Hi everyone,
We are down to 52 code-blockers (and 12-non code blockers) remaining
for Firefox 3.5:
Based on this, the great progress we've been making on blockers over
the past two weeks, and estimates from the component leads, we're
setting an aggressive code freeze target of next Wednesday, May 20th
for Firefox 3.5 RC.
Based on this schedule:
May 20th: Code freeze for RC
May 21st: Hold tree closed, fix any issues spotted with
May 22-24th: Produce RC builds for Monday AM PDT
.. putting the RC release somewhere in the first week of June.
Everyone should be putting their primary efforts on fixing blockers.
Anything you can do to help a blocker or blocker nomination [1] along
(regression range discovery, nightly testing, reduced testcase
creation, not bothering the people who are working on blockers) would
be greatly appreciated.
We'll check back against schedule on Tuesday, but looks like the
finish line is very much in sight!
[1]: Blocker nominations: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=ALL%20flag%3Ablocking-firefox3.5%3F%2Cblocking1.9.1%3F