Geeze, The bird flu combines with the h1n1?
Sat Nov 7, 2009 17:25


I sure hope this is wrong. The bird flu combines with the h1n1?

So now, we see the real possible reason for a shut down in Jan 10? Why is this starting to look real bad for a lot of people. We must continue to seek the truth so as to help others to prepare.

Written earlier:

So as the spirit spins in my life sometimes.

As I was listening to the What Really Happened radio show tonight, this guy comes on in the second hour, Kevin from Ontario, and starts talking about this stuff below just as I was reading it. Shazam!

Nov 7, 2nd hour:

Really freaky synergy, but this makes perfect sense. And when something like this happens, I take it as a message from spirit. You take it as you want to, but if you have been paying attention, you will see this very thing happening in a form already in the Ukraine. Why is there such a shadow of doubt around what exactly this is getting people sick? Are they really getting sick and from exactly what?


Dr Jay theaquariandr@yahoo.com


>From this page in the comments below the article.

"Pneumonic plague can be promoted by vaccines and is caused by inhalation of aerosolised plague bacteria. There have been numerous reports of planes spraying over cities in Ukraine just before thousands contracted pneumonic plague. I agree that this is just a trial run to see what effect a deadly pneumonic virus would have on a population. The real thing (the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus) will be released in December like Dr Deagle has repeatedly warned about. Chemtrails have systematically destabilized our immune systems, making them vulnerable to the effects of a cytokine storm. This is the real reason for chemtrail spraying across major cities and populated areas.

The vaccinations are designed to target specific populations and indeed people have asked for the vaccine and been told that they did not have priority over the black populations, (red) Indians, young people, old and pregnant mothers (baby boomers), all of which some politicians have said are a drain on the state coffers. When the H5N1 is released in a month these populations will not stand a chance as the H5N1 is far more virulent than the H1N1. They will not create another vaccine for the H5N1, they will just say later that the H1N1 must have mutated, by which time it will be too late.

So firstly my advice would be NOT to take the swine flu vaccine, and secondly to prepare and modulate your immune systems through taking natural antiviral medicine and hydrate the body ready for the bird flu virus to be unleashed. Oh and do not stress because this also makes the immune system vulnerable. The plan is to kill the very weak, the very strong and the very stupid.

Its all about 'modulating' the cytokine storm. good luck!

Love and light,"



Dr. Jay: theaquariandr@yahoo.com


by Ken Welch in Houston
November 5, 2009

After working with Reversed Speech on government officials for more than ten years I can tell you that there is indeed a long-running plan to dissolve the Federal government and remake the world into what you might call a global corporate feudalism. This plan is coming to its climax right now. Although the final moves have been postponed several times, all indications are that there can be no more delays, and a global killer pandemic is the first step in that plan.

You are getting a lot of scare stories from the media (and the Pentagon’s billion dollar Internet propaganda machine) about the Swine Flu. But the swine flu is a joke, and almost everyone knows it. The real pandemic is still seven to ten weeks away.

We’ve recently learned the secret behind the Swine Flu Vaccine that is being pushed so strongly on the public. While the vaccine may make you sick, its real purpose is to greatly increase the fast-kill mechanism of the pandemic still to come. Worse yet, the vaccine is being used to target specific groups of people who are simply not welcome in our brave new world.

In the USA these include Blacks, American Indians, and Baby Boomers.


I first picked up on this ten years ago. I was intensely interested in Chemtrails, those bizarre streaks in the sky that first appeared in the week following Pearl Harbor Day, 1998. They were linked to a banned pesticide, Ethylene Dibromide, right off the bat. Most of the later stories you’ve read about chemtrails have been designed to draw you away from this initial identification. Throughout 1999 I used RS to eavesdrop on Washington. I got what I wanted, but it seemed of no value. I learned that the chemtrail operation was part of a billion dollar CIA-run program called Starwars. No, it has nothing to do with space. It’s named for the first Starwars film which, if you’ll think back, featured a monstrous weapon aimed at an entire planet.

