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Mar 22, 2008, 9:58:01 AM3/22/08
I've heard that MS will be releasing SP3 for WinXPsp2, in a month or so. I
searched but did not find any info about it, other than it will be abour
Is this SP3 "coming out" soon? Will everyone who has SP2 be required to
download (?) and install it?
At the moment it appears to me that this SP3 will make many changes to our
computers and possibly cause problems with other programs we now have


Mar 22, 2008, 10:12:17 AM3/22/08

"AliceZ" <> wrote in message


The world has not yet gotten to the point where one is forced to apply
as new service pack. The decision is up to you.
I suspect that once SP3 is officially released...the instances of problems
will be minimal...
hovever you may want to clone your drive prior to applying SP3 just in-case
of problems.

I did test out the pre-release of sp3 and found it made some nice
to my system.

on the Bridge

Mar 22, 2008, 10:42:55 AM3/22/08

they force you indirectly, expecially MSFT

there are so many programs that require sp 1 or 2 or else they will not

so unless you want to live in a batcave with old ancient non updated
programs you need the service packs.

"philo" <> wrote in message


Mar 22, 2008, 11:09:57 AM3/22/08

"on the Bridge" <On@the,bridge> wrote in message

> Wrong
> they force you indirectly, expecially MSFT
> there are so many programs that require sp 1 or 2 or else they will not
> install
> so unless you want to live in a batcave with old ancient non updated
> programs you need the service packs.

Well if that's the case...forget it as you will soon enough be forced into
using Vista

My main OS is still Win2k all my stuff works with it.

My second machine has XP though .

I also have a test machine for Vista but it seems to still have some bugs in

Shenan Stanley

Mar 22, 2008, 11:43:47 AM3/22/08
AliceZ wrote:
> I've heard that MS will be releasing SP3 for WinXPsp2, in a month
> or so. I searched but did not find any info about it, other than it
> will be abour 328MB.
> Is this SP3 "coming out" soon? Will everyone who has SP2 be
> required to download (?) and install it?
> At the moment it appears to me that this SP3 will make many changes
> to our computers and possibly cause problems with other programs we
> now have installed.

philo wrote:
> Huh?
> The world has not yet gotten to the point where one is forced to
> apply as new service pack. The decision is up to you.
> I suspect that once SP3 is officially released...the instances of
> problems will be minimal...
> hovever you may want to clone your drive prior to applying SP3 just
> in-case of problems.
> I did test out the pre-release of sp3 and found it made some nice
> improvements to my system.

on the Bridge wrote:
> Wrong
> they force you indirectly, expecially MSFT
> there are so many programs that require sp 1 or 2 or else they will
> not install
> so unless you want to live in a batcave with old ancient non updated
> programs you need the service packs.

Many people choose to do this.
Again - you are NOT *forced* to change - especially not by any one entity.

I still know people running Windows 95 happily - as all they want is
something to pop their email with or play an old game they enjoy.

If you change it is because you have decided to 'keep up' with the rest of
the world that is changing around you. You make that decision. Sure - if
you plan on being in a career that utilizes computers in some major way -
you will have to choose whether or not to change because the world you deal
with changes. Again - your choice. There are still many places on the
planet that do not utilize computers and have changed very little in many
many years overall.

Also - the whole thing about blaming one entity for forcing the CHOICE to
change or not is ludicrous. A computer is not comprised of one single
component nor do the factors leading to the change in any product usually
based on one entities choices. It's usually done per requests and or other
factors that influence the product in question to also change - which likely
in turn causes many other products to change and the cycle goes on like it
always has.

What you are saying contradicts itself. You say you have to change (apply a
given service pack to a specific OS), but you add an "unless" - which means
you don't have to change(apply a given service pack to a specific OS). So
what you have done is say you agree that no one forces you to do anything -
but they do... ? Or you have agreed saying that someone does force you to
change - but they don't...? heh

Everything is a choice. You don't even have to use Windows XP - much less
apply said service pack in discussion. You don't have to have a computer
even. Anything else is an assumption.

As for the original poster - it will be out soon enough, you can choose
whether or not you want to install it (taking into factor security reasons,
new software, new hardware, etc) and you should - when doing anything to
your computer, even just using it - ensure you have a decent backup plan so
you at least do not lose the data important to you and quite possibly a more
advanced plan to make it easy to revert back to a state you were in prior to
any bad incidents.

