How Cellphone Radiation Affects Your Cells - Articles
March 18 2008
How Cellphone Radiation Affects Your Cells

cell phone dangers, cell phone radiation, emf, rf, radio frequencies, radio waves, microwavesRadiation from cell phones is too weak to heat biological tissue or break chemical bonds in cells, but the radio waves they emit may still change cell behavior.

Scientists exposed 10 female volunteers to radiation at 900 megahertz from GSM phones to simulate an hour-long phone call.

They screened 580 different proteins in their skin cells and found that the numbers of two proteins were altered in all of the volunteers: one protein increased by 89 percent, the other decreased by 32 percent.

This study shows that even without heating, molecular level changes take place in response to exposure to cell phone frequency electromagnetic radiation.

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Dr. MercolaDr. Mercola's Comments:

For the first time, researchers are able to show that molecular changes do take place in your body during exposure to information-carrying radio waves, such as those from your cell phone. Similar effects have previously been found in cultured cells, but now they’re able to show that the impact on the human body is indeed the same. 

So what is the physiological significance of these changes in proteins?

So far, no one knows for sure.

But I firmly believe that dismissing it as inconsequential would be a serious mistake, especially in light of ALL the data available, pointing to a wide variety of long-term health risks.

What Causes the Biological Damage?

Let me be VERY clear. 

Most of the danger from most land-based portable phones, cell phones and WiFi routers is not from the thermal damage produced by these devices from which typical SAR ratings are given on phones. Unless you have massive exposures like you might expect in a microwave oven, these thermal effects are insignificant.

We believe the biological damage comes both from the modulated signals that are carried ON the carrier microwave and the carrier wave itself. However, they do their damage by two entirely different mechanisms. These modulated information-carrying radio waves resonate in biological frequencies of a few to a few hundred cycles per second, and can stimulate your cellular receptors causing a whole cascade of pathological consequences that can culminate in fatigue, anxiety and ultimately cancers.

This is a MAJOR problem because in the last few years we have had an exponential increase in exposure to these waves. It took from 1984 to 2004 to reach the first billion cell phones, the second billion took just 18 months, the third billion took only nine months, and the fourth billion just six months.

And this does not factor in any of your exposure to WiFi routers (wireless internet), which are now pervasive. Since there is a lag time of five to 20 years before many of these effects become clinically apparent, now is the time to act before you or your family suffer the damage.

You May Already Suffer the ill Effects

Numerous studies claim there is no biological impact of RF radiation within the cell phone range. This latest study punches a hole in that notion.

Additionally, researchers in different countries are finding equally disturbing results that point to far greater health implications than anyone is ready for. 

Unfortunately, most people fail to correlate common symptoms and health problems to their exposure to cell phones and other radio frequencies, perhaps because these conditions can so easily be attributed to other causes as well.  

Do you suffer from any of these common illnesses and ailments, which have all been scientifically linked to cell phone information-carrying radio waves? 

  • Alzheimer’s, senility and dementia
  • Parkinson’s
  • Autism
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Altered memory function, poor concentration and spatial awareness 

Although cancer and brain tumors are most often cited as the potential health risks from cell phone radiation, as you can see, cancer is not the only, or the most common, danger that you and your children face.  

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

cell phone dangers, cell phone radiation, emf, rf, radio frequencies, radio waves, microwavesA study published in the June 2003 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives was also the first of its kind; showing that EMF’s emitted by certain mobile phones damage neurons in the brains of rats.

The cross-section on top shows the healthy brain of a control sample rat.

The bottom picture gives a clear visual of how a two-hour dose of GSM cell phone radiation, in varying intensities, impacted a test rat. The dark patches are proteins that leaked through the blood-brain barrier, causing significant neuronal damage in the cortex, hippocampus, and basal ganglia.

They used 12- to 26-week-old rats in this study because their developmental age is comparable to that of human teenagers, who are some of the heaviest users of mobile phones. Said the study authors:

"The situation of the growing brain might deserve special concern, since biological and maturational processes are particularly vulnerable. We cannot exclude that after some decades of often daily use, a whole generation of users may suffer negative effects as early as middle age."

Is Your Headset Making Matters Worse?       

For some time, the standard recommendation to reduce your radiation exposure was to use a headset. But, newer investigations, and the emergence of wireless earpieces (like Bluetooth), turns this idea upside down. These headsets may actually intensify your exposure to harmful radiation because the headset itself acts as an antenna, which is now inserted directly into your ear canal.

Testing has indicated that your cell phone headset may actually raise the amount of radiation emitted by more than 300 percent!

