## Cofig changed 2.5.2020 Mike X & Y Yaskawa Servo + Head Steppers # Smoothieboard configuration file, see http://smoothieware.org/configuring-smoothie # NOTE Lines must not exceed 132 characters, and '#' characters mean what follows is ignored # Robot module configurations : general handling of movement G-codes and slicing into moves ******************************* * smoothie / config.txt * ******************************* #Notes: latest default firmware, 5 axis # I have X,Y,Z,A,B,C # X = alpha External Servo pin 1.30 and 1.31 free pins used # Y = beta External Servo pin 3.26 and 2.11 free pins used # Z = gamma Z Stepper # A = delta Z1 Stepper # B = epsilon N1,N3 = left nozzles -> first extruder stepper # C = zeta N2,N4 = right nozzles -> second extruder stepper # Digital Servo = feeder trigger # # Basic motion configuration Servos Yaskawa 100W = max. rpm = 3000 encoder resolution 1048576 # Servo X gear ratio 1,0 = 20 mm/rev. = 2000 step/rev. # Servo Y gear ratio 1,0 = 14 mm/rev. = 1400 step/rev. microseconds_per_step_pulse 1 base_stepping_frequency 100000 default_feed_rate 40000 # 50000 Default speed (mm/minute) for G1/G2/G3 moves default_seek_rate 40000 # 50000 Default speed (mm/minute) for G0 moves mm_max_arc_error 0.01 # The maximum error for line segments that divide arcs 0 to disable # note it is invalid for both the above be 0 # if both are used, will use largest segment length based on radius # See http://smoothieware.org/motion-control # Cartesian axis speed limits: x_axis_max_speed 60000 # 40000 Maximum speed in mm/min y_axis_max_speed 60000 # 40000 Maximum speed in mm/min z_axis_max_speed 4000 # 4000 Maximum speed in mm/min a_axis_max_speed 4000 # 2000 Maximum speed in mm/min acceleration 2500 # 3000 Acceleration in mm/second/second. # Stepper module configuration # Pins are defined as ports, and pin numbers, appending "!" to the number will invert a pin # See http://smoothieware.org/pin-configuration and http://smoothieware.org/pinout # X axis Servo alpha_steps_per_mm 100 # 100 Bill servo X axis screw 20 mm pitch pulley 26T/ 24T Oct Steps/mm alpha_step_pin 1.30 # Pin for alpha stepper step signal alpha_dir_pin 1.31 # Pin for alpha stepper direction alpha_en_pin 4.28 # Pin for alpha enable pin alpha_max_rate 60000 # 40000 11_8_19 ----30000.0 mm/min alpha_acceleration 30000 # 30000 Acceleration in mm/second/second # Y axis Servo beta_steps_per_mm 100 # 100 Bill servo Y axis screw 14mm pitch 36T/ 36T Steps/mm beta_step_pin 2.11 # Pin for beta stepper step signal beta_dir_pin 3.26 # Pin for beta stepper direction beta_en_pin 4.28 # Pin for beta enable beta_max_rate 60000 # 40000.0 mm/min beta_acceleration 30000 # 30000.0 mm/min # Z axis (M3) gamma_steps_per_mm 400 # Z axis Belt GT2 mm pitch 1/1 gear Steps per mm for gamma stepper gamma_step_pin 2.2 # Pin for gamma stepper step signal gamma_dir_pin 0.20 # (! reverse) Pin for gamma stepper direction, add '!'reverse direction gamma_en_pin 0.19 # Pin for gamma enable gamma_current 0.3 # 1.5 Z stepper motor current gamma_max_rate 5000 # 45000 mm/min Maximum rate in mm/min # gamma_acceleration 1000 # 30000 Acceleration in mm/sec² # A axis = Z1 (M2) delta_steps_per_mm 400 # Z1 axis Belt GT2 mm pitch 1/1 gear Steps per mm for gamma stepper delta_step_pin 2.1 #Pin for delta stepper step signal delta_dir_pin 0.11! #(! reverse) Pin for delta stepper direction delta_en_pin 0.10 # Pin for delta enable beta_current 0.3 # Z1 stepper motor current (mapped to beta current output) delta_max_rate 5000 # 45000 mm/min Maximum rate in mm/min # delta_acceleration 1000 # 30000 Acceleration in mm/sec² # B axis 2x Left Nozzles (M4) epsilon_steps_per_mm 17.6666 # may be steps per degree for example epsilon_step_pin 2.3 # Pin for delta stepper step signal epsilon_dir_pin 0.22 # Pin for delta stepper direction epsilon_en_pin 0.21 # Pin for delta enable delta_current 0.40 # 0.35 Stepper motor current (maps to delta) epsilon_max_rate 40000 # mm/min epsilon_acceleration 2000 # mm/sec² # C axis 2x Right Nozzles (M5) zeta_steps_per_mm 17.6666 # may be steps per degree for example zeta_step_pin 2.8 # Pin for delta stepper step signal zeta_dir_pin 2.13 # Pin for delta stepper direction zeta_en_pin 4.29 # Pin for delta enable epsilon_current 0.40 # 0.35 Stepper motor current (maps to epsilon) zeta_max_rate 40000 # mm/min zeta_acceleration 2000 # mm/sec² currentcontrol_module_enable true # Control stepper motor current via the configuration file return_error_on_unhandled_gcode