Supporting C static storage There are some related Perl6 features, namely INIT and FIRST closure traits [1], which aren't really covered by Parrot yet. Parrot supports INIT blocks via :immediate, which allows e.g. translation of: constant Num pi = { atan(1,1)*4 }; # [2] But C statics can of course change. The problems is, where to store the static variable, especially native integers. double gen_random(double max) { # [3] static long last = 42; ... } We could use closures, coroutines [4], or globals. The former provide a persistent register frame, where the static can be kept. Translating a sub with a C static to a coroutine seems to be a bit unnatural though. And all these solutions are a bit slow and lexicals/globals are only providing PMC support. I think, we should use the constant table and allow storing into the constant table. E.g. .static int last = 42 # ldc_i_ic (We can't use the C opcode, as this is loading constants from the bytecode, which, when mmaped, is readonly and doesn't allow storing) last += 10 # add_i_ic / set_ic_i .static float f = 3.14 # set_n_nc f += 2.0 # add_n_nc / set_nc_n f = 5.0 # set_n_nc / set_nc_n .static .Integer i = "42" # set_p_pc The 'static' variables are therefore working mostly like constants, except that they are modifyable. One difference is of course, that there would be no constant folding, each .static needs a distinct storage in the constant table. We'd need a few new opcodes: ldc_i_ic # load int constant from constant table set_ic_i # store int into constant table set_nc_n # store num assign_pc_p # assign to PMC static value And maybe some permutations like set_pc_i. What do you think? leo [1] S04 / Closure traits [2] # t/pmc/sub_38.pir .sub make_pi :immediate, :anon $N0 = atan 1.0, 1.0 $N0 *= 4 $P0 = new .Float $P0 = $N0 .return ($P0) .end .sub main :main .const .Sub pi = "make_pi" print pi print "\n" .end [3] [4] examples/shootout/random.pir