Received 16 January 2007; accepted 7 May 2007; published 12 June 2007.
Citation: Parrot, M., J. A. Sauvaud, J. J. Berthelier, and J. P. Lebreton (2007), First in-situ observations of strong ionospheric perturbations generated by a powerful VLF ground-based transmitterGeophys. Res. Lett.34, L11111, doi:10.1029/2007GL029368.

From : Evelyn Savarin <>
Date : 8 décembre 2012 01:00:54 HNE

Dear Andre,
I was forward an email by Libby Kelley on your interest in the Global Warming issue from the article that was written by James Richardson entitled " Global Warming & Microwaves - an Alternative Theory".  I think you may find the attached information scientifically important and the video link below very relative.
The attachments address the DEMETER Lab project, conducted by several french physicists, initiated around 2005 with Satelittes returning data around 2008 on the climate disturbances by earth EMF and microwave transmission facilities .  The first attachment to read is "Mission objectvs.....". Read primarily the blue highlighted paragraphs which target their hypothesis on manmade EMF emissions and climate change. The other 2 attachments are drafts papers of the data acquired by the satellites as to what they discovered was actually happening to our atmosphere/ ionsphere by EMF & microwave transmission facilities and their effect on our climate based on physical observed changes.  The 2 draft documents were personal requests of mine from my email correspondence with the DEMETER project. I do not know if they were ever published. My sense like everything involving Microwave research is that the DEMETER weather research project was shut down or redirected once it was discovered what they were finding.  The draft attachments are very technical and may require  physicist's explanation to fully appreciate the information they are imparting.
Another scientific piece of interest is a video on Tesla, one of the fathers of electric and Microwave science at turn of last century. The video was produced by PBS broadcasting on 2004. The last 7 mins of the Video are what is most revealing about climate change, the HAARP program, electrical transmission through the ionsphere and the TESLA vision. It is a chilling and very discouraging piece for advocates of lower wireless/EMR footprint on this earth.
The HAARP program may also be another area you want to investigate. It has often been implicated in the dramatic climate changes of the last several years.
You may also want to communicate with Blake Levitz who was working on the Climate issue and microwaves in a chapter of a  book she was writing 3 years ago.  
Hope this is helpful.
Evelyn Savarin