Why Are the Birds Disappearing? - Articles
January 17 2008
Why Are the Birds Disappearing?

Tens of millions of the most common birds in North America have disappeared, and their absence is signaling a silent alarm bell about the state of our ecosystem.

According to a report by the National Audubon Society, the numbers of some species of birds have plummeted by 60 percent to 80 percent.

The video above explains some of the dramatic environmental disruptions that are contributing to the decimation of the bird population, and what their disappearance means to the future of our planet.

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Dr. MercolaDr. Mercola's Comments:
Like the tragedy of the disappearing honeybees, the disappearance of millions and millions of birds means that something has gone terribly wrong in our environment.

There are many likely contributing factors for this observation, everything from pesticides to urban sprawl and pollution, but there is an extremely pervasive, silent killer out there that hardly anyone is mentioning: Information-carrying radio waves.

These radio waves are coming from your cell phones and other wireless technologies, and they have increased exponentially in the past three or four years alone.

It’s already known that birds living near mobile phone base stations do not breed well. It’s also known that exposure to these frequencies causes disorientation in migratory birds.

Now, at the end of 2007 there were 4 billion cell phones on the planet. What this means is that even if you are one of the few who decides not to use a cell phone, you are being exposed to information-carrying radio waves at unprecedented levels, and so are all of the birds, bugs and wildlife that live among us.

According to Dr. George Carlo, who is clearly the world’s leading expert on cell phone safety, “The background level of information-carrying radio waves has now reached saturation point.”

In other words, they’re everywhere.

And when we talk about these radio waves you have to understand that there is no safe level of exposure. This is completely different even from electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which are well-known to cause brain cancer, tumor growth, and maybe even Alzheimer’s disease.

But according to Dr. Carlo, we have built up certain defenses against EMFs, which are actually two parts: the magnetic field and the electric field. We have been exposed to a magnetic influence simply because of gravity, while lightning and other natural sources have exposed us to some level of electric fields.

As a result, we can be exposed to low levels of EMFs and perhaps not be affected. But this is not so with radio frequencies (RF) and information-carrying radio waves.

“We do not have any controls that make the information-carrying radio wave manageable from a public health point of view,” says Dr. Carlo.

And this is a major red flag. According to Dr. Carlo:

“Here is why we have a problem … Before 1930, almost none of this exposure existed and up until about the 1980s, most of the exposure that had to do with information-carrying radio waves … only occurred high in the sky.

Like your television, your radio, the signal would go from a big antenna on top of the mountain to the antenna on top of your house and then it would be hardwired back down into your television for example. Information-carrying radio waves were not at the street, but this wonderful invention called the cell phone brought the information-carrying radio waves to the street.”

The huge explosion in cell phone use and their corresponding information-carrying radio waves is causing the following problems:
  • Damaging cell membranes
  • Decreasing intracellular communication by disrupting microtubular connections that allow biophotons to communicate between cells
  • Increasing deposits of heavy metals into your cells, which increases intracelluar production of free radicals and can radically decrease cellular production of energy thus making you incredibly fatigued
First the Honeybees, Now the Birds, Next … Humans?
It would be naïve to assume that the bees and the birds are the only living creatures being impacted here. Perhaps because they are smaller, or more sensitive to the radio waves and changes in frequencies, they are being tragically impacted right now.

But who, or what, will be next?

The only real solution to this major problem is to move our culture away from wireless and back to wires.

Is this going to happen? No way. The telecommunication industry has even more power than the pharmaceutical industry, and there is no way they are going to let that happen.

Well, I took some steps in my own life and when I moved I had my new home completely renovated with wired CAT-5 cables -- so I have no wireless connections at all.

For you and your family, I would suggest keeping cell phone use to a bare minimum and using a speakerphone feature when you do use it. If you must keep your conversation more private, a NON-BlueTooth headset can be used.

And please, whatever you do, do not allow your children to use cell phones, as their skulls are far less dense than yours, and their brains are far more susceptible to damage from information-carrying radio waves.

I believe that one day it will be shown that using cell phones is far more dangerous than smoking cigarettes ever was, and I will reveal the details of why this is so in my next book, coming in 2009.

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Community Comments ( 43 )
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[ Joined on 08/07] [ Posted on
January 3, 2008
10 Points        
Though this may be true, my cell phone would come in handy if ever my car happened to break down.  It's a dangerous world out there for a woman alone on the side of the road at night.  Perhaps we should just limit the use of a cell phone for emergencies, and if we must, use the text messaging feature for less important reasons.
[ Joined on 08/07] [ Posted on January 6, 2008]
8 Points        
Thank you, Beyond Organic. I don't understand why my comment would garner negative votes either. It's a valid point. No, a cell phone does not protect someone from an attacker per se, but what I was saying that if my car broke down, I would be able to call for legitimate help myself instead of flagging down a perfect stranger. And I do not own a gun as of yet because I have not got around to learning how to use one, and only if you know how to use one should you own one (it's the responsible thing to do).
[ Joined on 06/06] [ Posted on January 6, 2008]
7 Points        
I also feel safer having my cell phone on me Katie.  Mace, an axe and a gun would be a good addition as well.  Although my kids may kill each other or me first .
[ Joined on 06/06] [ Posted on January 5, 2008]
6 Points        
LOL!!!  Thanks Jonny, your comment made me laugh!

