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mozilla-central restricted to Firefox 4 Beta 7 / Fennec Beta 2 blockers

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Mike Beltzner

Oct 26, 2010, 9:10:11 PM10/26/10

At today's development planning meeting we decided to ship Firefox 4
Beta 7 from mozilla-central instead of the relbranch that we created on
October 6th [1]. This means that Firefox 4 Beta 7 will include the work
that has landed on mozilla-central over the past month (an impressive
number of fixes, including more than 300 additional blocking bugs!) It
also means that the GECKO20b7pre_20101006_RELBRANCH will be discarded.

The driving group re-triaged the beta8 blocker list, pulling forward
regressions created/discovered from this past month's work such that
they now block beta 7. This has left us with 24 blockers, though several
will fade away when the TraceMonkey tree is merged over to
mozilla-central a little later tonight:

In order to stabilize and ship from mozilla-central, we need to close
the tree to Firefox 4 Beta 7 and Fennec Beta 2 blockers only. Any other
patches that want to land need explicit approval for one of those
milestones (normal approval2.0+ is not sufficient). As always, test and
bustage fixes will be allowed, as will be changes to parts of the tree
that are "not part of the build." The Tree Rules have been updated
accordingly [2]

The Firefox 4 Beta 7 milestone will also continue to be the
"feature/api/string" frozen milestone as per the plan.

Please follow up to this thread with any questions you may have.


[2]: (thanks, Mossop!)

Frédéric Buclin

Oct 27, 2010, 6:24:26 AM10/27/10
> [1]:

It contains pre-meeting questions and comments. Could someone please
update to match what
has been decided at the meeting? This would be more useful for mozillians.


Mike Beltzner

Oct 27, 2010, 10:28:23 AM10/27/10
to Frédéric Buclin,

I don't understand. The link you reference contains:

• [beltzner] Should we ship beta 7 off mozilla-central default or the b7 relbranch created on October 6th?
• since October 6th, over 300 blockers and over 500 non-blockers have landed on mozilla-central
• we have not had nightly testing on the b7 relbranch, and the compartments work has never been on that branch
• prior to the compartments landing, QA had declared the b7 relbranch content to be stable
• decision was to ship beta7 off mozilla-central
• tree will be locked to beta 7 blockers immediately (and fennec b2 blockers)
• teams to re-triage beta8 blocker list to identify bugs that need to block beta7 (new regressions since the branch point)

Which is what was decided at the meeting. Can I answer any other questions about the decision?


Frédéric Buclin

Oct 27, 2010, 11:08:35 AM10/27/10
Le 27. 10. 10 16:28, Mike Beltzner a �crit :

> Which is what was decided at the meeting. Can I answer any other questions about the decision?

Ah sorry, I didn't read that far carefully enough. I was referring to:

Notices / Schedule

Firefox 4 Beta 7

* as per the dev planning thread, could be shipped either off the
GECKO20b7pre_20101006_RELBRANCH or default tags of mozilla-central.
We�ll discuss that in today�s exciting roundtable.

As I already saw this notice some days ago, I thought the meeting notes
haven't been updated at all after the meeting, and I stopped reading
carefully. :)

So that's fine. Thanks!


Jesper Kristensen

Oct 27, 2010, 11:52:38 AM10/27/10

The meeting notes are scraped from the wiki and posted on the blog
<> and Planet at midnight (00:00)
Mozilla HQ time.

The decision was added to the wiki by Beltzner at 01:00
and thus did not make it to the blog and Planet.

I went through all posted meeting notes of this month to see if other
meeting notes had been updated after they were scraped, and none were
except for
but that change was made exactly one week after the meeting. Most
meeting notes have their last update before 19:00, with the latest
update being at 21:18.

So I still think midnight is a good time to scrape them, and I will urge
anybody updating meeting notes after midnight Mozilla HQ time to tell me
(like the update from Beltzner). I will post the updated notes to the
blog in a moment.

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