Shenan Stanley
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

Colin Barnhorst

Mar 22, 2008, 11:48:39 AM3/22/08
Microsoft will announce the release of SP3 soon. There are online articles
by various journalists who place the release announcement anywhere from next
Monday to sometime next quarter so you will have to just wait. Do not use
the version of SP3 currently available on since it is a
release candidate for public testing and not the final. The size of the
service pack download will vary from 65mb to nearly 400mb depending on how
up to date your system is. Wait for it to be offered to you by Windows
Updates. There are no urgent updates in it if you are already up to date
with the critical patches that come out every month. As with all important
upgrades, it is wise to back up your important files before applying SP3
when it is available.

Oh, and just disregard the immaturity of some of the responses you are
getting to your question.

"AliceZ" <> wrote in message


Mar 22, 2008, 11:55:52 AM3/22/08
Shenan Stanley added these comments in the current discussion du
jour ...

A very sane and reasonable approach to ANY update, not just a Windows
SP, and exactly the philosophy I use - I ONLY update to get specific
bug fixes or specific new features but NEVER to "keep up" with

HP, aka Jerry

"And, that's all I'm going to say about that" - Forrest Gump


Mar 22, 2008, 11:55:28 AM3/22/08
"Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote:

>Wait for it to be offered to you by Windows Updates.

I read an article a couple weeks back that said SOME people actually
DID get offered that RC release at Windows Update. It was an
unintentional thing.

Shenan Stanley

Mar 22, 2008, 12:06:21 PM3/22/08

Colin Barnhorst wrote:

>Wait for it to be offered to you by Windows Updates.

PD43 wrote:
> I read an article a couple weeks back that said SOME people actually
> DID get offered that RC release at Windows Update. It was an
> unintentional thing.

Although I never witnessed that - it may have been true. I do not recall
hearing anything about it being pushed with fully-automatic updates... But
offered, I have heard those stories.

From what I can tell - when it was offered - it was offered as "Service Pack
3 Release Candidate 2" - not just "Service Pack 3". It may be true that
some people are unsure what release candidate means - but it again all falls
back to computing common sense and paying a little attention to what you are
installing on your computer.

The advice given in this conversation so far still stands:

- Windows XP Service Pack 3 RTM (released to manufacturing) does not exist
at this time and installing anything that resembles Service Pack 3 for
Windows XP at this time means you are either being duped or installing a
pre-release product and you should treat it as such (willing to rebuild your
machine and lose everything on it.)

- Wait until it is released and announced officially. It is not something
you are likely going to be able to miss or misinterpret. It is likely to be
a prominent headline someplace obvious on

If the OP (or anyone) wants to know more...

Being a pre-release product - there really is not a direct support
option available. You have a few options, however:

Start here:

Which can lead you:

and the forums set up specifically for the pre-release product:

And of course:

Where you can download it in different languages OR download a script that
sets a registry key on your system so you can get Windows XP SP3 Release
Candidate 2 from the Windows Update web page directly.

I do not recommend installing the pre-release (release candidate 2) on any
machine you are not willing to rebuild from scratch.

Hope that helps!


Mar 22, 2008, 12:27:22 PM3/22/08

"Colin Barnhorst" wrote...

> Microsoft will announce the release of SP3 soon. There are online
> articles by various journalists who place the release announcement
> anywhere from next Monday to sometime next quarter so you will have to
> just wait. Do not use the version of SP3 currently available on
> since it is a release candidate for public testing and not
> the final. The size of the service pack download will vary from 65mb to
> nearly 400mb depending on how up to date your system is. Wait for it to
> be offered to you by Windows Updates. There are no urgent updates in it
> if you are already up to date with the critical patches that come out
> every month. As with all important upgrades, it is wise to back up your
> important files before applying SP3 when it is available.
> Oh, and just disregard the immaturity of some of the responses you are
> getting to your question.


Do you (or does anyone else) know if WinXP SP3 will include the .NET
Framework SP2 updates that came out for .NET 1, 2, and 3? I ask because one
program I use requires .NET 2, and I found that the .NET SP2 results in my
program (EMC Retrospect Express HD 2, a backup utility bundled with my
network hard drive) crashing. From what I've seen, EMC has not updated its
software since before the .NET SP2 release, so I'm afraid to run any MS
update that may install .NET SP2 on my PCs--at least until I see that EMC
has a revised version of their software. Thanks.



Mar 22, 2008, 12:25:22 PM3/22/08
"Shenan Stanley" <> wrote:

>From what I can tell - when it was offered - it was offered as "Service Pack
>3 Release Candidate 2" - not just "Service Pack 3". It may be true that
>some people are unsure what release candidate means - but it again all falls
>back to computing common sense and paying a little attention to what you are
>installing on your computer.

Yup... it was.

HOW many folks do you think REALLY have/exercise "computing common

You've been playing this game for years... and have witnessed more of
the opposite than most of the transient posters here.


