SENAT: Electro Hypersensitive (EHS)

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Mar 28, 2009, 1:14:18 AM3/28/09


Mar 28, 2009, 1:16:21 AM3/28/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News


Mar 28, 2009, 5:11:05 PM3/28/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
A quick translation of the French text.

Sarah Dacre

Declaration of 23 March 2009: Electromagnetic fields and health

The Darwinian evolution occurred in the presence of natural
electromagnetic fields. The Magnetoreception is one of the biological
mechanisms enabling migratory birds and bees to go. No scientist can
assert today that the coverage of our European territories by multiple
artificial electromagnetic fields has not, will not, have major
repercussions on the behavior and the preservation of wildlife.

The effects of electromagnetic fields on our health are demonstrated
by clinical observation, numerous toxicological and biological
investigations and epidemiological studies. It exists in Europe a
growing number of patients classified as electrohypersensitive who
have become intolerant to electromagnetic fields.

Although the biological mechanisms of electrosensitivity are still
misunderstood, it is legally recognized as a disability in Sweden.

We, doctors, acting under the Hippocratic oath, we, researchers,
acting on behalf of scientific truth, all of us, doctors and
researchers from different member states of the European Union,
affirm... that there is an increasing number of patients who
intolerant to electromagnetic fields, this intolerance has created a
serious injury
in terms of health and work and family life, we can not exclude for
them an evolution of a degenerative disease of the system nervous, and
even some cancers and, therefore, that damage needs to be recognized
and repaired by the welfare systems of different member states of the
European community.

We warn the public power that... we can not exclude that after a
period of exposure, this intolerance may also affect children and thus
be causing a major health problem in the future in all countries using
without restriction modern technology with electromagnetic fields.

In spite of insufficient scientific knowledge and even the existence
of controversy on some points, the international scientific community
is unanimous in recognizing the possibility of a public health risk
assumed serious, requiring urgent implementation of the precautionary

To support some lobbies and sell off the existence of ill health and
environmental problems on behalf of economic and financial interests
in the short term could only be detrimental to our citizens.

I thank you, we thank you.

The signatories are the German Franz Adlkofer, coordinator of the
European research project involving Reflex 12 teams of 7 members, the
Frenchman Dominique Belpomme, and Swedish oncologist Lennart Hardell,
oncologist and researcher, and Olle Johansson, of the department of
neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute.


Mar 29, 2009, 8:44:01 AM3/29/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Appell europäischer Wissenschaftler zur Elektrosensibilität

Anlässlich eines Kolloquiums im französischen Senat über
gesundheitliche Folgen drahtloser Technologien veröffentlichten fünf
europäische Wissenschaftler einen Appell bezüglich der möglichen
Risiken elektromagnetischer Felder. Dieser so genannte „Appell des 23.
März“ wurde während einer Podiumsdiskussion verlesen. Es heißt darin,
dass elektromagnetische Felder für unsere Gesundheit und Umwelt,
insbesondere für elektrosensible Personen und Kinder, ein ernsthaftes
Problem darstellen. Da die Frage der schädlichen Einflüsse
elektromagnetischer Felder sehr umstritten ist, solle das
Vorsorgeprinzip gelten. Teilnehmer an der Podiumsdiskussion waren
unter anderem Franz Adlkofer, Koordinator des REFLEX-Projekts, Lennart
Hardell, Krebsspezialist der Universitätsklinik Örebro in Schweden,
und Pierre Le Ruz, Präsident des wissenschaftlichen Rates des Criirem.
Das Kolloquium wurde vom Senat gemeinsam mit der Umweltorganisation
„Robin des Toits“ durchgeführt.
(in französicher Sprache)

Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 26.03.2009
Der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V. (FGF), gehören alle deutschen
Mobilfunkbetreiber an.


Mar 29, 2009, 4:42:26 PM3/29/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Hypersensitivity of Human Subjects to Environmental Electric and
Magnetic Field Exposure

Redaktion Buergerwelle e.V. (BI Omega-CI Omega)

Mar 29, 2009, 5:03:10 PM3/29/09

Yes you are right, the RF fields used by Thorsten Ritz et al (attached)
to disrupt the robin's compass, were of a specific frequency to resonate
with triplet spin state radical pairs in the cryptochromes in the eye.
We do not know nearly enough about cryptochromes in general from the
point of view of light or chemically induced radicals and therefore RF
in general. I was merely noting that some interesting progress has
been/is being made here.

On melatonin I'm with you. See a paper of mine with Russ Reiter
attached, although it is ELF.

That said, I'm not sure that cryptochromes and clock genes/melatonin are
entirely separate. The cryptochromes satify the urge of physicists of
being a PRIMARY MF/Biology interaction. I guess clock genes/melatonin
are more downstream into the biology.

However, I do take you point about the sun etc.

Good debate, let's keep it going.

Good wishes


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 29/03/2009 14:15
Subject: RE: Déclaration du 23 mars 2009 : Champs électromagnétiques et

Hi Denis,

I agree completely with you about the importance of cryptochromes in
sensing the Earth's magnetic field for navigation. Their presence in the
eye could also give the animal a beautiful "heads up" display of the
magnetic field superimposed on its field of vision.

The problem I have with cell phones interfering with this is that it is
not obvious how an alternating signal from their antennas could change
the perceived direction of the DC magnetic field. Nor does it explain
why the animal cannot continue navigating by using the position of the
sun (which is the preferred method anyway).

However, there is an alternative explanation. We already know that weak
alternating electromagnetic fields can affect endogenous circadian
rhythms, which are under the control of the "biological clock". They
can, for example, upset the rhythmic production of melatonin.

But this clock is much more important to bees and birds navigating by
the position of the sun. They have to use it to compensate for the
changing angle of the sun throughout the day. If their clock is not
working properly, they could fly in the wrong direction and, in the case
of bees, never return to the hive. In the absence of anything better, my
advice to bee keepers would be to turn off their cell phones when
visiting their hives.

Best wishes


--- On Sun, 29/3/09, Denis Henshaw wrote:

From: Denis Henshaw
Subject: RE: Déclaration du 23 mars 2009 : Champs électromagnétiques et
Date: Sunday, 29 March, 2009, 12:27 PM



It is really good that this animal navigation in the Earth's magnetic
field stuff is starting to catch on. I hope to try to explain on
Thursday how & why this may apply to ES directly. The answer lies in the
cryptochromes which are not just present in the eyes of birds & other
species (including maybe cattle and deer) but in fact in all human body
tissues. Not that the latter have been shown to be EMF sensors, but then
no one has yet had chance to look....


[ ]

Ritz magnetic fields in Robins Nature 429, 177-180, 2004.pdf
Henshaw & Reiter Bioelectromagnetics Do MFs cause CL via melatonin disruption Suppl. 7; S86-S97 (2005).pdf


Mar 29, 2009, 11:36:25 PM3/29/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Here is new video sent to us by Sylvie from a Local French channel.

Please look at it, it features Dr. Gerd Oberfeld among others, most in
French, some in English, but certainly worth watching and publishing.
The link to the original video is here:



Mar 29, 2009, 11:48:33 PM3/29/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
Dear Agnes,

here is the link. I´m sorry but I am not too familiar with computer
stuff. It would be great if you include this in your website, and it
would be great if you send this to the media all over:

Please check the website ( I don´t know if you are
authorized to send this link. But it is a very important video. Do not
care about including my name, my goal (like yours) is that everybody
have access to this information. But please, just check if you can use
it. I will try and get more media emails and send them to you. We all
are in this together. Glad to be of help. Pls receive my best


Informant: Martin Weatherall
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