namespace: Description: is the root element of the metrics report document. Event: Application startup. Attributes: time: The time at which the event occurred, in seconds since the epoch (int). Event: Application shutdown. Attributes: time: The time at which the event occurred, in seconds since the epoch (int). Event: A new DOM Window (toplevel or child window) is created. Attributes: time: The time at which the event occurred, in seconds since the epoch (int). id: The id of the new window (int). chrome: Whether the new window is for a chrome docshell (bool). If not specified, assumed to be false. Event: A toplevel DOM Window is opened via A for this window will preceded this event. Attributes: time: The time at which the event occurred, in seconds since the epoch (int). id: The id of the window that was opened (int). Event: A toplevel DOM Window is closed via window.close() or user action.. Attributes: time: The time at which the event occurred, in seconds since the epoch (int). id: The id of the window that was closed (int). Event: A DOM Window (toplevel or child window) is destroyed. Attributes: time: The time at which the event occurred, in seconds since the epoch (int). id: The id of the window that was destroyed (int). Event: A document has been loaded into a DOM Window. Attributes: time: The time at which the event occurred, in seconds since the epoch (int). window: The id of the window where the document was loaded (int). origin: The event which initiated the load (string). Legal values are: typed: The document URI was typed (or pasted) by the user. link: The user followed a link to the document URI. session-history: The user used back/forward navigation to load the document. reload: The user used the reload button or keyboard shortcut to reload the document. global-history: The user loaded the page by selecting it from their global history. bookmark: The user loaded the page by selecting it from the bookmarks menu, bookmarks toolbar, or bookmarks management UI. script: A script executing on a page loaded the document. refresh: A meta-refresh loaded the document. external: The document URI was passed in from an external application. other: Any load which does not fall into one of the above categories. loadtime: The time from the initiation of the load until the document is complete (which includes all images, stylesheet, etc) in milliseconds. bfCacheHit: Whether the document presentation was loaded from the session history cache (bool). If not specified, assumed to be false.