Mar 22, 2008, 12:38:26 PM3/22/08
"Craig" <> wrote:

> Do you (or does anyone else) know if WinXP SP3 will include the .NET
>Framework SP2 updates that came out for .NET 1, 2, and 3

SP3 will not have any updates that were in SP2.

Shenan Stanley

Mar 22, 2008, 1:06:20 PM3/22/08

Shenan Stanley wrote:

> From what I can tell - when it was offered - it was offered as
> "Service Pack 3 Release Candidate 2" - not just "Service Pack 3".
> It may be true that some people are unsure what release candidate
> means - but it again all falls back to computing common sense and
> paying a little attention to what you are installing on your
> computer.

PD43 wrote:
> Yup... it was.
> HOW many folks do you think REALLY have/exercise "computing common
> sense".
> You've been playing this game for years... and have witnessed more
> of the opposite than most of the transient posters here.

Most do not - that does not mean I am going to give up posting about it in
hopes one more person figures out that they should use common sense more
often in their life than just "stove hot - do not touch"... ;-)


Mar 22, 2008, 1:17:25 PM3/22/08
"Shenan Stanley" <> wrote:

>> HOW many folks do you think REALLY have/exercise "computing common
>> sense".
>> You've been playing this game for years... and have witnessed more
>> of the opposite than most of the transient posters here.
>Most do not - that does not mean I am going to give up posting about it in
>hopes one more person figures out that they should use common sense more
>often in their life than just "stove hot - do not touch"... ;-)

As you have probably guessed, I lack your patience when it comes to
posting to those who lack <ahem> "common computing sense".

on the Bridge

Mar 22, 2008, 1:40:36 PM3/22/08
Win2k with what service pack though..?
Not vanilla win2k I can imagine..,

Im talking about service packs here not upgrading the os to a later version

"philo" <> wrote in message


on the Bridge

Mar 22, 2008, 1:44:38 PM3/22/08
nah... My philosophy is always use the latest and greatest UNLESS its total
crap like vista for example.. LOL

in that case its not latest and greatest
but latest and crapiest

"HEMI-Powered" <no...@none.en> wrote in message

on the Bridge

Mar 22, 2008, 1:43:23 PM3/22/08
there is nothing that biologically forces you to wear clothes..

you could remain in doors if its cold outside,
and get in your car that has heating to go from place to place in the

but you do wear clothes although no one is forcing you to do it

why? lol

"Shenan Stanley" <> wrote in message

Colin Barnhorst

Mar 22, 2008, 1:50:46 PM3/22/08
No, because .net framework is not a part of XP, it is an option. It is a
part of Vista, but it is optional with XP. Bundled programs, like WMP and
IE are never updated by an OS service pack either. All of these items have
their own updates, and in the case of .net framework and IE, their own
service packs.

"Craig" <> wrote in message

Shenan Stanley

Mar 22, 2008, 2:00:32 PM3/22/08

on the Bridge wrote:
> there is nothing that biologically forces you to wear clothes..
> you could remain in doors if its cold outside,
> and get in your car that has heating to go from place to place in
> the winter..
> but you do wear clothes although no one is forcing you to do it
> why? lol

You are assuming quite a bit.
That's what got you into this in the first place.

You have no idea if I own/utilize a car. You can't even be sure that I wear
clothes. There are many people throughout the world that do not subscribe
to either of those things (cars or clothes.)

It is natural to try to warm oneself *if* it is cold *to them* - but each
person and situation is different for that as well. That is survival
instinct - not necessarily a conscience choice. Although there are many
examples where people have made the conscience choice to die in the cold.

We are talking about a conscience choice that has nothing to do with your
continued survival. Getting indoors to warm up or into a car to go
someplace is a conscience choice (when available.) Someone could just as
easily choose to walk/run, use a seg-way, roller skate, ice skate,
pogo-stick, crawl or not leave/go/get warm - or even die (although they have
to have a decent amount of will power.)

Comparing those items to installing a service pack on a certain operating
system and relating it to EVERYONE is just not going to happen in the real
world. ;-)

Ken Blake, MVP

Mar 22, 2008, 2:01:33 PM3/22/08
On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 06:58:01 -0700, AliceZ
<> wrote:

> I've heard that MS will be releasing SP3 for WinXPsp2, in a month or so. I
> searched but did not find any info about it, other than it will be abour
> 328MB.
> Is this SP3 "coming out" soon?

No official date has been announced, but yes, it's expected very soon.

> Will everyone who has SP2 be required to
> download (?) and install it?