false # ## Endstops new syntax (the name is not significant) # NOTE only a min or a max homing endstop maybe defined endstop.minx.enable true # enable an endstop endstop.minx.pin 1.24^ # pin endstop.minx.homing_direction home_to_min # direction it moves to the endstop endstop.minx.homing_position 0 # the cartesian coordinate this is set to when it homes endstop.minx.axis X # the axis designator endstop.minx.max_travel 680 # the maximum travel in mm before it times out #endstop.minx.fast_rate 90 # 90 fast homing rate in mm/sec #endstop.minx.slow_rate 70 # 50 slow homing rate in mm/sec endstop.minx.retract 5 # bounce off endstop in mm endstop.miny.enable true # enable an endstop endstop.miny.pin 1.26^ # pin endstop.miny.homing_direction home_to_min # direction it moves to the endstop endstop.miny.homing_position 0 # the cartesian coordinate this is set to when it homes endstop.miny.axis Y # the axis designator endstop.miny.max_travel 500 # the maximum travel in mm before it times out #endstop.miny.fast_rate 90 # 90 fast homing rate in mm/sec #endstop.miny.slow_rate 70 # 50 slow homing rate in mm/sec endstop.miny.retract 5 # bounce off endstop in mm # Z HOMING to Z max endstop.maxz.enable true # enable an endstop endstop.maxz.pin 1.29^ # pin 1.29^ endstop.maxz.homing_direction home_to_max # direction it moves to the endstop endstop.maxz.homing_position 30 # the cartesian coordinate this is set to when it homes endstop.maxz.axis Z # the axis designator endstop.maxz.max_travel 32 # mm is maximum travel before it times out endstop.maxz.fast_rate 30 # fast homing rate in mm/sec endstop.maxz.slow_rate 15 # 18 slow homing rate in mm/sec endstop.maxz.retract 0.5 # bounce off away from endstop in mm - LEVEL Nozzles # A=Z1 HOMING to A max endstop.maxa.enable true # enable an endstop endstop.maxa.pin 1.28^ # pin 1.28^ endstop.maxa.homing_direction home_to_max # direction it moves to the endstop endstop.maxa.homing_position 30 # the cartesian coordinate this is set to when it homes endstop.maxa.axis A # the axis designator endstop.maxa.max_travel 32 # mm is maximum travel before it times out endstop.maxa.fast_rate 30 # fast homing rate in mm/sec endstop.maxa.slow_rate 15 # 18 slow homing rate in mm/sec endstop.maxa.retract 0.5 # bounce off away from endstop in mm - LEVEL Nozzles # include abc-endstop.config false # true changed 17_8_20 endstop.minx.release_first false # true changed 17_8_20 endstop.miny.release_first true # endstop.maxz.release_first true # first move away from endstop until released Mark@mark.zone text endstop.maxa.release_first true # first move away from endstop until released Mark@mark.zone text move_to_origin_after_home true # move XY to 0,0 after homing endstop_debounce_count 5 # uncomment if you get noise on your endstops, default is 100 endstop_debounce_ms 100 # uncomment if you get noise on your endstops, default is 1 millisecond debounce #SOFT LIMITS for Z! (X,Y is in OpenPnP): soft_endstop.enable true # Enable soft endstops #soft_endstop.z_min -55.0 # Minimum Z position #soft_endstop.z_max 55.0 # Maximum Z position #soft_endstop.a_min -55.0 # Minimum A position #soft_endstop.a_max 55.0 # Maximum A position soft_endstop.halt false # Whether to issue a HALT state when hitting a soft endstop #(if false, will just ignore commands that would exceed the limit) # Vacuum sensing by N1 & N2 # First Nozzle Vacuum configuration temperature_control.hotend.enable true # Whether to activate this ( "hotend" ) module at all. temperature_control.hotend.heater_pin nc # temperature_control.hotend.designator N1 # Designator letter for this module V =Volt temperature_control.hotend.runaway_heating_timeout 0 # it seems to crash temperature_control.hotend.runaway_range 0 # a rapid delta in temp triggers a halt - 0 disables it temperature_control.hotend.readings_per_second 200 # smoothi takes the median out from last 32 measurements,read frequently temperature_control.hotend.sensor ad8495 temperature_control.hotend.ad8495_pin 0.23 # smoothieware pin (heater) temperature_control.hotend.ad8495_offset 0 # Second Nozzle Vacuum configuration temperature_control.hotend2.enable true # Whether to activate this ( "hotend" ) module at all. temperature_control.hotend2.heater_pin nc # temperature_control.hotend2.designator N2 # Designator letter for this module V =Volt temperature_control.hotend2.runaway_heating_timeout 0 # it seems to crash temperature_control.hotend2.runaway_range 0 # a rapid delta in temp triggers