It's vital that you know the pros and cons of cell phone headsets -- especially now that laws requiring "hands-free" cell phone headsets while driving are going in effect all over the United States.

The British Independent Group on Mobile Phones suggested that headsets are an ideal solution only if they were used with filters to stop the headset wire from acting as an effective antenna. One solution is an air-tube headset. These conduct sound, but prevent any radiation from traveling up the wire to your brain.

More Safety Tips to Limit Your Exposure

To date, there are few alternatives to ensure complete safety, but there are some common sense recommendations: 

  • Limit the amount of time you spend on the phone.
  • Limit your exposure to WiFi routers. Find out where they are located in your work environment and stay away from them.
  • If you have any land-based (non-cellular) portable phones, do NOT use anything other than the 900 MHz phones as the Gigahertz phones stay on continuously, blasting you with information-carrying radio waves 24/7.
  • Use the speakerphone instead of putting the phone to your ear; this is probably one of the single most important steps you can take other than not using your cell phone.
  • Use a wired headset to limit your exposure to the cell phone -- ideally, an air-tube headset that conducts sound but prevents any radiation from traveling up the wire to your brain. Also make sure the wire is SHIELDED, which prevents the wire from acting as an antenna that could attract more information-carrying radio waves directly to your brain.
  • Limit calls inside buildings.
  • Use the phone in open spaces as often as possible.
  • Limit use by children and preadolescents.

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Apprentice User   
[ Joined on 02/08 ] [ Posted on February 29, 2008 ]
5 Points        
I wonder if Masaru Emoto - who does those fabulous studies of water molecule structures has done any on cell phone influence on water.....the brain being 90+%  water...

I think that it would also tell a story...
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Connie Wilson
[ Joined on 07/07 ]  [ Posted on March 18, 2008]

Hi ZPE...:)  

See page 147, 148 and 149 of Emoto's book entitled "The True Power of Water".  On those pages you will fine photos of the effect on water from cell phones, computers and televisions...not a pretty site.  

I would welcome conversation regarding this from anyone who is interested...I can be reached at 503-616-2383 or at

Have a great day...and STAY SAFE...!

Apprentice User   
[ Joined on 10/07 ] [ Posted on February 28, 2008 ]
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Because one of the two information frequencies used by a cell phone is very close to the hertz at which your body communicates with itself (cellular, heartbeat, etc..which I believe, if I remember correctly, is around 2 hertz), the body sees this as interference ( the same as when your radio signal in your car gets scratchy when traveling under big power lines) and will take the appropriate measures to protect itself…(ie: making the cell wall “thicker/stiffer”, etc…)…on the internet somewhere, there is a picture of your brain on a cell phone and the “bloom” as they call it of the radiation and how far it penetrates into the skull….which, by the way, is the whole head for children under twelve…(sometimes just 3 inches..which is bad enough!...for adults)…Please don’t let children use cell phones…and only use yours in an emergency

This technology which began for the military was thrust into the private sector without any testing….

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Connie Wilson
[ Joined on 07/07 ]  [ Posted on March 18, 2008]

I have been researching the dangers of cell phones and other electronics for several years now, since my daughter became ill (see my BIO).  We all need to wake up and really see what we are facing with the explosive growth of all of our wireless and electronic gadgets...people are becoming ill and don't really know why.  Our exposure to radiation and more importantly, the information carrying radio waves emmited from these devices is causing symptoms such as:  accelerated aging, headaches, stress, insomnia, to name a few. Leading to more serious issues such as: tumors, cancers, chronic fatigue, Alzheimers, autism and more.

Here is a link that will direct you to dozens of research articles...

I'm passionate about helping people become aware of the issues, we as adults need to get protected...and even more importantly our children.  Here is a link to the image of radiation penetration that Charisse was speaking of:

I'm very well versed in the Problem, the Solution and the Validation...please contact me if you would like more information...:)

Apprentice User   
[ Joined on 06/06 ] [ Posted on March 1, 2008 ]
2 Points        
This isn't just limited to cell phones.... the environment is full of other wireless radiation that is increasing every day. Add to that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by all electrical devices, power lines and the inside of your car, and you can't imagine how much you're being exposed to these frequencies. 