(I don't know who thumbed Katie Beth down, but I'm going to thumb her up because I don't think her comment deserves negatives!  The whole point system here is rather ridiculous period, especially since people thumb people down for no legitimate reasons much of the time and it's all not very fair if you ask me and only makes people who care feel bad.)   
[ Joined on 06/06] [ Posted on January 6, 2008]
-1 Points        
I was kidding Jonny..... but since you mentioned it, I do believe guns can be very dangerous around kids.  I have two very young and wild boys, and I have no doubt that if a loaded gun got into one of their hands, it is very possible someone could get killed.  By the way, we know a couple who's son is now dead today from his daddy's weapon.  He was 7.  &nbs p;
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on
January 4, 2008
3 Points        
Probe looks at effect of radiation on vital bugs
Sunday Independent, Johannesburg
Author: Eleanor Momberg
Date: 22 July 2007

Radiation from cellphones, television sets, radios and other
electronic gadgets could be destroying insect populations.

This is one of the claims being investigated by researchers trying to
determine why insect numbers appear to be dropping.

Other causes appear to be increased urbanisation, uni-agricultural
practices and a loss of natural habitat.

The research project, being undertaken by environmental expert Peter
Hawkes and insect ecologist Dr Max Clark, was initiated by Strilli
Oppenheimer three years ago.

The first such research to be done in South Africa, it comes soon
after international researchers suspected that bee populations in the
United States and Europe were declining because of increased
cellphone radiation.

It was through her keen interest in conservation that Oppenheimer
started noticing that there appeared to be fewer insects around now
than there were 20 years ago.

She had noticed this both in her garden at Brenthurst in Johannesburg
and at Ezemvelo to the east of Gauteng.

"I started asking these questions 10 years ago when a 95 percent
decrease in the sparrow population occurred in London, which appeared
parallel with the massive growth in the usage of cellphones. It is
possible this could be a result of a decrease in insects and,
therefore, there not being enough insects [for the birds] to feed
their young," said Oppenheimer.

Research done by the University of Pretoria has shown that insects
are repulsed by electromagnetic frequencies on a micro scale.

It was for these reasons that Oppenheimer commissioned the research.

Duncan MacFadyen, the research and conservation manager at E
Oppenheimer and Son, pointed out that insects were the gardeners in
many ecosystems.
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
3 Points        
They are relied on as the pollinators of many plant species, for
controlling vegetation growth, for keeping so-called pest numbers in
check and for turning over the soil and doing many other tasks
associated with gardening.

"It is important that we understand how human activities are
impacting on insects in our ecosystems," said MacFadyen. More than R1
million has already been spent on the research, which is set to
continue for several years.

Hawkes and Clark said they selected 24 sites across Gauteng, varying
from urban gardens and natural grasslands to crop farms.

They were looking at urban development, human interference, pollution
levels, the sizes of undisturbed and disturbed habitats and the
intensity of radiation.

Undisturbed grasslands, they said, were difficult to find because of
increased urban sprawl and extensive agricultural use.

While their research results are due out only later this year,
preliminary results indicate that TVs, cellphones, radios, satellite
receivers, computers, laptops, cellphone masts, GPS systems and other
gadgets could be the main contributors to high levels of radiation in
urban areas.

Indications are that, as with the findings overseas in bee research,
electromagnetic radiation could be contributing to subtle changes in
the behaviour of insects, including altering their foraging and
mating patterns.

Clark said the scientists were focusing largely on assessing
indicator groups of insects such as ants, for their role in promoting
biodiversity, ground beetles, bees as pollinators and leaf hoppers.

They have caught more than a million bugs either by hand or in
pitfall traps, leaf litter samples, Malaise traps and sweep nets as
part of their research.
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
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At seven of the rural sites, particularly at Ezemvelo, there was
almost no radiation. Melville Koppies on the other hand has
registered one of the densest radiation readings in an urban area.

The researchers said they would probably find that flightless
carnivorous beetles were more seriously affected by radiation and
urbanisation than their fruit-eating flying beetle cousins.

In rural areas, low vegetation diversity due to mono-agricultural
projects, ploughing and overgrazing were contributing to the demise
of insects. If insects disappeared, they emphasised, so would insect-
eating birds, moles and many other animal species.

"Results obtained so far show that urbanisation is having a major
effect on insect biodiversity," said Clark.

