# --------- NETWORK ---------- # The TCP port TSD should use for communications # *** REQUIRED *** tsd.network.port = 4242 # The IPv4 network address to bind to, defaults to all addresses # tsd.network.bind = # Enables Nagel's algorithm to reduce the number of packets sent over the # network, default is True #tsd.network.tcpnodelay = true # Determines whether or not to send keepalive packets to peers, default # is True #tsd.network.keepalive = true # Determines if the same socket should be used for new connections, default # is True #tsd.network.reuseaddress = true # Number of worker threads dedicated to Netty, defaults to # of CPUs * 2 #tsd.network.worker_threads = 8 # Whether or not to use NIO or tradditional blocking IO, defaults to True #tsd.network.async_io = true # ----------- HTTP ----------- # The location of static files for the HTTP GUI interface. # *** REQUIRED *** tsd.http.staticroot =/opt/opentsdb2/opentsdb-2.2.0/static # Where TSD should write it's cache files to # *** REQUIRED *** tsd.http.cachedir = /opt/opentsdb2/opentsdb-2.2.0/opentsdb_temp # --------- CORE ---------- # Whether or not to automatically create UIDs for new metric types, default # is False tsd.core.auto_create_metrics = true # Full path to a directory containing plugins for OpenTSDB #tsd.core.plugin_path = /usr/share/opentsdb/plugins # --------- STORAGE ---------- # Whether or not to enable data compaction in HBase, default is True #tsd.storage.enable_compaction = true # How often, in milliseconds, to flush the data point queue to storage, # default is 1,000 # tsd.storage.flush_interval = 1000 # Name of the HBase table where data points are stored, default is "tsdb" #tsd.storage.hbase.data_table = tsdb # Name of the HBase table where UID information is stored, default is "tsdb-uid" #tsd.storage.hbase.uid_table = tsdb-uid # Path under which the znode for the -ROOT- region is located, default is "/hbase" #tsd.storage.hbase.zk_basedir = /hbase # A comma separated list of Zookeeper hosts to connect to, with or without # port specifiers, default is "localhost" tsd.storage.hbase.zk_quorum =