The People's Initiative Foundation
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Welcome to The People's Initiative Foundation

Click on the below link to sign...

Please take a moment and send us an email with your email address, name and zip code if you'd like to sign other actions we may be taking in the near future.  Thank you so much for taking the time.

Click on the following link to sign 

To read the full Congressional legislative bill including fiscal tables of medical savings for the US merely by placing warning labels click on the following link...

At the moment, we are focused on the Congressional legislation.  We submitted legislation for the state as well as the letter of request using proposition 65 of 1986 as possible legal standing for warning labels and may be sending out a separate petition for CA.  

At the moment we are keeping the focus on the federal level because it is actually harder these days to do a state wide petition as opposed to nation wide because of the viral nature of garnering lots of signatures.  Most organizations who submit legislation have email lists that are nation wide, not just state.  We are attempting to hook up with these organizations to pass the petition around and have been informed we have a better shot at it if we just make it federal.  We may eat our own words and come back at you with a petition strictly for CA, but until then we are holding off.  We'd love to get your feedback on this  so send us an email about it.  We also need people to send the petition around so if you have any contacts with major email lists and think they might send the petition around please let us know. 

The CA legislation is exactly like the US except for CA.  You can download it here... 

This is the letter we sent to Governor Schwartzennegar, Maria Shriver and the various appropriate departments in CA.  Please click on the below link to read the letter.  THis letter is special in that we are requesting protection via warning labels under proposition 65 of 1986...

Scroll towards bottom of this page for more links on cell phones/wifi/EMR and health effects.

The following illnesses have been associated with EMR (electro magnetic radiation) as emitted from cell phones, wifi, broad band air transmitted television and the antennas, transmitters, towers and masts which carry the signals...

ACOUSTIC NEUROMA (tumor of the        auditory nerve, but also commonly        referred to as a brain tumor by some since it is attache to the brain)





BRAIN TUMORS (benign brain tumors       can also be deadly)










The effects of EMR are actually genotoxic, to which the possibilities for health effects could be endless, depending on many elements including the constitution of the individual.  Note the inclusion of radiation in the definition of genotoxic.

Wikepedia definition...



Genotoxicity as defined by Wikepedia...


Genotoxicity describes a deleterious action on a cell genetic material affecting its integrity. Genotoxic substances are known to be potentially mutagenic or carcinogenic, specifically those capable of causing genetic mutation and of contributing to the development of tumors. This includes both certain chemical compounds and certain types of radiation. Typical genotoxins like aromatic amines are believed to cause mutations because they are nucleophilic and form strong covalent bonds with DNA resulting with the formation of Aromatic Amine-DNA Adducts, preventing accurate replication. Genotoxins affecting sperm and eggs can pass genetic changes down to descendants who have never been exposed to the genotoxins.


(emphasis added)

The following countries have issued warnings regarding cell phones and children.  This is an incomplete list...

India - No use in children under 16 years of age

Israel - No use in children under 12 years of age

Russia - General limitation; no use under 12 years 

France - No long calls, no use under 16, banning of advertising to children under 12, mandatory earphones with all cell phones

Japan - General limitation under 18 years of age

United Kingdom - General limitation under 12 years of age

Toronto's public health department has recommended children under eight should use a cell phone only in emergencies.

Health warnings for children and teh use of WIFI in the classroom have also recently arisen out of Germany.

Dr. Devra Davis, Healthy Child Advisory Board Member and Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh...
”Last year, 46% of US children aged 8-12 used cell phones.  Children under the age of 12 should not use cell phones unless in an emergency situation. If they must use cell phones, make sure they connect using a headset.”

Please click on the various links below to learn more about the problem and if you haven't already, please take a look at our letter to CA Dept. Health and Human Services and the Governor...

Click here to download full letter to CA Dept. of Health and Human Serivces and the governor.

This is a fanfriggintastic song and video about the situation.

The following is an excellent overview of the problem both politically and scientifically...

The Bioinitiative Report

The Bioinitiative Report is an approximately 600 page report compiled by top oncologists, scientists and public health experts from around the world, some right here in the US regarding EMR and serious health effects. Click here to view the full report.



 "Researchers: Cell Phones Pose Cancer Risk for Kids" (Consumer Affairs):

Autism may be Linked to Electromagnetic Radiation Levels In Mother’s Bedroom During Pregnancy Pilot Study Finds Over 20x Higher Microwave Power Density in Mothers’ Sleeping Locations During Pregnancy

Another Fantastic Link...




Mission Statement...The People's Initiative Foundation is a brand new non profit, 501c3 charity dedicated to making change where there is stagnation in the areas that deeply effect us all, but have been overlooked by our government.  The projects can be on the local, state, federal and worldwide level and can range anywhere from local community issues to documentary filmmaking to congressional legislation and beyond. 