Gauteng city gardens were often more like forests than the highveld
grasslands they had replaced and many of the grassland insects had
been displaced.

McFadyen said the few grassland areas that were conserved - such as
the Melville Koppies in Johannesburg, Faerie Glen Nature Reserve and
the botanical gardens in Tshwane - still provided an important refuge
for some of the grassland species.

MacFadyen said that, should the final results of the study find that
cellphone-mast emissions affected insects at a landscape level, the
platform for more intensive studies would be created.

These studies would focus on confirming the results of the field
study and determining the nature of the effect on insects.
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on
January 4, 2008
3 Points        
Re: Tens of million birds disappearing across North America

Posted by: karlmuller30

Wed Jan 2, 2008 5:56 am (PST)

The issue with birds is very serious. A couple of years ago the Royal
Society for the Protection of Birds reported that sparrow populations
in London had dropped by 70 percent in the last decade. They had no
real explanation, and did not mention microwaves, but that decade of
course saw an explosion of cellphone towers across the landscape. I
just checked, they're reporting now that dozen of bird species are
facing extinction, again no clue as to why:

Indian research a while back showed that small birds were affected by
microwaves. I have told many people to look, and note that they'll
never see a small bird perched on a cellphone mast, no matter how
much the operators disguise it to look like a tree.

Then about four years ago, I saw two pigeons sitting in a "tree" mast
(in a school playground). I thought, oh, well, there goes my theory.
Then I saw that there was a van parked there, and the door to the
transmitter room was open. It took me a while to find out whose mast
it was (my old friends Vodacom -- this was the first time I actually
dealt with them directly) and I asked them to confirm that the mast
was in fact turned off at the time I saw the birds. It took a couple
of weeks for them to get back to me. They confirmed that maintenance
was being conducted at the time, but said the transmitter should have
been left on, it was a "disciplinable" offence for the workers to
turn it off. I said, oh, well, then I think you can discipline your
worker, because I'm certain the mast was off. I had asked the guy if
he had ever seen small birds on a mast, and when I spoke to him
again, two weeks later, he said, without me even asking, "And you
know, since you mentioned it, I've been looking, and you
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
3 Points        
know, since you mentioned it, I've been looking, and you're right, I
don't see birds sitting on masts."

I've actually given this as a possible project to schoolkids, seeing
that half the schools in Johannesburg seem to have cellphone masts in
their playgrounds -- just to look and see where the birds sit -- but
I don't know if any of them took it up.

I also told the Vodacom guy -- interesting that you have
to "discipline" your microwave workers who turn off the transmitter
while they're doing maintenance, do they prefer to have the
transmitter off? He wouldn't answer me. I'll post some more on this
sometime, we need to access microwave workers, these guys are in the front line, and they know the score. We've heard private horror
stories. Making a dying to make a living.

But there was some research done here, commissioned by the
Oppenheimers, SA's wealthiest family, who noticed that the birdlife
in their famous gardens in Johannesburg was diminishing. I read a
report where the lead researcher said they were finding insect
communication patterns were being interfered with by cellphone
radiation, but I can't find that now, for some reason. Below is the
only report I can find on this research. Obviously if the insects
are disappearing, birdlife will be affected.
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
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It's been pointed out that with centimetre wavelengths, microwaves
will resonate with the brain cavities of small birds, this is why
they are so affected.

At my agricultural publication, I used to edit a column on pigeon
racing (very entertaining copy -- South Africa hosts the world's
biggest pigeon race, the Sun City Million Dollar, so we are very big
in this game). Pigeon fanciers all over the world are reporting more
and more lost birds, and they are blaming cellphone masts. I heard a
story from a friend in the US that they were pigeon-racing champions
until a cellphone mast was erected near their house, then their birds
got totally disoriented and vanished, and they gave up the hobby.

Be very glad whenever you see sparrows or other small birds in your
vicinity. They are truly the "canaries" of the microwave era.
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on
January 4, 2008
3 Points        
Dear Stewart,

What you guys call "Jumping to Conclusions," I would rather call
"Making Logical Inferences."

Actually, I don't see the problem being with "Intuition" per se but
rather with people who hide behind a "tattered veil of
quasi-scientific mumbo-jumbo" - a quasi-scientific veil held up only
by the dangling threads of (1) greed, (2) ignorance, (3) lack of
compassion for other human beings and life on this planet, and (4)

In truth, intuitions are really based on thousands - if not millions -
if not billions - of experiences in the world where we are constantly
implicitly making logical inferences - given one example, that is how
we indeed learn to speak our highly complex native languages
perfectly, my dear friend.