I also found that the Starwars program had a second component. This involved CREATING a disease, and that something about this process involved BIRDS. Unfortunately, this information made no sense. Remember, this was the time of Y2K. A lot of things didn't’t make sense then. In this case, how would dosing people with the world’s nastiest pesticide be related to a killer influenza, and what was the disease to be used for? And why?

That year was also odd because a propaganda campaign designed to convince everyone that the world was overpopulated kicked into high gear. You still run across it today, but it was intense when it first started. The result is that most Americans believe that they are simply rubbing shoulders with too many people. Excepting four or five of our largest cities, the reality is that you need only drive for 20 minutes beyond the edge of your town, and you will see nothing but nearly empty land. Overpopulation is a myth designed to make you feel better in a post-pandemic world.

I watched that year as government money financed three different expeditions to find 1918 burial sites where frozen samples of killer virus might be found and retrieved. I also learned that, although there are good indications this virus was introduced in injections given to Europe-bound U.S. troops at Ft. Riley, Kansas, the genetic origins of what was soon called Spanish Flu suggest that it’s genetic source involved birds – either in the wild or in a vaccine laboratory.

It wasn't until 2004 that I understood why the "illuminati" were interested in creating a killer pandemic. That was the year I ran across an article in a magazine devoted to real estate that talked about the massive shift of wealth that would be happening in the future. The author was writing about the retirement of the Baby Boomers. Later I would learn that this would be the greatest financial threat our western governments have ever faced.

The hunt for the 1918 virus was public knowledge, as was the failure to find any living samples. Also made public was the commitment on the part of CDC and others to find some other way to recreate the virus since the search for the original had failed. It wasn’t too much later that one of those attempts scared the medical community half to death. A Chinese laboratory, working under contract to recreate the virus by working backward from current bird flu allowed their creation to escape. Rather than give this virus a proper scientific designation, it’s genetic origin was hidden by calling it SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

Anyone who knew the symptoms of the 1918 pandemic would have recognized SARS immediately as a virtual clone of the 1918 virus. In fact, virtually everything we know about how to protect people from pandemic influenza (which is much more than the government or media will tell you) was learned in the SARS outbreak. But SARS had a significant flaw. It was not seriously contagious until after the victim was already showing signs of illness. Intercepting people with symptoms stopped it from spreading. The real pandemic influenza is contagious before symptoms appear, which is why it will spread like wildfire once it is released on the public. But it will kill in exactly the same way.

As reported in normal news channels, the 1918 killer flu was in fact rebuilt from scratch using the latest gene technology, made to match viral DNA that was brought back from the original expeditions. In a civilized world this would be a capital offense. But that is a world that mankind has yet to create.

In the meantime, governments have spent hundreds of billions of dollars preparing for the moment that the “Bird Flu” is finally released. Do you think they would do this based on a rumor or perhaps a psychic reading? All that money has been spent in preparing for the “continuity” of government, the control of civilian populations, and the methods for dealing with millions of dead or dying civilians in the most efficient and cost effective manner. How much did they spend on protecting or saving you? Not a dime. The public is still being told that everything will be fine if they just make sure their kids wash their hands.

Now, you may be wondering how the various governments expect their countries to keep functioning in the aftermath of an engineered pandemic that could take out a huge percentage of the workforce. Actually that problem has been solved. If you will think back to 1999, you'll realize that was the time that Washington began it's open-door policy for illegal aliens. Likewise for Europe, and in both cases entirely against the wishes of their citizens. So we now have an extra 20-25 million "illegals," all of whom have a lifetime of experience in societies where you don't fight city hall. Although six or eight million may lose their lives in the Pandemic, there will be plenty left over to answer the need for labor. They will be there to take the jobs, buy the empty houses and, in return for legalization, pay the taxes. No problemo, amigo!

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