define(['/implicit/user/bkurdi/nword1/iatsound_extension.js'], function(iatExtension){ var soundUrl = '/implicit/user/bkurdi/nword1/sounds/'; return iatExtension({ category1 : { name : 'Nigga', title : { media : {word : 'Nigga'}, css : {color:'#31b404','font-size':'2em'}, height : 4 //Used to position the "Or" in the combined block. }, stimulusMedia : [ //Stimuli content as PIP's media objects {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv2.nigga.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv3.nigga.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv4.nigga.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv5.nigga.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv7.nigga.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv8.nigga.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bwv1.nigga.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bwv4.nigga.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bwv5.nigga.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bwv7.nigga.mp3'} ], //Stimulus css stimulusCss : {color:'#31b404','font-size':'1.8em'} }, category2 : { name : 'Nigger', title : { media : {word : 'Nigger'}, css : {color:'#31b404','font-size':'2em'}, height : 4 //Used to position the "Or" in the combined block. }, stimulusMedia : [ //Stimuli content as PIP's media objects {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv2.nigger.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv3.nigger.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv4.nigger.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv5.nigger.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv7.nigger.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bmv8.nigger.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bwv1.nigger.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bwv4.nigger.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bwv5.nigger.mp3'}, {word: '...',sound: soundUrl + 'bwv7.nigger.mp3'} ], //Stimulus css stimulusCss : {color:'#31b404','font-size':'1.8em'} }, attribute2 : { name : 'Good', //Will appear in the data. title : { media : {word: 'Good'}, //Name of the category presented in the task. css : {color:'#0000FF','font-size':'2em'}, //Style of the category title. height : 4 //Used to position the "Or" in the combined block. }, stimulusMedia : [ //Stimuli content as PIP's media objects {word: 'Angel'}, {word: 'Beauty'}, {word: 'Delight'}, {word: 'Enjoy'}, {word: 'Flower'}, {word: 'Lovely'}, {word: 'Merry'}, {word: 'Peaceful'}, {word: 'Success'} ], //Stimulus css stimulusCss : {color:'#0000FF','font-size':'1.8em'} }, attribute1 : { name : 'Bad', //Will appear in the data. title : { media : {word: 'Bad'}, //Name of the category presented in the task. css : {color:'#0000FF','font-size':'2em'}, //Style of the category title. height : 4 //Used to position the "Or" in the combined block. }, stimulusMedia : [ //Stimuli content as PIP's media objects {word: 'Awful'}, {word: 'Bitter'}, {word: 'Disgust'}, {word: 'Evil'}, {word: 'Failure'}, {word: 'Lousy'}, {word: 'Maggot'}, {word: 'Poison'}, {word: 'Stinky'} ], //Stimulus css (style) stimulusCss : {color:'#0000FF','font-size':'1.8em'} }, ////In each block, we can include a number of mini-blocks, to reduce repetition of same group/response. nBlocks : 5, //Can be 5 or 7. ////In each block, we can include a number of mini-blocks, to reduce repetition of same group/response. blockAttributes_nTrials : 20, blockAttributes_nMiniBlocks : 5, blockCategories_nTrials : 20, blockCategories_nMiniBlocks : 5, blockFirstCombined_nTrials : 20, blockFirstCombined_nMiniBlocks : 5, blockSecondCombined_nTrials : 40, //Not used if nBlocks=5. blockSecondCombined_nMiniBlocks : 10, //Not used if nBlocks=5. blockSwitch_nTrials : 20, blockSwitch_nMiniBlocks : 5, fb_strong_Att1WithCatA_Att2WithCatB : 'Your data suggest strong automatic preference for categoryB over categoryA.', fb_moderate_Att1WithCatA_Att2WithCatB : 'Your data suggest moderate automatic preference for categoryB over categoryA.', fb_slight_Att1WithCatA_Att2WithCatB : 'Your data suggest weak automatic preference for categoryB over categoryA.', fb_equal_CatAvsCatB : 'Your data suggest no automatic preference between categoryA and categoryB.', fontColor : '#000000', //The default color used for printed messages. //Instructions text. // You can use the following variables and they will be replaced by // the name of the categories and the block's number variables: // leftCategory, rightCategory, leftAttribute and rightAttribute, blockNum, nBlocks. // Notice that this is HTML text. instAttributePractice: '

' + 'Part blockNum of nBlocks

' + '

' + 'Press the E key when you see leftAttribute. words.' + '
Press the I key when you see rightAttribute words.

' + 'If a red X appears press the other key. ' + 'Go as fast as you can.

'+ '

Press the space bar when you are ready to start.

', instCategoriesPractice: '

' + 'Part blockNum of nBlocks

' + '

' + 'Press the E key when you hear leftCategory words. ' + '
Press the I key when you hear rightCategory words.
' + 'You will hear the words one at a time.

' + 'If a red X appears press the other key. ' + 'Go as fast as you can.

'+ '

Press the space bar when you are ready to start.

', instFirstCombined : '

' + 'Part blockNum of nBlocks

' + '

' + 'Press the E key when you hear leftCategory and see leftAttribute words.
' + 'Press the I key when you hear rightCategory and see rightAttribute words.
' + 'If a red X appears press the other key.' + ' Go as fast as you can.

' + '

Press the space bar when you are ready to start.

', instSecondCombined : '

' + 'Part blockNum of nBlocks

' + '

' + 'This is the same as the last part.
' + 'Press the E key when you hear leftCategory and see leftAttribute words.
' + 'Press the I key when you hear rightCategory and see rightAttribute words.
' + 'Go as fast as you can.

' + '

Press the space bar when you are ready to start.

', instSwitchCategories : '

' + 'Part blockNum of nBlocks

' + '

' + 'Watch out, the labels have changed position!
' + 'Press the E key when you hear leftCategory words.
' + 'Press the I key when you hear rightCategory words.

' + 'Go as fast as you can.

' + '

Press the space bar when you are ready to start.

', canvas : { maxWidth: 725, proportions : 0.7, background: '#ffffff', borderWidth: 5, canvasBackground: '#ffffff', borderColor: 'lightblue' }, base_url : {//Where are your images at? image : '/implicit/user/bkurdi/nword1/sounds/' } }); });