There isn't a program to it, there are several TV channels dedicated to it!
Reason, logic, and common sense are chromosomes missing from many Americans.  Humor is a recessive gene.  (speaking as an American).  Case in point.  I went to get gas at a gas station (not Taco Bell), and filled my vehicle.  At the end I needed change for a $50.  I asked for one $20 and two $10 and two $5.  She said that she did not have it and said, "how about two $20 and three $10?"  The computer couldn't help her make change. 
As far as "sneaking" in, sure you could do it.  Better yet, steal a badge. 
Remember, we are Whitehat people, not Blackhats.

>>> Patrick Farrell<> 10/1/2005 12:48:13 pm >>>
Danita wrote:
> Zvika Davidowitz wrote:
>>On the otherhand, if hiding in the ceiling as he suggested, the risk is of
>>course falling off and the medical charges that an injury would incur <g>
> Remember - this is the US - he'd just sue the Salt Palace <g>.

ANd then it would wind up on the show "America's stupidest criminals"