"Required"? Nobody is ever required to download and install anything.
It's almost always a very good idea to install the latest service
pack, but it's not a requirement.

> At the moment it appears to me that this SP3 will make many changes to our
> computers and possibly cause problems with other programs we now have
> installed.

There is *always* a risk of problems if you install *anything*. But
note that there is also a risk of programs that can be caused by your
*not* installing it. Operating System service packs usually have
security-related fixes within them, and running without those fixes
exposes you greatly.

On balance, my view is that you minimize risk, not by refusing to
install fixes and improvements, but by always being up to date with
fixes and improvements.

Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP - Windows Desktop Experience
Please Reply to the Newsgroup

on the Bridge

Mar 22, 2008, 2:35:16 PM3/22/08
I am not assuming anything, and I am very comfortable and not stuck in any

You could be an alien posting from a ufo in orbit, or an experimental AI
computer and not a human.

The thing is that I am taking what is most probable.

Probability is the very nature of our universe going down to basis of all

Its most probable that you would want to wear clothes even though you don't
have to. And you would want to do this for various reasons. Now, the same
applies to service packs, you don't HAVE to do it, but you would most likely
want to do it for various reasons.

"Shenan Stanley" <> wrote in message



Mar 22, 2008, 2:44:10 PM3/22/08

"on the Bridge" <On@the,bridge> wrote in message

> Win2k with what service pack though..?
> Not vanilla win2k I can imagine..,

I find win2k to still be a good OS.
It's a good choice when you need to keep lower-end machines running.

However sp4 and all the security updates are a necessity. (plus all the
obvious things such as virus checker etc)
"Vanilla" win2k is quite insecure...
but things were a lot different in the year 2000

- Bobb -

Mar 22, 2008, 4:13:22 PM3/22/08
I ran it too on one of my systems and FINALLY when I open add/remove (with
'Updates' checked), there was only SP3 listed and not the 100 updates
I too had no issues with it.

As for "many updates'... SP3 is " a series of updates".
If you haven't updated at all, yeah it'll take a while, but IF you've been
updating occasionally, it recognizes what you've got and just " adds the
ones you didn't download yet' until that equals SP3.

"philo" <> wrote in message

on the Bridge

Mar 22, 2008, 3:21:52 PM3/22/08
i agree

"philo" <> wrote in message


William R. Walsh

Mar 22, 2008, 3:41:53 PM3/22/08

You can get a prerelease version of Windows XP SP3 now. I have been running
it on an old NCR Pentium 4. I haven't noticed any major benefits, but there
aren't any obvious problems either.

It is strongly recommended that you NOT install or use this prerelease
version on an important system. If you insist, make and test a system backup


Marko Jotic

Mar 22, 2008, 3:42:57 PM3/22/08
Shenan Stanley wrote:
> Most do not - that does not mean I am going to give up posting about it in
> hopes one more person figures out that they should use common sense more
> often in their life than just "stove hot - do not touch"... ;-)
see my quote below.

I wouldn't have bothered except your stove comment struck a chord: a
relative with a new stove with a glass top (no red rings), one with a
light that goes on to say its hot

he asks his wife what the light means, "its hot".
so he touches it "ouch it IS hot"
he touches it again, then a third time before he managed to stop

Marko Jotic
"Common sense is anything but common".
From the notebooks of Lazarus Long. Robert A. Heinlein.
Handmade knives, antique designs, exotic materials at

Marko Jotic

Mar 22, 2008, 3:44:26 PM3/22/08

the MS site clearly states that SP3 will be cummulative, e.g. SP1 and
SP2 need not be installed.

Shenan Stanley

Mar 22, 2008, 4:05:02 PM3/22/08

Shenan Stanley wrote:
> You are assuming quite a bit.
> That's what got you into this in the first place.
> You have no idea if I own/utilize a car. You can't even be sure
> that I wear clothes. There are many people throughout the world
> that do not subscribe to either of those things (cars or clothes.)
> It is natural to try to warm oneself *if* it is cold *to them* -
> but each person and situation is different for that as well. That
> is survival instinct - not necessarily a conscience choice. Although there
> are many examples where people have made the
> conscience choice to die in the cold.
> We are talking about a conscience choice that has nothing to do
> with your continued survival. Getting indoors to warm up or into a
> car to go someplace is a conscience choice (when available.) Someone could
> just as easily choose to walk/run, use a seg-way,
> roller skate, ice skate, pogo-stick, crawl or not leave/go/get warm
> - or even die (although they have to have a decent amount of will
> power.)
> Comparing those items to installing a service pack on a certain
> operating system and relating it to EVERYONE is just not going to
> happen in the real world. ;-)

on the Bridge wrote:
> I am not assuming anything, and I am very comfortable and not stuck
> in any way.
> You could be an alien posting from a ufo in orbit, or an
> experimental AI computer and not a human.
> The thing is that I am taking what is most probable.
> Probability is the very nature of our universe going down to basis
> of all existance.
> Its most probable that you would want to wear clothes even though
> you don't have to. And you would want to do this for various
> reasons. Now, the same applies to service packs, you don't HAVE to
> do it, but you would most likely want to do it for various reasons.

