UK Doctors Take Bribes To Push Swine Flu Vaccine On Patients

GPs at the centre of one of the summer’s swine flu hotspots have been offered bonuses worth thousands of pounds extra for hitting vaccination targets. NHS managers in Birmingham have offered practices up to 50% over and above the payments agreed between the GPC and NHS Employers if they vaccinate a high proportion of the population. NHS Heart of Birmingham revealed a sliding scale of bonuses, on top of the £5.25 practices will get per vaccination of patients in target groups and the relaxation of QOF patient survey thresholds if they hit the DH’s uptake target. One Click Note: It is simply outrageous and sickening that the Department of Health is bribing doctors in Britain to foist the untested Swine Flu vaccine on patients for considerable sums of money and that the doctors are taking these bribes. These are the very same doctors and nurses who are refusing the Swine Flu vaccine for themselves and their families due to safety concerns. Vaccines Basil (Professor David Salisbury, UK Vaccines Director) has spent billions of taxpayer money on these vaccines that many millions don't want and that the Department of Health is desperate to shift. Doesn't the corrupt British healthcare system make you want to throw up?

Lilian Anekwe, PULSE/The One Click Group

Related Links:
* GPs to get bigger bonuses if they meet swine flu jab targets
Daniel Martin, Daily Mail
* Poland Prime Minister Slams Drug Companies Over Swine Flu Vaccine
* Italian Physicians Refuse Swine Flu Vaccine For Patients
* American Doctors Rejecting Swine Flu Vaccine And Spray
Rob Stein & Michael Laris, The Washington Post
* Doctors, Healthcare Workers And Patients Refusing Swine Flu Vaccine In Britain
Nigel Praities, PULSE


Vaccine Victim Desiree Jennings Viciously Attacked By Medical Establishment

Pharmaceutical industry apologists claim "hoax" despite disease being confirmed by several doctors

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Former Redskins cheerleader Desiree Jennings, the woman who suffered a paralyzing neurological disorder after taking a flu shot, has come under ceaseless attack from the medical establishment as well as websites acting as apologists for the pharmaceutical industry, who claim that her entire illness is a hoax despite the fact that her condition has been confirmed as genuine by numerous doctors.