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Rules for posting to Usenet, last changed Wed Sep 7 13:46:51 1983

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Nov 2, 1983, 2:36:50 AM11/2/83
This message describes some of the rules of conduct on Usenet. The rules
vary depending on the newsgroup.

Some newsgroups are intended for discussions and some for announcements or
queries. It is not usually a good idea to carry on discussions in newsgroups
that are designated otherwise. It is never a good idea to carry on
"meta-discussions" about whether a given discussion is appropriate - such
traffic mushrooms until nobody can find articles that belong. If you are
unhappy with what some user said, send them mail, don't post it.

Before posting, think about where your article is going. If it's posted to
a "net." newsgroup, it will go to the USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia.
Certain articles are only of local interest (e.g. used car ads) and it is
inappropriate to post them to the whole world. Use the "Distribution" feature
to restrict distribution to your local area.

Advertising of professional products or services on Usenet is allowed, however,
since someone else is paying the phone bills for your ad, it is important that
the ad be of overall benefit to Usenet. Post to an appropriate newsgroup,
never a general purpose newsgroup such as net.general. Clearly mark your
ad as an ad in the subject. Never repeat an ad - one article per product
at the most; preferably group everything into one article. Obnoxious or
inappropriate ads, or ads violating this policy, are very serious and cause
for removing your machine from Usenet. This policy is, of course, subject
to change if it becomes a problem.

Some newsgroups are moderated. In these groups, you cannot post directly,
either by convention or because the software prevents it. To post to these
newsgroups, send mail to the moderator.

Newsgroup Moderator Purpose
net.announce cbosgd!announce Important announcements for everyone on the net

Some newsgroups have special purpose rules:

Newsgroup Rules
net.announce Moderated, no direct postings.
net.general Announcements only, no discussions
net.followup Followups to net.general, results of surveys (no discussions)
net.wanted Queries, "I want an x", "Anyone want my x?". No discussions.
net.flame All the rules are off in this newsgroup, total anarchy prevails
net.jokes Clean jokes only; anything offensive must be rotated; no
discussions - jokes only. Discussions go in net.jokes.d
net.movies Don't post anything revealing part of a movie without marking
it (spoiler) in the subject.
net.sources Big files such as source code
net.test Use the smallest test group possible, e.g. "test" or "ucb.test".
Say in the body what you are testing.
net.women.only Men are discouraged from participating, and are forbidden
from criticizing a topic or person in this newsgroup.

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