However - until now - you never mentioned probability and you assumed much
in that act alone.

You said "they force you indirectly" not "odds are, you will have to

Comfortable and correct are not necessarily interchangeable. ;-)


Mar 22, 2008, 5:04:00 PM3/22/08
I upgraded to service pack 3 last night and crashed. Microsoft was NO help.
they directed me here for help. Any ideas?

Shenan Stanley

Mar 22, 2008, 5:16:43 PM3/22/08
Tom wrote:
> I upgraded to service pack 3 last night and crashed. Microsoft was
> NO help. they directed me here for help. Any ideas?

Since you should have nothing to lose (installation of a pre-release
software should only be done on a system you are willing/able to
format and rebuild at a moments notice - virtual machines with a
revert capability are great for this) when trying to install the
pre-release software (Windows XP SP3 Release Candidate 2)
simply format and perform a clean install on your test machine
that you are trying to install SP3 RC2 upon.

You also could try booting into Safe Mode and performing a
System Restore to a point in time before you installed Service
Pack 3 Release Candidate 2...

Before trying the pre-release software again on this obviously
crowded test machine - try a cleanup of said test machine. Similar
to one you might do before installing any major service pack full
release. The only real difference is that being a test machine - it
is not as important you backup anything...

- Uninstall unnecessary software.
- Update the hardware drivers from the hardware manufacturer's support
web pages.
- Use Disk Cleanup to clear all but the last restore point and to free up
some space not being used by much more than junk.
- Check for viruses/trojans/worms...
- Check for adware/spyware/malware...
- Use CHKDSK to check your hard disk drive for errors.
- Use DEFRAG to cleanup the drive a bit - tidy it up.

Then - once you have your test machine cleaned up - you could make a new
image of it (or however you plan to restore it each time you are done with
whatever tests you use it for) and you'd have a better testbed machine for

Note - being a pre-release product - there really is not a direct support

option available. You have a few options, however:

Start here:

and the forums set up specifically for the pre-release product:

Where you can download it in different languages OR download a script that
sets a registry key on your system so you can get Windows XP SP3 Release
Candidate 2 from the Windows Update web page directly.

Hope that helps!


Mar 22, 2008, 5:30:19 PM3/22/08

"PD43" wrote...

Thanks, but that's not my question.



Mar 22, 2008, 5:32:14 PM3/22/08

"Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote...

> No, because .net framework is not a part of XP, it is an option. It is a
> part of Vista, but it is optional with XP. Bundled programs, like WMP and
> IE are never updated by an OS service pack either. All of these items
> have their own updates, and in the case of .net framework and IE, their
> own service packs.

Thanks, Colin, that's a relief. I'll probably go ahead and do the XP SP3
when it becomes part of Windows Update then. Thanks again.



Mar 22, 2008, 5:33:09 PM3/22/08

"Marko Jotic" <> wrote...

> PD43 wrote:
>> "Craig" <> wrote:
>>> Do you (or does anyone else) know if WinXP SP3 will include the .NET
>>> Framework SP2 updates that came out for .NET 1, 2, and 3
>> SP3 will not have any updates that were in SP2.
> the MS site clearly states that SP3 will be cummulative, e.g. SP1 and SP2
> need not be installed.
> --
> Marko Jotic

Thanks, but that's not an answer to my question.



Mar 22, 2008, 6:02:00 PM3/22/08
Thank you Colin Barnhost... Your answer is what I was seeking.
I thought I would get one or two answers but was surprised to see so many
posts that did not enlighten me but rather confused and frightened me.
I guess best thing to do is just wait and see what happens when SP3 is
officially released.
One more question if I may. Many of the posts state that if you are
considering installing SP3, you should back up your work. Just what do they
mean by that? And how would it be done? As you can tell, I (and my husband)
are new to all of this and that is why all of the posts were confusing to us.

