[SUMO] 本月底將上線的 SUMO 新版網站,本週徵求熱血在地化夥伴~

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Ernest Chiang

Nov 25, 2010, 4:36:07 AM11/25/10
to moztw-general
各位關心 SUMO 的朋友們,我們又有新任務了 ^^

簡單的說,SUMO 網站即將在 11 月底更新到新版系統,所以我們在這短短的一個禮拜當中有一些(應該說「很多」XD)在地化的任務需要大家幫忙。需要幫忙的項目是:

*** 於在地化功能網站 (Mozilla Verbatim [1])協助翻譯 Support Mozilla (SUMO) 的字、詞、句資料庫。(英文-->中文)***


1. 在 Mozilla Verbatim 註冊一個帳號,然後設定值選為:語系 = 中文台灣 zh_TW,專案 = Support Mozilla。儲存後即可在自己的儀表板上看到這個專案。

2. 在儀表板上點選「Support Mozilla」這個專案 --> 點選「LC_MESSAGES」--> 點選「messages.po」

3. 把你看到的還沒有翻譯,或是你覺得翻譯的不恰當的字、詞、句子,輸入或編輯中文,然後點選「建議」按鈕。即可 :)

大家翻譯好的字、詞、句子等資料,我這邊會每隔一兩天抽空送上去 stage server [2],可以在 stage server 做檢視與調整。

有疑問或討論都歡迎直接寄到摩茲將軍唷,期待大家的參與喔 :)
下方附上 Mozilla SUMO team - Kadir 的通知信件,如果 12/2 各位有空的話可以一起參與 KB localization sprint 喔~

[1] https://localize.mozilla.org/zh_TW/
[2] https://support-stage-new.mozilla.com/zh-TW/home/


Deng-Wei Chiang (Ernest), PMP
Web Apps Development-2 Lead /
Integration Management Consultant
ShiaHe Information Ltd. Taiwan

Follow me on Twitter @dwchiang

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kadir Topal <ato...@mozilla.com>
Date: Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 2:36 AM
Subject: Attention localizers, big changes ahead for SUMO
To: sumo-loca...@mozilla.org

Hey guys,

For you as localizers the next week will be very important. Please take  the time to read this mail so you can prepare your locale for the new Knowledge Base, it's partly based on the blog post on the sumo blog, but updated with new information, so please read even if you've read the blog post.

At SUMO we’re taking a huge step forward by finally switching to our all-new Knowledge Base. Most of the work is done and we had an awesome test day last week. We’re currently fixing the last few bugs before the release on November 30th.

A new KB means that we have a lot of new strings in the UI — more than 2500 words in all. You can find the new strings in Verbatim, our new tool for all UI localization. It’s a lot of words, but fear not: up to 50% of the strings were ported over, so if you’ve localized those in the past you don’t have to do it again. When we moved them we marked them as fuzzy, so you can decide for yourself whether you want to accept them or change them. We've now also fixed a bug in Verbatim, so the strings are not sorted alphabetically anymore, but in the order they appear on the website, so you have some context for localization.

If you don't have the appropriate rights on Verbatim to make changes or save them, please write an email with your user-name and locale to Gandalf at gan...@mozilla.com so he can grant you rights on Verbatim.

We need your help, so please start localizing those strings so your locale is ready for the release on November 30th! As always, you can have a look at the new software on our staging server at https://support-stage-new.mozilla.com/
PLease keep in mind that changes you save on Verbatim can take up to 40 minutes to show up on the SUMO website.

Of course we’ll need a little time to port over thousands of articles from our old KB to our new system. In order to do that, we will need a little downtime when it’s not possible to edit articles on the existing site. The freeze date for the KB is November 29th, 1 am PST. Please make sure that you’ve made any edits to your articles by this date. We can’t port over any changes after that. But you can of course continue working on your articles from November 30th on in the new KB. :)

What happens after we’ve switched to the new system?

Since this is a completely new system written from scratch, and the Firefox 4 docs will be ready to be localized soon, we would like to assist you in localizing them on the new system. For that we’ll have a SUMO KB localization sprint on December 2nd. The sprint will start at 6am PST and last till 2pm PST. That’s 3pm to 11pm in Central Europe.

