Mass Immunisation Swine Flu Vaccines Dangerous And Inappropriate

The mass vaccination program for swine flu has come under fire from an infectious disease expert who says the risk of serious side effects was greater than any potential benefit for half the Australian population. Professor Peter Collignon, director of the Infectious Diseases Unit and Microbiology Department at The Canberra Hospital, said the Government's response to the virus was "inappropriate", fuelled by fears about its spread that were out of proportion to the real threat posed by the disease. According to Prof Collignon, around 50 per cent of people who received the H1N1 vaccine in the Australian trial had mild to moderate systemic adverse effects and 1.7 per cent had adverse effects recorded as severe. In children, 20 per cent had moderate to severe systemic adverse effects after receiving a single 15 microgram dose of vaccine. "It is very important that we make sure we do more good than harm with any vaccine," Prof Colli gnon said, calling for large, prospective long-term studies on the safety and efficacy of influenza vaccines before embarking on further mass immunisation programs.

Simone Roberts, Pharmacy News

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* New Swine Flu Report Reveals WHO & Public Health Corruption
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* Swine Flu Pandemic Hysteria Hoax Heads For Court
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* The men who made a killing out of swine flu while we wasted £1bn and were exposed to harmful drugs
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* Pharmaceutical Industry Cried Wolf Over Swine Flu For Profit
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