For example, when a non-native speaker (NNS) makes a statement like "I
looked for my dog 'before' the building," instead of the correct "in
front of the building," we instantly, intuitively, and implicitly know
that this twist of the tongue is a rather incorrect form - while most
of us cannot explicitly give the reason why this is indeed so. Most of
us will usually leave that up to our more astute linguists to figure

As someone who is supposed to be rather versed on the subject, I am
quite surprised that you have never seen the following study
connecting the disappearance of house sparrows with the increase in
ambient microwave radiation:

The Urban Decline of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus ): A
Possible Link with Electromagnetic Radiation by ALFONSO BALMORI AND

Or the disappearance of frogs with the increase in ambient microwave radiation:

Balmori A. (2006). "The incidence of electromagnetic pollution on the
amphibian decline: Is this an important piece of the puzzle?"
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry. Volume 88, Number
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
3 Points        
that be enough for one to indeed make a logical inference to the decline in bird, bee, and amphibian populations? Wouldn't that be
enough to invoke the precautionary principle?

Mr. Fist, we are really sick and tired of hearing these
quasi-scientific mumbo-jumbo excuses! People are getting sick!
Wildlife is dying! Isn't time we did something about it? In all
actuality, people should start trusting their intuitions more and stop
relying on the empty and meaningless arguments put out there by the

The problem is not the lack of science my friend. BUT RATHER IT IS THE LACK OF ETHICS!

Paul Doyon
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
3 Points        

"A bibliographical review on the possible effects of radiofrequency
radiation (RFR) from wireless telecommunications on living organisms
and its impact on amphibians is presented. The technical
characteristics of this new technology and the scientific discoveries
that are of interest in the study of their effects on wild fauna and
amphibians are described. Electromagnetic pollution (in the microwave
and in the radiofrequency range) is a possible cause for deformations
and decline of some amphibian populations. Keeping in mind that
amphibians are reliable bio-indicators, it is of great importance to
carry out studies on the effects of this new type of contamination.
Finally, some methodologies that could be useful to determine the
adverse health effects are proposed" (Balmori 2006).

Or perhaps the article in a German newspaper (in 2004) showing very
clear evidence that the microwaves are indeed the cause of the bees

What most of us do know is that we cannot trust the quasi-scientific
mumbo-jumbo coming from the cell phone industry, the government
agencies they have bought, or from so-called reporters pretending to
be on our side:

"Dr. Henry Lai was quoted in the London Times as saying, 'They are
asking me to change my whole interpretation of the findings in a way
that would make them more favorable to the mobile phone industry. This is what happened in the tobacco industry. They had data in their hands but when it was not favorable they did not want to disclose it.' "

If there are thousands of studies which show that microwave radiation
and other forms of EMR cause biological effects - even at thousands of
times less than what we are being exposed to on a daily basis -
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on
January 4, 2008
3 Points        
Dear Paul

'Jumping to conclusions' is a complete misreading of the Precautionary Principle.

The Precautionary Principle assumes the development of normal scientific evidence-based conclusions using scientific methods.  

It merely says: "When the outcome of some change is potentially catastrophic, then we should tend on the side of caution -- and take action to prevent the possible catastrophe, even if all the science is not in, and the accumulated evidence is not yet totally conclusive."

It doesn't suggest we abandon the scientific method - nor does is promote the idea that there is an alternative, or intuitive path to understanding.

With the Precautionary Principle, there is no 'jumping' to anything -- just normal evolutionary evidence-based scientific analysis  -- with the suggestion that precautionary actions should be taken earlier than we normally would, if the outcome was not potentially catastrophic.

As far as I can see, the bird/frog/bee/cicada-loss theories have no evidence-based links to microwaves.  These disappearances could equally be linked to the use of plastics -- or viruses -- or changes in habitat -- or the higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere -- or to gasoline-based air-pollution.  Maybe GM is involved, and maybe it isn't.  

We can't decide such matters on intuitive guesses.  There may be a connection between birds and microwaves, but I have yet to see any evidence of this.  

The importance of not coming to premature conclusions is a  problem well-known in discussions of scientific method.  When you come to your conclusion first, and then begin to look for evidence, you will always find what you are looking for.  And you will always be misled, because you will also miss the true causal relationships.

If people like you are convinced that microwaves are killing birds/frogs/whatever then the scientific solution is easy, and will only
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
3 Points        
ost $100 or so to prove.  

Buy a cheap microwave oven.  Rip off the door.  Point it at a bird cage from a distance of a couple of metres, and switch it on and off for a few weeks using an electrical timer.

A microwave oven output from two to three metres would deliver thousands (up to millions) of time the power-density  to that of a cellphone tower in a normal bird habitat.  

If you are right, then you should see your exposed canaries dropping like flies -- or failing to breed.  If you have a dozen canaries in one cage being exposed, and the same number in another cage not being exposed (the controls), the difference would be pretty dramatic.

And if your theory was then scientifically-proven to be true, the report would be publishable in many scientific journals, and probably find its way onto the front page of most newspapers.

The problem with this whole area of medical and scientific research is not a lack of theories, it is a lack of science.