During the sprint we’ll be ready to help out and answer questions in #sumo on IRC. Please try to attend the sprint, since it’s your best chance to get to know the new KB, and collaborate with other localizers who’ll also be in the channel. We’ll have the list of the documents for the sprint ready soon and I’ll of course keep you updated on them.

We are also working on new contributor docs to explain how the new system works, but it will take time to write them, so we'd like to prepare an FAQ for the sprint with the most important and non-obvious steps explained. For that we need your help. Please send me all the questions you have about how to use/localize the new system, really anything you don't understand or is hard to grasp. Please write directly to me or reply to this mail on the mailing list.

To summarize:

* The new KB will be released on November 30th
* We have the full new UI in Verbatim ready for immediate translation.
* All work on the articles in the old KB must be done by November 29th, 1 am PST, to be ported over to the new one
* We’ll have a KB localization sprint on December 2nd, between 6am and 2pm PST, where you’ll find us and other localizers in #sumo for help.
* We need your questions about the new KB as soon as possible so we can prepare an FAQ for the localization sprint.

Two very busy weeks ahead for everyone, but it’s really worth the work — or as one localizer put it during the QA day last week: “The new KB is light years ahead of the old one!” Hope to see you all on the other side

Sumo-locale-leaders mailing list

Peter Chen

Nov 25, 2010, 5:29:25 AM11/25/10
to moztw-...@googlegroups.com
順帶一提,我剛把 Verbatim 上的 SUMO 計畫,對於所有登入的使用者的建議權限打開了,
如果有人沒辦法發翻譯建議的請喊個聲 :)


您已訂閱「Google 網上論壇」的「moztw-general: 摩茲將軍」群組,因此我們特別傳送這封郵件通知您。
如要在此群組張貼留言,請傳送電子郵件至 moztw-...@googlegroups.com
如要取消訂閱此群組,請傳送電子郵件至 moztw-genera...@googlegroups.com

Ernest Chiang

Nov 25, 2010, 10:12:12 PM11/25/10
to moztw-general
11/26 進度報告:我們由 1x% 邁進到 2x% 囉 :)
Words Translated: 583/2543 - 23%    Strings Translated: 155/551 - 28%

謝謝 Peter 調整設定,謝謝 dearscott 和 sc 貢獻了數十個翻譯建議!太棒了,大家一起玩翻譯的感覺真是太棒了!期待週五和週末來個秒殺吧 :p

各位夥伴,如果最近這一週剛好比較忙沒時間參與這次的新 SUMO (Support Mozilla) 網站字詞翻譯專案,也可以幫忙用 Plurk/Twitter/Facebook 將這次的翻譯需求訊息(http://talk.ernestchiang.com/2010/11/11-sumo.html)傳遞給身邊朋友喔 :)

ps: 問一下:有沒有人有權限有空幫忙把訊息轉到 Mozilla Links 正體中文版站嗎?感謝~~ 揪咪~~


2010/11/25 Peter Chen <pete...@gmail.com>

Ernest Chiang

Nov 26, 2010, 3:59:12 AM11/26/10
to moztw-general
太猛了太猛了,Strings Translated 過半了!!持續感謝大家的熱力放送!!大家真的是太熱血了!!

最新 Twitter / Plurk 訊息:
十萬青年十萬句,蘇摩還需1.4千句!破九之後準備接著做品質檢視:) SUMO/Support Mozilla 新網站在地化進度報告:Words:34%->45%, Strings:36%->50%http://bit.ly/fgdNjm #moztw

(無序排列, 持續熱血增加中...)

先求有再求好,如果可以持續這個速度的話,我們週末就可以接著進行玩弄 Stage Server 尋找蛛絲馬跡以增進翻譯的遊戲囉 :) 加油加油~

今天上班幾乎每隔兩個小時就玩一下 Verbatim 送 commit 的 ernest :p

2010/11/26 Ernest Chiang <dwch...@gmail.com>

Peter Chen

Nov 26, 2010, 1:16:37 PM11/26/10
to moztw-...@googlegroups.com
目前剩下六句,主要是 slug (每篇文章的 namespace [1]) 我想不到用什麼詞彙會比較好。


感謝加入翻譯的大家 =D


[1] 以這篇文章的網址為例:https://support-stage-new.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/what-are-app-tabs  slug(彈頭?) 就是粗體的這部分
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