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May 31, 2005, 12:06:12 PM5/31/05

Title:: Reparations Part 1
START DATE: 6/9/2005
Duration: 1 Hours
Location: south los angeles
Location Details:
Channel 35, Comcast Cable TV
Showing in Inglewood, California
Event Topic: racism
Event Type: television program
Contact Name: Patricia McAllister, Producer
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 213-200-6981

"If you are the son of a man who had a wealthy estate and you inherit
your father's estate, you have to pay off the debts that your father
incurred before he died. The only reason that the present generation of
white Americans are in a position of economic because
their fathers worked our fathers for over 400 years with no pay...We
were sold from plantation to plantation like you sell a horse, or a
cow, or a chicken, or a bushel of wheat...All that what
gives the present generation of American whites the ability to walk
around the earth with their chest they have some kind of
economic ingenuity. Your father isn't here to pay. My father isn't here
to collect. But I'm here to collect and you're here to pay." (Malcoln


Recall candidate Peter Camejo supported reparations in the California
Governor's race in 2002

To the Editor:

I was intrigued with the candidacy of Peter Camejo in the 2002
California governor's election campaign until I read that he was
supporting financial reparations to present day blacks for black
slavery that existed in the South before 1865.. To me, this reparations
concept is an absurdity in California, which was a "free state" before
the Civil War and in which thus no slaves were ever owned by anyone,
certainly not after California joined the United States in 1847.

Reparations is truly a can of worms, one that is probably best left
unopened. Who exactly would be required to pay into the reparations
kitty? Folks whose ancestors owned slaves in the pre-Civil War South?
Folks whose ancestors fought on the side of the North to free the
slaves? Immigrants who arrived in America after 1865? And exactly who
would be receiving these racial reparations? Full-blooded blacks?
Half-blooded blacks (half-shares?)? Would these reparations be a
one-time thing or would this program go on for years and years or even
say, generations?

Another problem is that there really are no such things as separate and
distinct "races" in the human species. All differences are gradations
and are spread and blended over a continuum.

Yours truly,

James K. Sayre

A New Twist on the Idiotic Idea of Reparations

One of the reasons the U.S. pulled representation from that absurd U.N.
racism conference in South Africa was the continued attention paid to
the issue of reparations. Jesse Jackson is down there pressing all the
right buttons, as is Georgia Democrat Cynthia ("The cutest little
Communist in Congress") McKinney.

The idea of reparations for slavery is all but dead in the United
States. The vast majority of Americans are steadfastly opposed to the
idea of the government using force to seize money from people who have
never had a role in slavery and handing that money over to people who
have never been enslaved. Even the NAACP's Internet poll shows an
opposition to slavery reparations.

Now, please notice that I have been careful to tie the idea of
reparations here to slavery. There's a reason. That reason is a new

Here's the thinking. Reparations for slavery is truly a losing idea.
Many blacks in America aren't descended from slaves. Should they get
any money? Many whites in America were begat by ancestors who came here
well after slavery ended. Should they have their property seized? Then
there's the reality that politicians who depend on re-election simply
aren't going to go along with the idea. So, let's stick with the idea
of reparations, but come up with another reason.

Here's your new reason: segregation. Jim Crow laws. The new twist now
being promoted by Eric Rauchway and Clarence Walker, a couple of
University of California history teachers, is that reparations should
be paid, not for slavery, but for "the wounds left by segregation on
the souls of black folk ..."

Rauchway and Walker have written a commentary that is appearing in
newspapers across the country. Here's a paragraph from that commentary:

The age of segregation lies well within the living memory of most of
the U.S. population, and its victims still suffer the real consequences
of an inability to get a good education or good jobs.
Read that again. These two members of the University of California
academic team are telling us that there are black people in this
country who today can't get a good education or a good job because of
segregation. So, tell me. If some blacks could get a good education and
move on to a good job when we had segregation, what is it in the air
that prevents them from doing so now, decades after segregation ended?
It's nonsense, of course. That doesn't matter, though. Look for the
idea of reparations to gain steam - but based on segregation, not
slavery. At least that way you can find some "victims" who are still
drawing breath.

Shouldn't Have Gone in the First Place

Secretary of State Colin Powell has called our delegation home from the
phony United Nations racism conference in South Africa. As predicted,
the conference turned out to be a forum for attacks on Israel and the
United States. When language couldn't be removed from forum documents
equating Zionism with racism, the plug was pulled.

True to form, Jesse "The Sloganmaster" says that the USA has done
wrong. He says that the U.S. pulled out to avoid facing issues like
reparations for slavery.

Truth is ... we shouldn't have gone in the first place.

Halcitron's view on Reparations is that the decendents of slaves, have
benefited, over the years and continue to benefit, from the efforts and
sacrifices of our forefathers.

I see no reason for the payment of reparations. The black American
citizens of today, as well as all minorities, who are citizens, enjoy a
wealth of benefits, and accesses, today that were not afforded to their

The America we live in today, is more Free and accessible, to all
citizens, than it was, when I was a child. Did I attend college? Maybe
a semester, but I had equal opportunity as anyone to do 4 years. Did I
serve 20 years in the military? Yes. Had I not joined the military,
could I have been in a different segment of the job market? Perhaps,
but who can tell the future?

Reparations, is best dropped. Those who are not satisfied, with that
decision, should take their African-American passport, and take the
next flight to Africa-America. Sever all ties to America.


May 31, 2005, 6:07:48 PM5/31/05
What about reparations for EUROPEAN-AMERICANS? After all, just where
did a bunch of dirt-poor, uneducated blacks get land after the War
Between The States to lose?
The - politically-incorrect - history is that Union commanders just
looted huge amounts of Southern farmland and handed it over to
ex-slaves. So much land was looted from Southerners this way that
Washington had to set up a new bureaucracy to handle it - the
Freedman's Bureau.

Save on gas! Shop the

May 31, 2005, 8:08:04 PM5/31/05
Given that most scientists have the human race starting in Africa,
don't we all have African roots?

If reparations ever start, I will press my claim for a piece of the
pie, sighting the best scientific evidence of my origins....

If everyone does that the whole process will come to a halt.



Jun 1, 2005, 12:14:39 AM6/1/05
You forgot to mention England. If the US has to pay reparations, the
English ought to pay a share as well. Slaves were brought to English
colonies starting around 1616. These colonies did not gain their
independence until 1776. That is a period of 160 years. From 1776
until say 1865 when the last of the slaves in the US were freed was a
period of 89 years. So the English profited to some extent from
colonial slavery. They also were able to purchase cheap cotton for
their mills after the American colonies gained their independence. How
do we factor their share?
Jim Koch, Cleveland


Jun 1, 2005, 9:11:43 AM6/1/05
Jim wrote:
> Halcitron,
> You forgot to mention England.

Likewise the Dutch, the Moslems, and the African Negroes that did the
actual slave catching.

Jun 1, 2005, 4:50:12 PM6/1/05
Don't forget the Negro slave owners too.

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