James Knightly intro - Kia Ora

조회수 19회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기

James K

읽지 않음,
2006. 10. 24. 오후 2:52:0506. 10. 24.
받는사람 Open Spaces Conference Brazil
Hello everybody! My name is James Knightly and I teach science and
chemistry at Auckland Grammar School (in New Zealand)
http://www.ags.school.nz. My interests currently include looking at how
I can incorporate elearning into my classrooms while being bound within
the constraints of extremely traditional learning environment. I enjoy
using opensource software (FreeBSD) primarily and am (currently) in the
process of rewriting my teaching schemes to include some significant
online / elearning components. So I guess I am in a transition phase -
trying to go from a traditional "get your books out and do question.."
to a create a group blog / podcast etc on the following real life
problem. I'm interested in 'authentic learning' methods and how these
can help my students to further increase their learning experiences.
I have had the privilege of meeting Bee and others when I was 'taken
hostage' in the minvan from Wellington airport :) - as part of the
FLNW tour (I was heading to efest.org.nz) and I can simply say that
they all have a passion and enthusiasm for elearning which is very
I am currently sampling Secondlife - (thanks to Jo W) but I keep
running out of time..

James K.


읽지 않음,
2006. 10. 28. 오전 10:44:3206. 10. 28.
받는사람 Open Spaces Conference Brazil
Welcome James and it was wonderful to have you with us for some time in
Looking forward to following your class blogging/podcasting . If you
and your students are interested in having a look at how this works,
they may start practicing by leaving comments on other students' blogs
and podcasts. I have about 80 of them out there in cyberspace

Dekita.org <http://dekita.org> gives you some examples of best practice
.You may find others on the Dekita.org Exchange page
<http://dekita.org/exchange> and Orchard <http://dekita.org/orchard>
Warm regards from Brazil,

Barbara Dieu

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