Stewart Fist, writer, columnist, film-maker
70 Middle Harbour Rd, LINDFIELD
NSW 2070 Australia
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on
January 4, 2008
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Dear Frans,

 I said "it could very well be the microwaves (and when you combine chemtrails, well) that are killing the birds." Sometimes though, we do indeed need to jump to conclusions. It is called the Precautionary Principle, my friend, and if this principle was used more prudently, we would and could indeed save a lot of people (and wildlife) from unnecessary suffering.

 When I first realized what was indeed making me sick, I found a place up in the mountains of Japan which did not have any cell phone (or television) reception. One thing we immediately noticed were the number of frogs around our cabin. Interestingly, we could not find frogs in most other places in Japan - areas with mid to high levels of electrosmog. And we did search!!!

 After I healed to a certain degree and realized I couldn't live in Japan anymore, I traveled to a number of places looking for a place to live. One of those places was in Auroville, India. Auroville will not allow cell phone towers on their land, and the level of microwave radiation was the lowest I have found anywhere.

 One thing that was very evident from the first day I stayed in Auroville was the fact that when I went to sleep at night I could hear the sounds of insects and when I woke up in the morning I could hear the songs of birds. I also slept so well when I was there. When I rode a bicycle around the grounds I could see beautiful butterflies everywhere. Nowhere else in India did I experience this!

 (I was back in Japan this summer, and another thing I noticed was that the usually summer sound of cicadas was mysteriously and eerily absent this year. Hmm! I wonder why!)

 I certainly do believe that microwaves are indeed playing a role in the disappearance of bees, frogs, and of course, birds, and there is lots of scientific evidence to back all this up - though, of course, I don't discount the other factors either
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
4 Points        
(though the not-mentioned Chemtrails and GM food is most certainly also probably playing a role). Canada has pretty lax laws when it comes to the legal level of ambient EMR - I think 10 times more lax than the USA, which are also pretty lax (according to the BioInitiative anyway). Come on, even the WHO states that we are now being exposed to thousands of times the amount of EMR we would get from the Sun or the Earth. It is completely unnatural and it has been shown - in numerous scientific studies - to be causing all kinds of illnesses in human beings -  so it doesn't take much imagination to think what it is doing to wildlife!

 We are the Canaries in the Coal Mine - just because others don't feel it, doesn't mean that it isn't dangerous and they are not being affected!



Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on
January 4, 2008
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Dear Paul:

 "Canaries in the Coal Mine" is the operating concept to be sure.  But it is a bit more complicated than the historical example, and therein lies the risk of missing the truth..... What we have found in our work with Autistic children, electrohypersensitives and other patients with membrane hypersensitivity related conditions is that the ability of the person -- or species -- to counter environmental insults becomes severely impaired.  EMR is most likely a synergen in these cases, including the case with the disappearing birds.  The exposures such as pesticides, chemtrails, harvesting of forests and urban sprawl are not causes competing with EMR -- they are additive and synergistic causes.  They are insults to the system that require strong biological compensation to overcome.  EMR depletes that ability to compensate, and thus the person -- or species -- succumbs to the effects of the environmental insult more severely and more rapidly.  To me, it is a matter of perspective.  There are some naysayers who would have us look only one dimensionally at causes of disease and other catastrophes.  This is to be sure the tactic now being supported by the mobile phone and electric utilities industries -- sort of like a 'bait and switch' tactic used by magicians.  The truth is there, but they focus your attention on something else so that the truth is covered and not seeable.  The problem is 'the bait' and the other causes are 'the switch'.
 Epidemiologically, when one looks only at one etiologic factor at a time, the additive and synergistic aspects are lost in the mix.  We now know that for almost every disease that befalls mankind, there is a combination of factors that lead to demise -- or healthy compensation.  Those factors are a mix of genetics, epigenetics, environmental timing and plain, old-fashioned luck -- good and bad...
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
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...When the ability of the organism or ecosystem to compensate is surpassed by the impact of damage itself, there is disease, disruption and sometimes extinction.  This is simply the way it works.

 There is no doubt that the science supports the hypothesis that the explosion of EMR exposures in these ecosystems is having an impact on the disappearing birds.  Based on the mechanisms of harm we know to be operating, the impact likely includes ability to navigate and flock because of EMR disruption of magnetite and magnetic grid-related physiology, immune compromise, neurophysiologic disruption with resultant adaptive deficits, as well as indirect impacts on species food supplies and other survival necessities. 


 Dr. George Carlo
 Safe Wireless Initiative
 Washington, D.C.

Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on
January 4, 2008
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Mobile Phones & Vanishing Birds

" Birds near mobile phone base stations do not breed well ." Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Where did all the sparrows go?

