Display local photos on map

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Jun 4, 2013, 6:35:48 AM6/4/13
to osm...@googlegroups.com

I wonder if it's possible to show the location of geotagged photos on the map.
Is this what avnotes is about?
Can I put my geotagged photos in some OsmAnd folder so that they can be shown on the map?

Is this a planned feature?
Maybe with a setting for the folder(s) to include?

Best regards,


Jun 4, 2013, 8:53:35 AM6/4/13
to osm...@googlegroups.com
I'd like this features!

Best regards.


Sabra Sharaya

Jun 4, 2013, 11:47:52 AM6/4/13
to osm...@googlegroups.com
In the Android app, QuickPic, there is a menu option to show the picture's location on a map. Unlike the stock Gallery app, QuickPic let's you choose OsmAnd if you like.



Jun 5, 2013, 2:48:20 AM6/5/13
to osm...@googlegroups.com

I know QuickPic and that feature but I don't want to select every single picture to open it in OsmAnd. I'd like to see all photos from my trips on the map together with GPX tracks.

Best regards,


Jun 17, 2013, 2:43:51 AM6/17/13
to osm...@googlegroups.com

I've now looked into that feature more and found out that it should work but it doesn't.

That's what I tried:
1) Taken geo-tagged photo with my Nexus7 appear in the avnotes folder and are placed in the correct position on the map.
2) Copying an external geo-tagged photo to that folder (and restarting OsmAnd) doesn't place it on the map.
3) In OsmAnd's data manager I can find the copied photo and I can run the "Show on map" feature on it.
4) The map opens but I don't know where. Somewhere in no man's land.
5) Displaying that photo in QuickPic and using QuickPic's "Show on map/Osmand" feature opens the photo in the correct position on OsmAnd's map.

Knowing that I'd say OsmAnd doesn't read the geo tag out of the photos it finds in avnotes. Maybe it puts them into an internal database if one takes photos/notes within OsmAnd.

So I'd suggest:
1) Sync EXIF data of new photos in avnotes or in a user defined folder (preferred!) to the OsmAnd database.
2) Use EXIF's "date taken" value whenever a photo's date is shown. Currently it shows the file's timestamp (when file has been copied to avnotes) OsmAnd's data manager.
3) Re-think usability. At the moment you have to perform too many actions to actually view the photo.

I wonder if any OsmAnd developers are reading and comment this forum.
Should I create a feature request?

Best regards,

Victor Shcherb

Jun 17, 2013, 6:06:55 PM6/17/13
to osmand

We are reading this forum :) 
But pictures were designed very limited and we would like to keep it quite limited. It is only for quick mapping/driving accessibility. It doesn't suppose to take best pictures, it doesn't suppose display them correctly on the map, it is mostly for development & for recording purposes


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Jun 19, 2013, 9:02:34 AM6/19/13
to osm...@googlegroups.com

I guess we have different thoughts of what OsmAnd is and how we use it. For me OsmAnd is the all-in-one map app that allows one to put multiple data (GPX tracks, photos) on a map. But It seems GPX tracks and photos don't have the priority they should have.

Maybe you want re-think this because some functionality is already there and just needs some improvements:
1) Read geo-tags out of a photo's EXIF information. OsmAnd+ already puts the photo marker on the map, but I guess it only uses values stored in a database.
2) If new photos are found in "avnotes" folder, read their EXIF data and store in the database.
I don't know if that would require too many changes in OsmAnd.

3) Additionally supporting different folders for different avnotes (audio/video/photo) would be quite handy.
4) Usability changes (in OsmAnd at all) are of course more work but would help IMHO the user. Maybe it will help users if they can disable items in all those "select action pop-ups" (I don't know how to call them better) so that one only sees what he needs.

Theses are just suggestion from a "low frequency user", maybe experienced users see that different.

Best regards,

Victor Shcherb

Jun 20, 2013, 8:13:46 PM6/20/13
to osmand
>> 1) Read geo-tags out of a photo's EXIF information. OsmAnd+ already puts the photo marker on the map, but I guess it only uses values stored in a database.
Funny enough but not. It takes location from file name :)

Reading EXIF could be longer operation and we didn't investigate it. If it is fast, then it should not be difficult.

3) That one is tricky... we really don't want to mess up with folders by our own. In FS there is nice thing like symbolic link which moves responsibility from program to user and that how it probably should be.

>> 4) Usability changes 
Exactly! You already asked 3 features and put usability at last. We would like to take it initially because in the past we were very feature driven. 
Let us fix very obvious usability things and move to this one.



Jun 24, 2013, 4:00:20 AM6/24/13
to osm...@googlegroups.com

3) I don't care if I have to symlink folders. But that requires IMHO that you have a structure like avnotes/photos, avnotes/audio and so on. Additionally this requires recursive folder reading. But this is all useless if you only read geo-tags from filenames.

4) I put usability at last because I know that most of the time developers do not care much about it. Is there a (better) place where this topic can be discussed?

Best regards,

herr lastmann

Aug 25, 2016, 4:15:19 AM8/25/16
to Osmand
Hi Andreas,

It's been a while since last update on the topic.

So you might be glad to hear about an App, which I think will do the trick for you.

It's called PHOTOMAP and can be loaded from the Playstore.

The developer is German and quite responsive to eMail requests and comments.

Hope, this helps.

Kind Regards,
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