New York Swine Flu Vaccine Clinics Deserted

What if they threw a mass vaccination . . . and nobody came?

(Caption & pic courtesy of One Click)

Perhaps it was fear of crowds that kept the crowds away on Sunday from the clinics offering free swine flu vaccinations to schoolchildren. Or maybe the small numbers could be attributed to wariness about the new vaccine. Whatever the reason, the seven clinics across the city were, depending on how you looked at it, puzzlingly underused or puzzlingly over prepared. There were rows of police barricades set up to impose order on the people waiting to enter. Outside the school, at any given moment, two or three children — or sometimes one, or even none — were filling out registration forms.

Eric Konisberg, The New York Times

Related Links:
* Poland Prime Minister Slams Drug Companies Over Swine Flu Vaccine
* Italian Physicians Refuse Swine Flu Vaccine For Patients
* American Doctors Rejecting Swine Flu Vaccine And Spray
Rob Stein & Michael Laris, The Washington Post
* Doctors, Healthcare Workers And Patients Refusing Swine Flu Vaccine In Britain
Nigel Praities, PULSE