What about EMF's re the Controlling Cell Behavior with Magnets?

Subject:   MAGNETS  -  Controlling Cell Behavior


What about EMF's? (1-26-08)




[ File notes:   Photo of cells -- above link -- and important detail can not be copied.  See separate email -- Technology Review/"Controlling Cell Behavior With Magnets."   Need to review  Elsevier   


   info -- repulsion re IgG subclass 1 -- Boy A and Boy B files plus Project Z, Z-1 (Kelley) Reactive Renal Amyloidosis.  Complete metabolic search -- not able to  explain amyloid build-up  -- no "heavy build-up"  identified see Univ. of Mn Necropsy http://www.guineapigsrus.org/UofMBloodTest.html   .......in other words, the "only explanation" for the rare amyloidosis in Z-1 (Kelley) was initial, close, chronic, prolonged exposure to electric meter followed by  moving cage to location away from electric meter and appliances.    "Ambient magnetic fields" averaged 3.5 mg to 4.5 mg for cage area in basement, however, it was unknown during the two plus years in that location that there was a magnetic field higher than ambient emanating from sewer pipe.   Stan Barker had videographed high RF at front of cage (facing southeast)......jcm 1-26-08....]


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DOWLING MAGNETISM  -  The attraction is obvious


What is magnetism?
Magnetism is the force of attraction or repulsion between substances made of certain materials, such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and steel. The force of magnetism, simply put, is due to the motion of electric charges.




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[ File note re mechanisms (Coghill) ::   


Email 8-13-07 from Roger Coghill  ( cogreslab@btconnect.com ) to  Joanne Mueller: ( jcmpelican@aol.com )

Thanks Joanne, 

At the start of your letter you refer to the magnetic component. It is absolutely vital that you grasp the point that the electric component of EMFs is the bioactive agent, not the magnetic component. Research focus only on the magnetic component is the disgraceful deception practised by the power utilities  for decades, so that the true impact of exposure has been hugely understated. You will have heard of the electric chair, but never the magnetic chair! 

That is why EPRI’s EMDEX meters never capture the electric field. They were deliberately designed to avoid epidemiological research into electric field effects, yet Ross Adey’s work on calcium efflux, Bary Wilson’s work on melatonin, and Dan Lyle’s work on lymphocyte competence, to name but a few, as well as the early Russian studies, were all reporting electric field effects, not magnetic. Our vital processes (heart beat rate, brain rhythms etc), are all electric processes, not magnetic, and through superposition (an established physical phenomenon) any other electric field will perturb them.  

Please stop using the term magnetic when the culprit is electric. This EPRI deception must be halted if we are to make any progress in research evidence. 

Roger Coghill

MA(Cantab,) C Biol MI Biol MA(Environ Mgt)

sometime Senior Visitor, Emmanuel College, Cambridge    .........   ]


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Thanks, Mark, for your question "what about EMF's" re the "Controlling Cell Behavior with Magnets!!!"


This information "fits" with the facts I have noted above.   Also "vitally important" re helping to spread-the-word re need to move electric appliances and telephone equipment away from close proximity to beds particularly in light of the fact this paper re cell behavior and magnets "emphasizes PROXIMITY....!!!!" 


The concept is straightforward.   This information may also help with my reviews re why calcium supplementation has never helped me and actually has "caused me problems."   Also, there are important studies and information re ferritin (amount of iron stored in body) that may help explain my occasional blood test results re elevated iron (exact name of test result in my files).   


Seemingly unrelated but I have no doubt, very much related to chronic, prolonged EMF/EMR "close exposures," is the fact that I do not drink milk and I also do not consume dairy products on a regular basis.   I am 71 years old and have perfect bone density test results w/exception of a very minor change that occurred in my left hip which I can link to carrying my cell phone in my left jean pocket.  Also, hip pain developed on the several occasions the cell phone was in hip pocket for a hour or more. 


One mystery I would like to resolve is whether or not sleeping on a foam mattress and wooden base would result in improvement in blood sugar levels as well as blood pressure.   In other words, if currents are not induced on bed materials, how much would that lower body voltage readings?    Unfortunately we can't afford to replace our beds.    I will experiment with foam pad on the floor -- upstairs and downstairs to compare body voltage measurements under those conditions.


Unfortunately in our house -- so very close to the two high voltage powerlines -- even turning circuits off to the bedrooms at night worsens our health status.    Our "ambient magnetic fields" are usually somewhere between 5.5 milligauss and 10.5 milligauss.   Body voltage measurements are 1,000 millivolts in downstairs bed and 3,000 millivolts in upstairs bedroom.   These figures are "rounded...."


I am in-the-process of evaluating body voltage measurements re currents on upstairs bedroom wall in the area of the gas meter.  I need to check with power off for the full house and also power off to bedrooms only.   Right now, I have measured over 3 volts when leaning aganst location opposite gas meter (former location of head of Bud's bed).    The "magnetic field measurement" re assessing exposure due to gas meter (elevated magnetic fields in two locations), has been of very little use.  Obviously, an oscilloscope and another meter, etc.  would be helpful but not something I can afford at this time.  


Take care   -   Joanne


Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs "R" Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota  55448-2127 USA
Phone:   763-755-6114
Email:    jcmpelican@aol.com   (1-26-08)


WEBSITE:  http://guineapigsrus.org 


[ http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=amyloidosis

http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=necropsy ]