Complaint regarding the paper „Mobile phone base stations and early childhood cancers“

Dear Chief Editor,Deputy Editor and research paper Editors,

BMJ, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JP, UK:

I would like to file a complaint regarding the paper

I fully respect and enjoy the BMJ regarding scientific aspects and the high level of the journal, may be that is the reason I was astonished to find the paragraph of funding which details industry connections of the authors who claim at the same paragraph for no conflict of interests. When I showed it to others they jumped to the roof about it. So I would like to bring this to your closer attention please: the MTHR consists of members who are paid by industry, they approved the study protocol, and the authors received funding from the MTHR which is industry funded (to get her with the UK department of health) yet it is approved for them to write they have no conflict of interests. In my humble opinion this is unbelievable, disrespects the intelligence of the readers and justifies a correction.

"Funding: The study was funded through the UK Mobile Telecommunications Health Research (MTHR) Programme (www.mthr., an independent body set up to provide funding for research into the possible health effects of mobile telecommunications. The MTHR is jointly funded by the UK Department of Health and the mobile telecommunications industry. Members of the independent MTHR programme management committee approved the study design and commented on a draft manuscript. Data collection and analysis, interpretation of data, and the decision to submit the paper for publication were the sole responsibility of the authors. Competing interests: MBT, JB, LB, KdH, and NB declare that the answers to the questions on the Unified Competing interest form at are all No and therefore declare that they have no conflicts of interest. PE and DJB obtained funding in support of this work".

With best regards

Iris Atzmon, M.A.

CC: Independent scientists, journalists and activists in the subject of EMF.

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