"Colin Barnhorst" wrote:

> Microsoft will announce the release of SP3 soon. There are online articles
> by various journalists who place the release announcement anywhere from next
> Monday to sometime next quarter so you will have to just wait. Do not use
> the version of SP3 currently available on since it is a
> release candidate for public testing and not the final. The size of the
> service pack download will vary from 65mb to nearly 400mb depending on how
> up to date your system is. Wait for it to be offered to you by Windows
> Updates. There are no urgent updates in it if you are already up to date
> with the critical patches that come out every month. As with all important
> upgrades, it is wise to back up your important files before applying SP3
> when it is available.
> Oh, and just disregard the immaturity of some of the responses you are
> getting to your question.

Colin Barnhorst

Mar 22, 2008, 7:34:27 PM3/22/08

"Craig" <> wrote in message


Colin Barnhorst

Mar 22, 2008, 7:56:08 PM3/22/08
The respondents assume that you know how to back up your files. Here is an
article that describes how to do that with the software on your system (if
XP Pro) or can be added (XP Home). The idea is that you should protect your
personal files so that you do not lose documents, pictures, music, etc that
you have saved on your computer. If you have not thought about backups
before you should because if something messes up your computer you would
lose all your work. While you can always reinstall Windows and your
applications, there is no way to replace your personal stuff if you don't
protect it.

This will set off another flurry of responses because computer users are
cheerleaders for one backup product or another and they all hate the backup
program included in XP, so be prepared.

My personal choices for backup programs (lots more options for what you can
backup and how) are EMC Retrospect 7.5 for Windows and Acronis True Image
Home. You can Google on those if you want something nicer than NTBackup
(the program in XP).

If you don't have "Backup" when you navigate to Start>All Programs>
Accessories>System Tools then you are probably using XP Home and need to
follow the directions in Step 2 of the support article above (or you can
download from
(at the end of the article)).

"AliceZ" <> wrote in message

Bill in Co.

Mar 22, 2008, 8:07:52 PM3/22/08
I expect it would be easier to just use the Microsoft Win XP Backup as
you've suggested, too.

on the Bridge

Mar 22, 2008, 8:45:51 PM3/22/08
> You said "they force you indirectly" not "odds are, you will have to
> anyway"...
> Comfortable and correct are not necessarily interchangeable. ;-)

well that's because there are 2 ways to force you

They can put a gun behind your back
or a carrot in front of your mouth.
a common method to get people to do something (like updating their pcs but
also many other more important stuff) is to use FEAR to manipulate them.
Update or else the big bad virus will get you bla bla. The hacker will come
into your computer to grab your boring collection of photos of your dog

Many "goodies" that Microsoft offers on its site NEED sp2 for you to
download them and install them, you also have to pass the genuine test. You
want the goodie "carrot" like
a powertoy? You need SP2 to get it.. You want that new cool media player?
You need sp2 to get it.. and so on.

"Shenan Stanley" <> wrote in message


Marko Jotic

Mar 22, 2008, 9:22:02 PM3/22/08

if your .net updates are in sp2 then their going to be in sp3


Mar 22, 2008, 10:35:44 PM3/22/08

"Marko Jotic" <> wrote...

>>>> "Craig" <> wrote:
>>>>> Do you (or does anyone else) know if WinXP SP3 will include the .NET
>>>>> Framework SP2 updates that came out for .NET 1, 2, and 3
>>>> SP3 will not have any updates that were in SP2.
>>> the MS site clearly states that SP3 will be cummulative, e.g. SP1 and
>>> SP2 need not be installed.
>>> --
>>> Marko Jotic
>> Thanks, but that's not an answer to my question.
> if your .net updates are in sp2 then their going to be in sp3

Luckily, the MS .Net Framework Service Packs were not part of any past WinXP
Service Pack, they were standalone updates to whichever .Net Framework
version a PC had previously installed. So I'm hoping that Colin's right and
that WinXP Service Pack 3 will not include the past MS .NET Framework
Service Pack updates.


Colin Barnhorst

Mar 22, 2008, 11:09:45 PM3/22/08
SP3 includes ONLY previous updates to the operating system and a few new
functionalities. That's operating system. .net framework is not part of
the operating system.

"Craig" <> wrote in message



Mar 23, 2008, 10:28:01 AM3/23/08
Thank you again Colin Barnhorst.
I found the Backup in the Accessories/System Tools. I followed the
instructions on the MS page you supplied regarding 'backing up.'
#1- Maybe a stupid question, but I was wondering if this Backup is JUST for
this computer, or can it be used on another computer?
#2- There was also mention of 'backing up' System Stat.' Is that necessary?
I guess it would be if this Backup is just for this computer, but it should
not be done if the Backup can be used on our other PC. (But that would depend
on #1, I believe.)
Thank you.

Colin Barnhorst

Mar 23, 2008, 11:49:48 AM3/23/08
You're welcome.