The sparrows have disappeared completely from the cities at least four
years ago in Britain, as mobile phones grew in popularity. Third
generation (3G) mobile phones were introduced in 2003, and there were over 65 million users in the UK by the end of 2005, more phones than people [1]. Did mobile phone transmitters cause the sparrows to
disappear [2]?

Scientists at the Research Institute for Nature and Forests in Brussels, Belgium, have produced the first evidence that mobile phone base stations are affecting the reproductive behaviour of wild sparrows [3]. This finding comes as mobile phones are held suspect in the massive collapse of bee colonies all over the United States and Europe [4] ( Mobile Phones and Vanishing Bees , SiS 34).

Joris Everaert and Dirk Bauwens wanted to know if the low intensity
microwave radiation from mobile phone base stations has any effect on
the number of house sparrows during the breeding season. They
identified 150 locations distributed over six residential districts in
Gent, Sint and Niklaas in the province of East ...
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on
January 4, 2008
3 Points     

EMR and birds: published papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals,
that show (possible) EMR effect

Papers about possible effects of electromagnetic radiation from mobile
phone base stations on birds in the wild

A possible effect of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone base
stations on the number of breeding House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Joris Everaert and Dirk Bauwens

The urban decline of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus): a possible
link with electromagnetic radiation
Alfonso Balmori and Örjan Hallberg

Possible Effects of Electromagnetic Fields from Phone Masts on a
Population of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)
Alfonso Balmori

Some other papers about possible effects of electromagnetic radiation on birds

Effect of Microwave Radiation on Birds
J.A. Tanner

Non-thermal Effects of Microwave Radiation on Birds
J. A. Tanner, C. Romero-Sierra, S. J. Davie

Responses of neurons to an amplitude modulated microwave stimulus
Robert C. Beason and Peter Semm

The effects of microwave radiation on avian dominance behavior
Wasserman et al.

The effects of electromagnetic fields from power lines on avian
reproductive biology and physiology: a review
Kim J. Fernie and S. James Reynolds

The effect of pulsed and sinusoidal magnetic fields on the morphology
of developing chick embryos
Farrell JM, Litovitz TL, Penafiel M, Montrose CJ, Doinov P, Barber M,
Brown KM, Litovitz TA

Biological effects of mobile phone electromagnetic field on chick
embryo (risk assessment using the mortality rate)
Grigor'ev IuG

The properties of bird feathers as converse piezoelectric transducers
and as receptors of microwave radiation. I. Bird feathers as converse
piezoelectric transducers
Bigu-del-Blanco J and Romero-Sierra C

Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
3 Points        
The properties of bird feathers as converse piezoelectric transducers
and as receptors of microwave radiation. II. Bird feathers as
dielectric receptors of microwave radiation
Bigu-del-Blanco J and Romero-Sierra C

Resonance effects indicate radical pair mechanism for avian magnetic compass
Ritz et al.

Magnetic orientation and magnetoreception in birds and other animals
Wiltschko W and Wiltschko R

Magnetoreception and its use in bird navigation
Henrik Mouritsen and Thorsten Ritz

Magnetic compass orientation of migratory birds in the presence of a
1.315 MHz oscillating field
Thalau et al.

Calibration of magnetic and celestial compass cues in migratory
birds--a review of cue-conflict experiments
Muheim R, Moore FR, Phillips JB

The physics and neurobiology of magnetoreception
Sönke Johnsen and Kenneth J. Lohmann

Microwave absorption by magnetite: a possible mechanism for coupling
nonthermal levels of radiation to biological systems
Kirschvink JL

Influence of radar radiation on breeding biology of Tits (Parus sp.)
Rejt et al.

[ Joined on 07/07] [ Posted on
January 1, 2008
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Not only do I see dead or dying bees on the sidewalks every day here in southern CA, but the summer spiders are gone. There seems to be far less flies and ants.  This time of the year my bird feeders would normally have tons of birds fighting to get to the seed, but this year you may see only one or two at a time. I'm afraid our progressive intellectual illuminated leaders will only act when it may be too late and than do too little.
[ Joined on 12/07] [ Posted on
January 1, 2008
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So, if people decry the horrble side effects of cell phones, has anyone here actually given them up?  I don't own one, never have,

Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
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I would never stick one of these microwave ovens up to my head! When people ask me if I have a cell phone, my reply is "Do I look stupid?" I know it's mean, but you really have to be pretty stupid to stick a mini microwave oven up to your head. And after you do, you are definitely frying your brain cells and decreasing your IQ rapidly. One thing we should also note is that 1984, the year that the 1st commercial cell phone network spread across the USA, people started to get what was then called "Yuppie Flu" in droves. It wasn't until 1988 that the CDC officially and misleadingly dubbed it Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and later Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) though the symptomology is closer to AIDS than anything else. In 1992, an insurance company memo stated that the insurance industry would go broke if it kept on paying out for this disease - and low and behold, the CDC comes out with a criteria the same year making it much more difficult to be officially diagnosed - one highly suspects collusion here. At any rate, a recent survey by the CDC put the present rate at one in forty of the American population.

