How your body can be damaged by exposure to information-carrying radio waves

This research may also, eventually, add new credence to the explanation of how your body can be damaged by exposure to various information-carrying radio waves, which oscillate at frequencies that resonate with different cells in your body, including your brain cells. 

As stated in the article above, all objects have resonant frequencies at which they naturally vibrate. Too much vibration can destroy the object, or cause it to malfunction.  

I’ve written several articles on this subject within the last year, as I believe cellular phones and WiFi are one of the greatest health hazards we face as we move into the future.  

I also believe that the more we find out about how our bodies are really affected by energies, such as resonating frequencies, the more the problem of information-carrying radio waves will become apparent to the masses. And, the more you will come to realize just to what extent your own thought energies affect your health and genetic expression.