Backup is for the local computer only. Third party backup programs like the
ones I talked about before can help you manage backups on a home network
from one of the computers but XP's Backup cannot do that.

The system state amounts to the registry and it is pretty important to back
that up. I don't know what OS is on the other computer but it should have a
built in backup program too. You can just treat the two computers
seperately. If you want to manage backups for both computers from one of
them and have a lot of choices on how to back up you should look at third
party programs to do it.

"AliceZ" <> wrote in message


Mar 23, 2008, 4:44:13 PM3/23/08

on the Bridge wrote:

>there is nothing that biologically forces you to wear clothes..

There is! You could go to prison if you are found naked walking where
civilization exists! This is not biological but it is certainly legally!


Mar 23, 2008, 5:07:02 PM3/23/08

>There is! You could go to prison if you are found naked walking where
>civilization exists! This is not biological but it is certainly legally!

I think this thread has finally met my killfile threshold.


Mar 23, 2008, 6:29:03 PM3/23/08
Again, thank you Colin Barnhorst.
We had a 2GB small flash drive which we plugged into a USB port on the
desktop (WinXPsp2) and did the backup (included the System Stat). We then
looked at the Properties of the flash drive and it showed one item = Backup
bkf 975,053. I guess everything we backed up (owner documents, cookies,
favorites, etc.) was condensed into that one file.

#1- I hope it was OKAY to do the backup to the flash drive! We didn't think
we were supposed to save the backup on our desktop.

Guess we will have to look for another 2GB flash drive and do the same
backup for our notebook (WinXPsp2), if it is OKAY to save BACKUP to a flash

HOPEFULLY, we will never need to use either one of them. Also hope, if we
must install the SP3 sometime in the future, that we will not have any
Thank you for your kind assistance. It has helped us greatly and taugh us
how to do the backup.

Colin Barnhorst

Mar 23, 2008, 6:45:04 PM3/23/08
Sounds OK. The last place you want to save it is on the system you are
backing up. Best practice for a backup is to use a removable drive as you
have or shiny media (cd/dvd) which can be stored away from the computer.
Buy something larger than a 2GB flash drive. Larger sizes are very cheap

Good luck.

"AliceZ" <> wrote in message


Mar 23, 2008, 7:54:01 PM3/23/08
Thank you. We read your message and noticed the flash drive we used still had
it's LED light 'turned' on. Usually, when we save something to the flash
drive, the LED blinks on and off and then turns off when finished. I (we) are
suspecting something wrong with the flash drive. Glad you mentioned
alternative way to backup. We do have CD-R 700 MB disks, but think they would
be too small. We also have quite a few DVD+R 4.7GB disks. Hopefully, we can
use those. Do you think so? I am really sorry to keep 'bugging' you on this
subject. If you are too busy to answer, I will understand and post the
question on the forum.

Colin Barnhorst

Mar 23, 2008, 8:39:01 PM3/23/08
I don't remember if Backup can use cds. I think that may require a
different backup program. At some point you should think about an external
hard drive that can be used with both computers as you are doing with the
flash drive now.

"AliceZ" <> wrote in message


Mar 23, 2008, 8:50:01 PM3/23/08
Thank you. Yep, you are right, Windows backup doesn't work with CD disks. I
saw the following two places that offer free backup software:
We are seniors and really cannot afford to purchase too many extras.
(We were using only one flash drive with desktop and was thinking of getting
another one for notebook, when funds permit. Each one is about 2GB and backup
is over 1GB.)
Sorry to have bothered you with all these questions. Thanks again.

Colin Barnhorst

Mar 23, 2008, 9:13:44 PM3/23/08
Good luck.

"AliceZ" <> wrote in message


Mar 24, 2008, 9:50:01 AM3/24/08
Thank you. Have you heard anything about the Comodo back-up program? It states
"FREE Download and License." Don't know what the 'licence' means.
If you do not know answer, no need to answer. My husband already posted the
question on MS forum.
Thanks again for everything.

Marko Jotic

Mar 24, 2008, 10:17:34 AM3/24/08
sorry, I should have remembered it's optional, not critical. I misread
what you wrote (bolded)


Colin Barnhorst

Mar 24, 2008, 10:33:02 AM3/24/08
It is recommended by several folks in this newsgroup. I have not used it.
It cannot hurt to try it.

"AliceZ" <> wrote in message


Apr 21, 2008, 8:43:37 PM4/21/08
I still remember the "immature" response I received from some of the
respected members of this group, when I wrote here on January 30, that SP3
would install ONLY on top of SP1 or SP2.