a halt - 0 disables it temperature_control.hotend2.readings_per_second 200 # smoothieware takes the median from the last 32 measurements,read frequently temperature_control.hotend2.sensor ad8495 temperature_control.hotend2.ad8495_pin 0.24 # smoothieware pin (heater) temperature_control.hotend2.ad8495_offset 0 # temperature_control.vac_n1.get_m_code M105 # Calling this M-code will return the current vacuum. # Servo Digital -Feeder Trigger: # Switcthie h module for servo control using S/W PWM # Added 13_7_19 switch.servo.enable true # Enable this module switch.servo.input_on_command M280 S7.0 # M280 S7.5 would be midway switch.servo.input_off_command M281 S5 # Same as M280 S0 0% duty cycle, effectively off switch.servo.output_pin 3.25 # May be any spare pin switch.servo.output_type swpwm # Software pwm output settable with S parameter in the input_on_command switch.servo.pwm_period_ms 20 # set period to 30ms (50Hz) default is 50Hz switch.servo.startup_state false # false uses startup_value on boot & true uses default_on_value switch.servo.startup_value 8.0 # 7.8 On boot and HALT it will set this PWM value switch.servo.default_on_value 5.6 # 5.2vec kot 5.6 This PWM value will be set if M280 does not have an S parameter, it is also used if startup_state is true ## Network settings # See http://smoothieware.org/network network.enable false # Enable the ethernet network services network.webserver.enable false # Enable the webserver network.telnet.enable false # Enable the telnet server network.ip_address auto # Use dhcp to get ip address # Uncomment the 3 below to manually setup ip address #network.ip_address # The IP address #network.ip_mask # The ip mask #network.ip_gateway # The gateway address #network.mac_override xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx # Override the mac address, only do this if you have a conflict ## System configuration # Serial communications configuration ( baud rate defaults to 9600 if undefined ) # For communication over the UART port, *not* the USB/Serial port uart0.baud_rate 115200 # Baud rate for the default hardware ( UART ) serial port #second_usb_serial_enable false # This enables a second USB serial port #leds_disable true # Disable using leds after config loaded #play_led_disable true # Disable the play led # Kill button maybe assigned to a different pin, set to the onboard pin by default # See http://smoothieware.org/killbutton kill_button_enable true # Set to true to enable a kill button kill_button_pin 2.12 # Kill button pin. default is same as pause button 2.12 (option 2.11) #msd_disable false # Disable the MSD (USB SDCARD), see http://smoothieware.org/troubleshooting#disable-msd #dfu_enable false # For linux developers, set to true to enable DFU # See http://smoothieware.org/currentcontrol # Switch for vacuum valves = N1 to N4 enable switch.n1_vac.enable true # Selonoid Valve N1 switch.n1_vac.input_on_command M800 # ON switch.n1_vac.input_off_command M801 # OFF switch.n1_vac.output_pin 2.7 switch.n1_vac.output_type digital switch.n1_exh.enable true # Selonoid Valve N2 switch.n1_exh.input_on_command M802 # ON switch.n1_exh.input_off_command M803 # OFF switch.n1_exh.output_pin 2.5 switch.n1_exh.output_type digital switch.n2_vac.enable true # NSelonoid Valve N3 switch.n2_vac.input_on_command M804 # ON switch.n2_vac.input_off_command M805 # OFF switch.n2_vac.output_pin 2.4 # switch.n2_vac.output_type digital switch.n2_exh.enable true # Selonoid Valve N4 switch.n2_exh.input_on_command M806 # ON switch.n2_exh.input_off_command M807 # OF switch.n2_exh.output_pin 2.6 switch.n2_exh.output_type digital #Vacuum pump ON-OFF switch.vac.enable true # Vacuum Pump ON-OFF switch.vac.input_on_command M808 # ON switch.vac.input_off_command M809 # OFF switch.vac.output_pin 1.23 switch.vac.output_type digital # Light - Up Camera #switch.led.enable true # Light Ring - not used #switch.led.input_on_command M810 # ON #switch.led.input_off_command M811 # OFF #switch.led.output_pin 1.22 #switch.led.output_type digital # Light - Down Camera # Switch module for fan control #switch.fan.enable true # Enable this module #switch.fan.input_on_command M106 # Command that will turn this switch on #switch.fan.input_off_command M107 # Command that will turn this switch off #switch.fan.output_pin xx # 1.22 Pin this module controls #switch.fan.output_type pwm # PWM output settable with S parameter in the input_on_comand #switch.fan.max_pwm 255 # Set max pwm for the pin default is 255