setwd("") counts <- as.matrix(read.delim("counts.txt")) colnames(counts) <- NULL rownames(counts) <- NULL library(nimble) library(truncnorm) source("nimble_model.R") T0 <- rep(NA,dim(counts)[1]) Tf <- rep(NA,dim(counts)[1]) for (i in 1:dim(counts)[1]){ T0[i] <- min(which([i,]) == FALSE)) Tf[i] <- max(which([i,]) == FALSE)) } names(T0) <- names(Tf) <- rownames(counts) # DATA <- list(y = counts) constants <- list(nSite = nrow(counts),nYear = ncol(counts), T0 = T0, Tf = Tf) # Parameters to save param.nb <- c("N","rho","eta","sigma.S","sigma.T","b0","p","gamma","alpha") # inits inits <-list(N = (counts+1), b0 = rnorm(1,0,1), p = runif(1,0,1), gamma = runif(1,0,1), alpha = runif(1,0,50), eta = 0, rho = rnorm(1,0,1), S = rnorm(nrow(counts),0,1), T = rnorm(ncol(counts),0,1), sigma.S = rtruncnorm(1,a=0,,mean=0,sd=1), sigma.T = rtruncnorm(1,a=0,,mean=0,sd=1), tau.S = pow(rtruncnorm(1,a=0,,mean=0,sd=1),-2), tau.T=pow(rtruncnorm(1,a=0,,mean=0,sd=1),-2)) # MCMC settings nc <- 3 ni <- 8*10^4 nb <- ni*3/4 nt <- (ni-nb)/1000 # nimble model Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code=model.ricker.nb, constants=constants,, inits = inits) Rmodel$initializeInfo() # mcmc conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel, print = F) conf$addMonitors(param.nb) Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf) # Compile the model and MCMC algorithm Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel) Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel) # Run the model start.time <- Sys.time() out <- runMCMC(mcmc = Cmcmc, niter = ni, nburnin = nb, nchains = nc, thin = nt, samplesAsCodaMCMC = T, inits = inits) Sys.time()-start.time MCMCvis::MCMCsummary(out, params = c("rho","eta","sigma.S","sigma.T","b0","p","gamma","alpha")) mcmcplots::mcmcplot(out, parms = c("rho","eta","sigma.S","sigma.T","b0","p","gamma","alpha"))