By the way, brain tumors are now the leading cause of death in children in the USA (surpassing leukemia in 2002); one in one hundred children are now predicted to suffer from Autism (up from one in ten thousand in the 70s); ADHA is rampant in our schools; and 40 millions Americans now take sleeping pills for insomnia (up 60% from 2000) while 60% of all Americans suffer from sleep disturbances. This all occurred with the advent of the cell phone and other Wireless communication devices. Maybe the reason it is so dangerous out there has to do with the fact that people are going nuts from all the microwave radiation exposure! So what are you going to do? Give your child a cell phone? I would certainly hope not! Microwave radiation affects all the brain hormones: dopamine, serotonin, melatonin, etc. Hormones affect behavior.
Patty D
[ Joined on 06/07] [ Posted on January 1, 2008]
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I have one and had no idea they were dangerous until a few months ago.  I got my first one in 1995 when they were still these huge heavy things you had to lug around or leave in your car.  I still have one now because I live alone and also have a daughter nearby with no transportation with 2 babies, so it's nice to have for emergencies.  I have very limited minutes and always use the speaker phone.  When I got lost on my Christmas trip in the backwoods of Georgia, I was glad to be able to call my brother.  I really do try not to use it but it's gotten me out of a few jams.... IE being surrounded by a gang and able to call 911 before anything bad happened.  Oh and I'm also tied into a contract I can't afford to break.  Will I keep a cell phone once that expires?  I honestly don't know right n ow.
[ Joined on 04/07] [ Posted on
December 31, 2007
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We have some friends who bought a few acres in the country just to plant trees to encourage bird life. They have been very succesful in attracting birds native to New Zealand such as the Tui and Keruru (also known as the Wood Pigeon). Cell Phone coverage at their place is very patchy.
In Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, the Karori Reserve has been fenced in with predator proof fencing as a reserve to encourage native wildlife. This has also been successful, with native birds reappearing around the city in general, not just the Reserve. This is in spite of the fact that cell phone coverage in the area obviously will be high.
[ Joined on 06/06] [ Posted on
December 31, 2007
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My first thought was the cell phones when I read this title.  It's very scary.  Even if we choose to not have one, we still live and go around all  the cell towers and wherever you go nearly everyone has one on them! 
[ Joined on 07/06] [ Posted on
January 17, 2008

I agree - I wouldn't be caught dead (or alive) without my cell phone.  It's been 'cheap' insurance against being stranded.

Regarding the low 'sputzy' population in England:  It's because they all moved to my backyard! (Just kidding!)

Seriously - I had not heard about the shift in the bird population and cell phone connection.  I've often thought we were going to high tech ourselves to death.  I just didn't realize how literal it was.  Thank you for taking the time (Paul) to submit all that information.  Sort of makes me wonder if working toward keeping my backyard a birdie habitat will do much good in the long haul.

What are these cables Dr. Mercola mentioned - what is their purpose - how do they work - etc???

[ Joined on 01/07] [ Posted on
January 16, 2008

Has anyone noticed that many utility companies place transmitters on their meters, so the billing process is completely automated and alarms go off if the meter is tampered with in any way? We may think our homes are wi-fi free only to find our utility companies are broadcasting from our homes to a utility pole a block or more away. Some meters are going to be outside, but older homes such as mine have two meters inside. Is there any way to eliminate or at least lessen this risk?

Sheila C
[ Joined on 12/06] [ Posted on
January 2, 2008
You have to remember that the CBC is made of up liberal apologists.  It is their duty to spread the political notion of "global warming" and fearmongering.  So to me, this was not even a story, as I am not swayed by this type of "journalism". 
Did anyone not wonder about the biologist who said there may not be some species in 5, 10 years?  But the same biological station has been set up for over 30 years, and not one bird has become extinct in that time period.  Birds are smart, what makes us so sure that because of the nets, they didn't alter their migratory path.  Or the smart ones never got caught.
On extinction - up to this point in time, more than 90% of animals on earth have become extinct.  If it comes down to man versus animal, man is going to win every time.
Michael J. .
[ Joined on 01/08] [ Posted on
January 2, 2008
This is very sad.

I used to have a friend who worked for a company that tested new pesticide products on apple orchards. They would spray one day and when they came back the next he told me that there would dead birds literally piled high at the foot of each tree.

It isn't hard to imagine if you put that on a global scale, and add into the mix EMR, depleted uranium and so on, you end up with this terrible environmental situation.

I think it's clear that the experience of nature and clean, fresh, open space is a fundmental part of our balance as a species. I'm confident that we will wise up in time, before the point of no return, but I'm still equally angry and mystified at the havoc we are managing to wreak in the mean time.

