Guidelines for Undertaking Community Engagement for Wireless Telecommunications Sites

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Aug 17, 2009, 8:26:05 AM8/17/09
Can anyone help make a submission for NZ? Please see email and attachments.

Best wishes,

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Crawford []
Sent: 17 August 2009 02:26
Subject: Telecommunication Carriers Forum

Dear Eileen

Hello from NZ. We are battling cellsites over here and are making
similar progress to what the rest of the world seems to be.

However we have opened a clink, a possibility, a chance to create
something that all the world can contribute to, that all the world can
benefit from - how exciting is that!

Four of our Telcos have formed an assocation known as the
Telecommunication Carriers Forum

They have released Guidelines re Community Engagement re Wireless Sites.

and are aking for Public Submissions. Imagine that we are being
requested to submit how best the Telcos should behave.

My thinking is to get submissions from around the world as we can all
learn from each other and the final document will be incredible if it
captures the best ideas of all not just a few Telco executives in NZ.

Attached is my submission template for those who want to be in on it
but don't have the time to do the full nine yards. Completed
submission to be sent to

Also attached is a fuller submission (23 pages) by an Environmental
Lawyer as an example of the idease that will make the Guidelines the
benchmark for the world. Final attachment, of course, is the
Guidelines. In their present state they will achieve nothing but with
our input who knows.

What I need from you and Brian Stein and others is for you to spread
the word as we have until AUGUST 20 to submit our submissions. We
only found out about the Guidelines on August 11 even though they were
released on July 9 and many of us have strong communication links with
the Telcos. Despite that we applaud the TCF for the forward move, it
shows we are making a difference.


Andrew Crawford
10 Surfdale Road
Auckland 1081
New Zealand

Submission to the Guidelines for Undertaking Community Engagement for Wireless Telecommunications Sites Aug 2009.doc
Sue Grey Submission to Telecommuncation Carrier Forum re Guidelines for community engagement.doc

Aug 18, 2009, 1:19:42 AM8/18/09
Dear Andrew Crawford,

I am not quite sure exactly what you are asking for! I know, that when a mast was activated in our village (Sept 1st 2001), people immediately began to suffer symptoms. The protective agency ('HPA') in Britain refused to listen to my appeal on their behalf (sent in late 2002 0r early 20030) saying there was no proof that emissions from masts caused ill- health and that it must be 'all in their minds'.
I could not understand them ignoring:-

A) Dr. Neil Cherry's article about the proof that emissions from a transmitter had caused exactly the same main symptom that occurred in my village - insomnia.
B) That epidemiological tests in Schwarzenberg in the late 1990s had proved that the emissions from the transmitter had caused inhibition of melatonin in both animals and people and resulted in the Swiss Government turning off the transmitter. The fact that melatonin is essential at night to enable people to sleep and the fact that in my village they were ALL suffering from insomnia or disturbed sleep seemed an adequate pointer to the necessity for investigation of this fact.
C) When I later found the link between cancer and emissions- again the inhibition of melatonin! I sent this information too - again the response was 'No Proof'! After 23 letters and several emails  I still got the same response - and then a  refusal to acknowledge any more letter from me!
 Meanwhile, one man here has suffered two strokes in association with emissions and is now crippled; another man died of a heart-attack and his wife has 'inexplicably' raised white blood cell count -(Aka USA Embassy staff in Moscow having 40% raised white blood-cell count 1950s -70s after bombardment of the embassy with Radar [Pulse-modulated microwaves!]- and 2 ambassadors dying of a leukaemia-like disease.) headaches; nausea; dizziness; earache; tinnitus; nosebleeds; raised blood pressure; sore itching bloodshot eyes; ulcerated mouths and throats - and two pets developed cancer! All the victims had lived happily in this village without previously experiencing these symptoms - now some of them are permanently unable to use some of the rooms in their houses - unless the mast is deactivated or they go away from the area- then they all feel better and can sleep!
My point is, that in order to protect people - we should ask for a completely independent and expert body for appeals. We should not have to rely solely on one agency - especially when there appears to be a possible link between the 'protective' agency and the providers of the service at fault and that Government and Ombudsmen immediately refer to that one agency for advice! This resulting in the requests for help being referred over and again back to the exhausted, suffering victims - as in Britain -repeating the HPA mantra 'There is no proof!

The independent body in this case, should:-

1) have absolutely no links whatsoever with any member of the industry concerned - OR with anyone  who is being paid £1000s per day/week/year to advise them!
2) The independent body should be composed of experts in whichever field applies (in this case pulse- modulated microwave emissions; human physiology - and any possible links which could cause health problems etc.).
I have seen the peer reviewed proof of several experts which shows the links between emissions and cancer (Dr George Carlo, America) and insomnia(Dr. Neil Cherry 'EMR reduces Melatonin in Animals and People); Barrie Trower - 'Report on Tetra for the Police Federation' -on the internet - expert in microwaves and human physiology- well versed in the effects of pulse modulated wavelengths interfering with cell communication and effects upon the brain; our emotions and mind control. He is sure that the unnacceptable behaviour of the police at the G20 protests was caused by the effect of being incarcerated in their vans (which were full of Tetra microwave emissions) prior to dealing with the crowds!

Dr Andrew Goldsworthy (paper attached); Professor Magda Havas (Toronto Health Board and Trent University Canada) (No Wi-Fi in schools!),letter attached. Also, Glaser's list has a long list of proof which was found years ago!

With very best wishes,

Yours sincerely,
Gill Lyden

Andrew Goldsworthy facts about cell phone radiation.doc
Havas no Wi-Fi in schools.doc
Barrie's Open Letter, a response to the Police Federation.doc
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