Swine Flu Statistics Exposed

Welcome to the Winter 2011 pantomime: Much a Flu About Nothing - otherwise known as the mass PR campaign to sell H1N1 influenza vaccines. A goal well worth pursuing if you stand to profit from it with annual revenues estimated to be in the region of US$ 4.8 billion. The number of deaths associated with influenza/influenza like illness (ILI) in the UK in 2010 according to the HPA is tiny - only 39, of which 36 were due to H1N1 'swine flu' and 3 to Influenza B. The mainstream media appears to taking each of these 39 cases and attempting to create sufficient fear and panic to try to motivate 10's of millions of people including pregnant women, babies and infants to have a controversial vaccination consisting of both seasonal influenza and H1N1 strains. What this amounts to for a very, very small number of deaths (just 36 in the UK in 2010), is massive risks being taken with a vaccine that does not have full safety data from clinical tr ials. So for those out there considering a flu shot - think about the risks vs. the benefits - the risks of adverse events to you and your children and the benefits going to corporations and corpora-governments to the tune of US $5 billion sales a year. One Click Note: Reading this multi-referenced health article containing influenza data, clinical trials results and adverse vaccine events could literally help to save your life and those of your children this winter. The sheer irresponsibility of how the UK government, the mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry conjoined have been running their Swine Flu Campaign to purposefully mislead the general public is little short of terrifying. And they do it for money. MUST READ of the month doesn't even begin to describe the impact of this document.

Lara, The One Click Group
Related Links:
* Beware UK Government Swine Flu Media Terror Campaign
The One Click Group