All I can say to anyone involved in the irresponsible use of pesticides, phone masts, nuclear weaponry and urban planning is you'd better take heed of Alfred Hitchcock's 'The Birds' and watch your backs.

Michael (
Michael J. .
[ Joined on 01/08] [ Posted on January 3, 2008]
I would really like to think so, Sheila, but I would imagine if we aren't smart enough to avoid them they, even with better natural instincts, would not be either. These chemicals odourless and tasteless, or they taste like Splenda.

Plus, I suppose even if they could, how much of their natural habitat remains uncontaminated? Probably very little.
Sheila C
[ Joined on 12/06] [ Posted on January 2, 2008]
So true Michael.  We never use any pesticides and last year I had a flock of robins land in my yard.  I have only ever seen them in pairs up until this point.  I live in town, so maybe the birds can figure out where the pesticides are, and avoid them?
I have no doubt that the pesticides killed the birds at the orchard where your friend worked.  But did there come a day when no birds were at the bottom of the tree, because they went elsewhere?
[ Joined on 03/07] [ Posted on
January 1, 2008
I don't think we can blame this on just one thing.  I believe it's a combination of all of the above.  EMFs, human overpopulation and the sprawl associated with it, invasive species, pesticides, GMOs, heavy metal, PCB & other pollution, etc., etc.  The list is so long.  How could it not all be contributing to species extinction (our own potentially included)?  Is it possible for us to turn this around, or has that opportunity past?  I believe strongly in the power of individual choices.  Perhaps if enough humans change their lifestyles to simplicity, the 100th monkey phenomenon will kick in.
Sheila C
[ Joined on 12/06] [ Posted on
January 1, 2008
The article stated that urban sprawl and pesticides were the cause.  Did anyone find it ironic that Robert Batemans summer cottage is encroaching on the birds natural habitat?  When I was young there were hardly any red tailed hawks because of the use of gopher (Richardsons Ground Squirrel) poison.  Since banning the poison, I see more hawks today than I ever have.
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on
December 31, 2007
With all our electromagnetic pollution, plus other forms of pollution it is amazing that the birds and honeybees are still alive.

Russ Bianchi
[ Joined on 09/06] [ Posted on
December 31, 2007

This is DEFINITELY happening in California.  Our "official" population is suppose to be 32.6 million, when in fact anyone will tell you it's upward of 38 million, and rising, to 40 million in the next 18 months.

Farm land is disappearing to residential home conversion (and industrial parks) at record rates.

CA water and natural resources infrastructures are already broken, or strained well beyond maximum tolerances.

Are the CA politicians doing anything about it (The Govenator, Feinstein, Pelsoi, Boxer)...?  NO, they are NOT, or occassionally they will launch some PR spin headline that they have introduce legislation that never passes, and in 99% of the cases merely lines their own pocket$ instead.

NZ Mary
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on January 3, 2008]
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Mind you, California is bigger than the United Kingdom, and they have about 60 million people. Maybe there is more usable land in the UK though .
Sheila C
[ Joined on 12/06] [ Posted on January 2, 2008]
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Wow Russ, there are more people in the state of California, than there is, in all of Canada.  We just surpassed the 33 million mark.
May I ask you, are there really organic orange groves there?  I mean are they so close to non organic that there may be overspray of the pesticides?
Russ Bianchi
[ Joined on 09/06] [ Posted on January 4, 2008]
Small organic orange groves do exist, but your point is well taken on the fly overs from the crop dusters in may growing regions.
Paul Doyon
[ Joined on 11/06] [ Posted on
January 4, 2008
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There is a lively discussion about this problem at

Interested parties are welcome to join:


Throughout the world, with the proliferation of cell phones and their towers and other devices emitting electromagnetic radiation, we are seeing dramatic increases in a number of illnesses (chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, ADD, mental illnesses, suicides, bizarre crimes, cancers, brain tumors, leukemias - not to mention electrosensitivity).

Some people are able to realize that it is the electromagnetic and microwave radiation that is making them sick and have taken refuge in the few areas left that are out of cell phone range. These are the EMF Refugees. In Sweden, an EMF-free community called Frivolten <> is being set up. There are also groups formed in Italy and Ireland.

Unfortunately, there are many people who have a difficult time believing that EMFs can cause so much damage and even when confronted with the facts still choose to live in a state of denial. Yet, nothing deepens knowledge more than experience and for the people who have been dramatically affected by EMFs and can actually FEEL the microwaves being emitted by cell phones and their towers, there can be no denying this fact.

This ML has been created with the intent of bringing EMF refugees together in countries around the world to form their own EMF-free communities in natural environments where they can heal and create healing environments for the Earth and others.

It is only by coming together that we can be empowered to create positive change and healing for ourselves and others and counteract the negative effects caused by the proliferation of microwave and digital technology.

By creating our own EMF-free communities, we can draw attention to our plight and hopefully influence politics positively in our direction.
