Medical Director of Switzerland’s Paracelsus Clinic Takes Stand on Hazards of Electromagnetic Pollution

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Feb 11, 2009, 4:22:20 PM2/11/09

Medical Director of Switzerland’s Paracelsus Clinic Takes Stand on Hazards of Electromagnetic Pollution - ‘Electromagnetic Load’ a Hidden Factor in Many Illnesses

10.02.2009 by admin Category Electromagnetic Health Blog

Listen to Dr. Rau Interview


Letter to the Canadian Minister of Health

I sent the following letter to our Canadian Minister of Health at  If you also wish to voice your specific concerns, it is easy submit your letter. 


The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, P.C., M.P.
Health Canada
Brooke Claxton Building, Tunney's Pasture
Postal Locator: 0906C
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9


Dear Minister,

Since I first became aware of EMF/RF exposure as a health and safety concern 3 1/2 years ago, the controversy surrounding this subject has increased (not decreased!) to the extent that in 2008 eleven Canadian citizens groups have petitioned our Canadian Government for answers!  We must consider the total toxic load our bodies are relentlessly exposed to 24/7 ... are there any safe zones left that are 'EMF/RF FREE' and if there are, how do we even know where they are unless we have the sophisticated (and expensive) equipment needed to detect ambient environmental levels of radiation?  Is it not disquieting to realize – unbeknownst to you - that the place where you work, learn and live may be exposing you to constant low levels of radiation that cumulatively may be the cause of your future ill health?


It is time to consider mandatory monitoring of EMF/RF in work and school environments where people (especially children) are forced to spend extended periods of time in terms of risk assessment and establishing safe limits of radiation exposure.  We cannot blindly continue to indiscriminately add new technologies such as WiFi and WiMax (which emit as much or more RF than cell phones) to our workplaces, schools and homes without first determining the margin of safety within any given environment.  To continue to blatantly ignore low level environmental RF radiation as a plausible causative factor for disease and ill health would be irresponsible in view of mounting scientific evidence to the contrary, especially when other countries are already taking steps to protect their children from RF by removing WiFi from kindergartens/schools in favour of cables and discouraging cell phone use for their young.


How is the Government of Canada going to address the possible long term effects of low level RF radiation on the health of all Canadians, but most importantly what steps will you take to ensure that there are healthy environments free of RF for our children to learn and grow in?


Below are several current articles for your information.


Best Regards,



Wednesday February 11, 2009


Tower troubles for petitioners



The potential health risks of cellphone towers and fluoride in the drinking water were the top environmental concerns of people who petitioned the government last year.

Worries ranged from the amount of road salt used at the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Cypress Bowl venue to the disposal of fluorescent light bulbs.


But the top concern, and subject of 11 petitions, was the health effects of electromagnetic radiation from cellphone towers. People say the towers were installed too close to their homes and question the science that says they pose no risk to health.



Some of the petitions are from groups and others are from individuals. Once a minister's office receives a petition it has 120 days to respond.


In his first report, commissioner of the environment and sustainable development Scott Vaughan said 86% of responses made the 120-day deadline -- down from 95% the year before. The report also said petitions received by government jumped by 24% in 2007-08 to 56.

The second biggest issue was the impact fluoride has on human health, fish stocks and the surrounding environment. Seven petitions were filed on this issue although one woman living in Waterloo was responsible for four of them.


Residents of Port Hope in Ontario filed six petitions expressing concern about radioactivity in the town. Some were concerned about the possible contamination of an elementary school while others demanded increased government testing. Four petitions were filed about the impact of the Alberta oilsands.

"Government has continually weakened what few regulations there are regarding the impacts of industry on human health and folks are getting wise," said NDP natural resources critic Nathan Cullen. "They are using this petition process to try to get some answers".


Chronic Low Back Pain Is on the Rise

Doubling of rate in North Carolina may mimic rest of nation,,

More information

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has more on back pain.

SOURCES: Timothy S. Carey, M.D., M.P.H., professor of medicine and director, Sheps Center for Health Services Research, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Brook Martin, M.P.H., health services researcher, Department of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle; Feb. 9, 2009, Archives of Internal Medicine.


W.E.E.P. note:  One possible cause does not appear to have been considered by the researchers - Electro Magnetic Radiation(EMR) and its many adverse health effects.  We already know that depression is caused by EMR and the study notes the link between depression and back pain.  We also know how EMR causes severe sleep problems and can cause people to have arthritis type symptoms.  In addition we know that EMR exposure has increased drastically during the time that chronic back pain has doubled. 

EMR must be considered as a contributing factor to chronic back pain.

Martin Weatherall

Omega Group

Feb 15, 2009, 3:34:22 AM2/15/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Hazards of Electromagnetic Pollution

Australia.TO - Sydney, NSW, Australia

Dr. Thomas Rau, Medical Director of the world renowned Paracelsus
Clinic in
Lustmühle, Switzerland says he is convinced ‘electromagnetic loads’
lead to ...

Omega Group

Feb 16, 2009, 4:24:25 PM2/16/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
- Electromagnetic Health org.: Dr Thomas RAU Medical Director of
Switzerland's Paracelsus Clinic Takes Stand on Hazards of
Electromagnetic Pollution - ‘Electromagnetic Load' a Hidden Factor in
Many Illnesses.

Omega Group

Feb 17, 2009, 2:24:44 AM2/17/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
‘Electromagnetic Load’ a Hidden Factor in Many Illnesses


Feb 27, 2009, 6:44:31 AM2/27/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Unsichtbarer Faktor für viele Krankheiten

Dr. Thomas Rau, medizinischer Leiter der weltbekannten Paracelsus-
Klinik in Lustmühle, Schweiz, sagt, er sei davon überzeugt, dass eine
"elektromagnetische Belastung" zu Krebs, Konzentrationsproblemen, ADD,


Mar 3, 2009, 7:17:12 AM3/3/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Medical Director of Swiss Clinic Takes Brave Stand on the Hazards of
Electromagnetic Pollution

What does he say about the “hidden risks” of exposure to
electromagnetic fields?
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