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Alpha 2 draft released- feedback welcome

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Luis Villa

Sep 7, 2010, 1:57:46 PM9/7/10
Hello, all-
The MPL team is excited to announce the second Alpha draft of the next
version of the Mozilla Public License. The announcement is here:

The text of the new draft is available here:

Discussion and annotated markup here:

co-ment version here:

Two small changes inspired by co-ment comments are in this draft, so
please continue to send comments that way; we do try to consider all of
them even if I don't publicly respond to every one!

An easier link to get most of the Alpha information in one place is

The most significant change in this draft is the patent language. We
have made it easier to read but also, we hope, better at protecting
communities who choose to use the MPL. It should also have the side
effect of making the license Apache-compatible, allowing projects
licensed under the next MPL release to include Apache-licensed code in
their code bases.

We've also included two proposals for venue and choice of law; we would
urge everyone, but particularly non-US contributors, to look at these
and give us your feedback on them so that we can choose a route for this
important issue.

Like the first alpha, this draft is still a work in progress. We
continue to consider significant revisions to some areas of the text. It
is also not something that should be used to release software under-
please wait until the final release for that! Most importantly, just
like the last alpha, no decisions in this draft are 'final'- we remain
open to persuasion on both small issues (formatting, specific word
choice) and large issues (policy choices that may be reflected in these

As usual, we welcome general questions and feedback through this mailing
list, and specific comments through co-ment.

Thanks- look forward to discussing the new text with you-
Luis, on behalf of the rest of the MPL team

Luis Villa, Mozilla Legal
work (preferred)
work phone: 650-903-0800 x327

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