Regarding Documentary Films...Documentary films, an important media tool or our time, are informative, evocative and entertaining, bringing whatever their subject matter is to the forefront of awareness to the public.  While this is of course an extremely important and worthwhile goal, PIF’s goal is to take it one step further by actually seeking remedy to the problem which the film exposes and sheds light on.  We are currently working on a documentary film addressing the issues of how a dangerous product like cell phones could ever even make it onto the market place with no pre-market testing, no nothing.  The film exposes not only the problem with these dangerous EMR emitting products, but also the solution, while going even deeper into the core issues of how we value money over even our own lives and what we can do to change this systemic problem.  

Who We Support...Whether it’s helping the elderly, the poor, the homeless, the environment, children, animals, a third world country or even strengthening existing laws so as to give them teeth, PIF is committed to helping make the real changes changing the law.  We support and encourage average citizens taking this kind of responsibility for their community and their world.  

Utilizing Our 501c3 Status...Currently this section of our foundation is under development.  But if you are doing a documentary film and have been rejected by IDA to use their 501c3 status (like we have) because you want to take the actions needed to make real change via statewide or congressional legislation, you may utilize our 501c3 status because we feel this is one of the best and only ways to make real change stick... By changing the law. There are stipulations which we have, and will tell you about, but if your cause is a fit with our intentions with this foundation, we would like to extend our 501c3 status to you.  Legally, you can use up to 20% of your funds for "advocacy" or "lobbying" as the IRS likes to call it.   We do have certain stipulations for this which we will email you if this interests you.  You can email us at the below address and put "interested in utilizing 501c3 status", in the heading, tell us a little bit about your project, include a contact # and someone will get back with you.  Please be patient if the response isn't instant.  We are a bare bones origination at the moment.

What We Are Currently Doing: 

Currently, we are working on creating both the public's and the policy makers awareness to and remedy and dangers of EMR (electro magnetic radiation) emitting products.  At the moment we are requesting protection for CA under Proposition 65 of 1986 which requires all toxic chemicals to carry warning labels informing the public of the dangers of the product or building which carries those harmful toxins. Please download our letter in the 2nd column of this home page to read more about our request for warning labels to Governor Schwartzeneggar, First Lady Maria Shriver. Dept.CA OEHHSA (Office of Environmental Health hazard Safety Assessment), CA Department Public Health Maxwell-Jolly, CA Department of Health Care Services, Secretary Kim Belshe.  These dangerous EMR emitting products include cell phones, wifi, cell towers, antennas, transmitters, masts and satellite beamed EMR for wifi and other usage.  The new and powerful digital broadcast television is also of great concern.

We have also submitted legislation on both the state and federal level and have been meeting with representatives who have actually expressed genuine interest in passage of the legislation.  The legislation for both state and federal level is entitled The Children's Wireless Protection Act.  Please sign our petitions on the opposite column of this page.  Please also pass the link to this website on to your friends and family for them to sign too.  Every signature counts.  We need all the support we can get.  

More info on the problem...

Surprise, surprise...the American people have been missled into believing these EMR emitting products are perfectly safe even for our children.  

Thus far, 12 countries, including France, the UK, Russia, Japan, Israel, India and Belgium have all issued public health warnings regarding children and placed limitations on cell phone use, wifi in schools and even changed EMR regulations (to lower exposure, not higher as proposed in the US).  Why is it that most people in the US don't even know there's a problem with these electro magnetic radiation emitting instruments?  For the real answer to that question and much, much, more, please see our documentary when it is complete, the release date of which will be posted on this website.  But in the mean time, time is of the essence and every day that we expose ourselves to these radiation emitting devices is one more day that brings us further at risk of developing life threatening health effects.  Knowledge is power and it starts with getting educated about the situation.  On the lower part of the right hand column of this page there are some extraordinary links on the health effects and background info on the situation.  Please click on them and please browse through all of the pages on this site to get informed.  


Contact Us: You can send us an email at the below address. Someone will get back with you asap.


We will soon have PayPal and be able to accept credit cards  Until then, to make a fully tax deductible donation to The People's Initiative Foundation, to either help us get the word out to the public and our governing officials on the dangers of EMR and what we can do to remedy the problem, or to contribute to the documentary exposing it all, please send a check or money order to:


People's Initiative Foundation

2461 Santa Monica Blvd.

Ste. D-327

Santa Monica, CA


Please note the IRS would not take the word "The" in front of our title and the bank wouldn't open the account with the word "The" in front either, therefor, checks should be made out exactly as entitled above, People's Initiative Foundation, with no "The" in front.  But always contact our website with the word the in front.  Otherwise you're taken to a different organization!  Confusing and annoying, I know.  But what are you gonna do...argue with the IRS?  We have accepted our fate with this one...for the moment.