdir = realpath($Bin) . "/../../.."; } unshift @INC, qq{$topdir/lib}; } use Test::More tests => 3; use_ok( 'Parrot::Ops2pm::Utils' ); ok(chdir $main::topdir, "Positioned at top-level Parrot directory"); pass("Completed all tests in $0"); ################### DOCUMENTATION ################### =head1 NAME 01-ops2pmutils.t - test importability of Parrot::Ops2pm::Utils subroutines =head1 SYNOPSIS % prove t/tools/ops2pmutils/01-ops2pmutils.t =head1 DESCRIPTION The files in this directory test the publicly callable subroutines of F and F. By doing so, they test the functionality of the F utility. That functionality has largely been extracted into the methods of F. F<01-ops2pmutils.t> tests whether Parrot::Ops2pm::Utils is exporting the subroutines in its C<@EXPORT_OK>.: =head1 AUTHOR James E Keenan =head1 SEE ALSO Parrot::Ops2pm::Utils, F. =cut