Prominent Neurosurgeon Questions "No-link" Study

No surprise. The study compared early subscribers who used phones very little with later ones who used phones much more. Prominent Australian neurosurgeon, Charles Teo comments, "After looking at the methods and make-up of the two cohorts, it's no wonder the non-subcribers have a higher incidence of tumors - they have a higher usage!"

Rapid response to British Medical Journal reveals flaws

Radiation expert Professor Denis Henshaw notes that no study has considered that cellphones typically release three different types of radiation: microwave, pulsing signals, and extremely low electro-magnetic fields. Read more.

War-games against cellphone science continue

In our society, science often reigns as the ultimate determinor of fact. But scientific studies, their findings, and interpretations are often manipulated to support the agenda of others. As our history books and popular culture remind us, there is no better example of this than the strategies of the tobacco and asbestos industries of the past.

"In 1994 Henry Lai and N.P. Singh showed that pulsed microwave radiation to the brains of rats mutate brain DNA... Their research proved inconvenient to those concerned with creating demand for these new devices. That was why some industry representatives first sought to keep the findings of Lai and Singh from being published. ...When all of these efforts to discredit their work failed, Motorola decided on what it described as a "war-gaming" set of public relations initiatives against the results (according to a Memo from Microwave News that was originally sent by the company's head of global affairs to a firm hired for precisely this purpose)." - Excerpt from the Afterword of the new Disconnect paperback.

However, at Environmental Health Trust we believe you have a right to know

EHT and other world experts reveal major flaws in highly publicized study claiming to find no link to cancer from cellphones

A new study, “Use of mobile phones and risk of brain tumours: update of Danish cohort study,” in the British Medical Journal, claims “to show no link between mobile phone use and tumours.” However, the study is seriously flawed, say technical experts from the U.K., United States, Austria, Sweden and Australia, who have provided critical reviews on the embargoed study to Environmental Health Trust, a research and public educational group and, a health education and advocacy group in the United States.Read more.

New study shows cell phones exceed FCC exposure limits by as much as double for children

A scholarly article on cell phone safety published online October 17, 2011,in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine reports that cell phones used in the shirt or pants pocket exceed FCC exposure guidelines and that children absorb twice as much microwave radiation from phones as do adults. Read more.

Breast cancer awareness is year round

This month we brought you stories from real breast cancer survivors, new case studies that suggest cell phone radiation can cause breast cancer, and ways to stay safe.

But we’re not done yet. In the coming months we’re going to be publishing a new pamphlet dedicated solely to explaining the science behind our concerns in an easy to understand format, as well as more tips to stay safe, so that you and everyone you know can remain healthy. Practice safe phone!

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