State indemnified drug firm behind swine flu brain damage vaccine

The State indemnified British drug company GlaxoSmithKline from liability from any side effects associated with the swine flu vaccine Pandemrix, which has been linked with the disabling sleeping disorder narcolepsy. The indemnity clause, signed as part of an advance-purchase agreement, means that any legal actions that might be taken by people alleging a link between narcolepsy and Pandemrix will have to be lodged against the State. Last month, the HSE confirmed to the Sunday Independent that they were removing all stocks of Pandemrix from GPs' surgeries. And last week EU drugs regulators ordered changes to the product label for Pandemrix to highlight the potential risk of narcolepsy in children or adolescents.

Jerome Reilly,

Related Links:
* EMA Reluctantly Slaps Narcolepsy Brain Damage Label On Flu Vaccine
Press Release, European Medicines Agency
* Parents Of Baby Girl Swine Flu Vaccine Victim Suing State Government
Billy Rule, Perth Now
* Kids harmed by flu jab must be compensated, says WA Opposition
Perth Now
* Swine Flu Vaccine Narcolepsy Victims Abandoned By Government & GlaxoSmithKline
Helsinki Times