Although it is hard to guage, scientists believe that we are being exposed to 100,000 times the amount of this radiation that people were 100 years ago. The human body can only take so much.
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Apprentice User   
[ Joined on 08/07 ] [ Posted on February 29, 2008 ]
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I have before and after photographs of a person's head using thermal imaging photography while on a cell phone.  In the first photo, the cell phone is only on, but they are not talking on the phone.  The head is firey red and orange, showing every cell being fried by radiation exposure.  In the 2nd photo, we inserted a Cell Safe patch (which I've mentioned before on this blog),  and the photo shows the head is now turned to blue and greens, neutralizing the radiation.
People think it is safe to put their phones on their belts.  "At least it's not by my head!"  But if the head is being fried when the phone is only turned on, what is happening to all your organs near the belt line??  I guess it is a good contraception measure as the radiation is known to effectively kill up to 70% of the sperm count in men!
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Savvy User   
[ Joined on 11/07 ]  [ Posted on February 29, 2008]
Yeah we already have enough problems with HFCS and sexual dysfunction.
Savvy User   
[ Joined on 04/07 ]  [ Posted on February 29, 2008]
Its not only the internal organs near your belt line Curlilox. This is also alongside your hips where there is a large proportion of your blood cell production happening. This could be setting the stage for future leukaemia and other blood cell disease s .
Moderator User   
[ Joined on 11/06 ] [ Posted on February 28, 2008 ]
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I would like to see what the proteins were like before and after cell-phone radiation exposure.  Just because it is on the opposite arm does not mean it is not affected by radiation. 

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Novice User   
[ Joined on 02/08 ] [ Posted on March 18, 2008 ]

I've known about the harmfull effects the cell phones are causing I have purchased a diode to hang oround my upper body  from a chain and i have a larger diode sitting right in front of me at he base of my monitor. also i have a diode that I stick to the back of my cell phone on the battery case

these diodes serve as a block to all the radiation.  It nuetralize the radiation and ELF  there are a couple of companys that mfg these and can be Googled

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Novice User   
[ Joined on 07/07 ] [ Posted on March 18, 2008 ]

I'm very much concerned about the effects of Cell Phones to our bodies and brains, too. Therefore in January I sent your article about 'Cell Phone Dangers' to all the people of my mailing address book.

Some days ago I found this here and I'd like to share it with you, a Cellphone Study Case by Sylvia Sutton Ross:

I hope this helps in a way that even if we don't have an answer yet of how to react to the obvious dangers of Cell Phones: we have skills to protect us, technical ones like the air tube headset AND we have OUR OWN inner or spiritual skills to protect us (see the above link) - UNTIL other, better, more complete solutions are found and implemented....

I'm an EFT Practitioner in Switzerland and I 'found' Sylvia Sutton Ross about 3 days ago, when I ordered some books from Dr. Michael J. Lincoln ( By the way, his "Messages from the Body" provides an incredible amount of informations!

Sylvia Sutton Ross has combined her skills as a trained EFT practitioner along with Dr. Lincoln's book “Messages from the Body" (MFB) and developed EFT-MFB Core Issue Insight Reports for Illnesses & Health concerns.

Hope this not only helps but even inspires to look for what's possible...!

Love and best wishes,


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Novice User   
[ Joined on 04/07 ] [ Posted on March 18, 2008 ]

ON TV IN AUSTRALIA one of the countries leading neuro surgeons has said though he see the results from studies on mobile phones, all he can state clearly is that in the last 10-15 years has been alarge increase in brain tumours especially in younger people and it occurs in their head where they use the mobile phone. It maybe anecdotal but he is seeing the leading egde and its been an increasing trend.,

Any real health service and goverment should be asking why are these tumours increasing.

8 years ago on a 3 week interstate installation trip, when i had to use my mobile phone a lot i got a very varm left ear and face where i used the phone. It freaked me. I took massive Vit C and lots of vitamins for 2 weeks afterwards. Frankly with the call quality, drops after even 15-20 years of use thye are expenisve and overated.

I have weened my clients off calling me on my unit.

There is the case of many bristish filed telephone workers who used them alot of having health problems. One had his wife come home and ask him why he had left their young child crying. He said what child, he has a memory lapse and forgotten he had a daughter.

I also live on tank water and do not have any flouride in my drinking water which i think is abig plus, most of australian drinking water is flouridated. Thats another poison and well the the Nazi's thought is was an essential part for public social control.

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Novice User   
[ Joined on 05/07 ] [ Posted on March 2, 2008 ]
I have one of those newer high power wireless routers sitting right under my desk all day...... probably not a very good thing
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Apprentice User   
[ Joined on 02/08 ]  [ Posted on March 2, 2008]
I don't think that it would be very good for the family jewels!

Although on the positive side - it may keep your coffee warmer for longer!
