[Extension:Collection] supported tags?

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Feb 5, 2012, 7:32:42 PM2/5/12
to mwlib
The Extension:Collection seems to support the <code> tag from the
Extension:SyntaxHighlight GeSHi, but not the (recommended)
<syntaxhighlight> tag. What tags are supported? Are there any plans to
support more tags? I.e. the "<include>" and "<timelinetable>" tags
would be nice if they were recognized.

Mikael Lindmark

Volker Haas

Feb 9, 2012, 12:53:46 AM2/9/12
to mw...@googlegroups.com
Could you please post links to the documenation of the tags (or rather the documentation of the TagExtension which introduces the tags) and a *minimal example* of the usage of the tags. Then I can check if it is possible to support the tags.



Feb 13, 2012, 10:06:52 AM2/13/12
to mwlib
which colors source code placed inside <syntaxhighlight> ... </
syntaxhighlight> tags, i.e. it's a duplicate of the native MediaWiki
<source> tag, just with a different name.

examples on the page

a lot of examples here:

Mikael Lindmark

Feb 21, 2012, 6:56:56 AM2/21/12
to mw...@googlegroups.com
Is there a way I can make Extension:Collection to transclude a non-native Mediawiki tag or magic word, instead of just viewing the raw string in the PDF? Also the native Mediawiki magic word {{REVISIONID}}  transcludes by Extension:Collection to 0 (not correct).

Is there a way I can make Extension:Collection to ignore (not include in raw text) the Mediawiki tags and magic words it can't transclude?


2012/2/13 LoStr <lo.stran...@gmail.com>

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Ralf Schmitt

Feb 21, 2012, 7:10:22 AM2/21/12
to mw...@googlegroups.com
Mikael Lindmark <mikaell...@gmail.com> writes:

> Is there a way I can make Extension:Collection to transclude a non-native
> Mediawiki tag or magic word, instead of just viewing the raw string in the
> PDF?

yes (with changes to the source code)

> Also the native Mediawiki magic word {{REVISIONID}} transcludes by
> Extension:Collection to 0 (not correct).
> Is there a way I can make Extension:Collection to ignore (not include in
> raw text) the Mediawiki tags and magic words it can't transclude?

yes, you'll have to patch mwlib's source code. Grep for

Volker Haas

Feb 29, 2012, 4:59:53 AM2/29/12
to mw...@googlegroups.com
I implemented the Syntaxhighlight tag.

Unfortunately for the TimelineTable tag there were no working examples
on the page you mentioned.

Supporting the Quiz Extension seems out of scope.

Best Regards,

Volker Haas
Senior Developer
brainbot technologies ag
Boppstra�e 64
55118 Mainz
Phone: +49 (0)6131 2116394


Apr 21, 2012, 2:26:38 PM4/21/12
to mwlib

On 29 Feb, 11:59, Volker Haas <volker.h...@brainbot.com> wrote:
> Supporting the Quiz Extension seems out of scope.

Rendering the set of question and answers would allow to write a
single exercise and have it rendered both online and in print. This
would be appreciated by users of WMF projects like Wikibooks and
Wikiversity, because it would ease the writing of textbooks.
Currently, one either has to duplicate the exercises or to give up
with quizzes at all. Discussion is at:
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