The name 'Colin Barnhorst rings a bell, and HE wrote:
"You are reading too much into an apparent omission in the wording.
it may have been an oversight on the writer's part in not explicitly
mentioning "XP Gold", but "Gold" doesn't show up in MS whitepapers
The thrust of the passage is that SP3 supercedes (sic) the need to
have SP1 or SP2

If you go to the XP SP3 download details link at
and read the system requirements you will find that all editions of
XP Gold
are listed AS WELL AS XP SP1 and XP SP2. The System Requirements
is deterministic and is what MS Product Support Services commits
itself to.

But, hell, not only did someone know what the word 'deterministic' means,
but he even used it in a sentence. Goll--eee!!

Additionally, Colin came back with:
"Check back in a couple of hours to see if an experiment I am
running works.
I already know the answer but you are so stubbornly hanging on to a
misconception that I am using a copy of XP Home Gold OEM to install
on a virtual machine, after which I will block Automatic Updates and
SP3 Release Candidate (without activation or validation) just to
show you
what we are trying to tell you is true. You could have done this
yourself with VPC but check back in a few hours.

REALLY soon after that he informed us that:
"I stand corrected. XP Gold will return an error message:

At minimum, you must have Service Pack 1 installed."

I guess sometimes it pays to be a little stubborn, as I was.

And I suppose that sometimes it pays to have just a little humility and be
able to say "I'm sorry."


"Colin Barnhorst" <> wrote in message

> Microsoft will announce the release of SP3 soon. There are online
> articles by various journalists who place the release announcement
> anywhere from next Monday to sometime next quarter so you will have to
> just wait. Do not use the version of SP3 currently available on
> since it is a release candidate for public testing and not
> the final. The size of the service pack download will vary from 65mb to
> nearly 400mb depending on how up to date your system is. Wait for it to
> be offered to you by Windows Updates. There are no urgent updates in it
> if you are already up to date with the critical patches that come out
> every month. As with all important upgrades, it is wise to back up your
> important files before applying SP3 when it is available.
> Oh, and just disregard the immaturity of some of the responses you are
> getting to your question.
> "AliceZ" <> wrote in message
>> I've heard that MS will be releasing SP3 for WinXPsp2, in a month or so.
>> I
>> searched but did not find any info about it, other than it will be abour
>> 328MB.
>> Is this SP3 "coming out" soon? Will everyone who has SP2 be required to

Bill in Co.

Apr 21, 2008, 10:58:11 PM4/21/08
What's the big rush? Why does anyone need or want SP3? Just because
it's newer, or what?


Apr 21, 2008, 11:36:04 PM4/21/08
Bill in Co. wrote:
> What's the big rush? Why does anyone need or want SP3? Just
> because it's newer, or what?

Is there a context to this?

Bill in Co.

Apr 22, 2008, 12:00:47 AM4/22/08

Yes. I'm asking the question.

Shenan Stanley

Apr 22, 2008, 12:46:54 AM4/22/08
Context asked for:
(Conversation - complete)

<Below seems to be just this 'thread'>

AliceZ wrote:
> I've heard that MS will be releasing SP3 for WinXPsp2, in a month
> or so. I searched but did not find any info about it, other than it
> will be abour 328MB.
> Is this SP3 "coming out" soon? Will everyone who has SP2 be
> required to download (?) and install it?
> At the moment it appears to me that this SP3 will make many changes
> to our computers and possibly cause problems with other programs we
> now have installed.

Colin Barnhorst wrote:
> Microsoft will announce the release of SP3 soon. There are online
> articles by various journalists who place the release announcement
> anywhere from next Monday to sometime next quarter so you will have to
> just wait. Do not use the version of SP3 currently available on
> since it is a release candidate for public testing and not
> the final. The size of the service pack download will vary from 65mb to
> nearly 400mb depending on how up to date your system is. Wait for it to
> be offered to you by Windows Updates. There are no urgent updates in it
> if you are already up to date with the critical patches that come out
> every month. As with all important upgrades, it is wise to back up your
> important files before applying SP3 when it is available.
> Oh, and just disregard the immaturity of some of the responses you are
> getting to your question.

Alan wrote:
> I still remember the "immature" response I received from some of the
> respected members of this group, when I wrote here on January 30,
> that SP3 would install ONLY on top of SP1 or SP2.
> See
> The name 'Colin Barnhorst rings a bell, and HE wrote:
> "You are reading too much into an apparent omission in the
> wording. Perhaps it may have been an oversight on the
> writer's part in not explicitly mentioning "XP Gold", but
> "Gold" doesn't show up in MS whitepapers anyway.
> The thrust of the passage is that SP3 supercedes (sic) the
> need to have SP1 or SP2 installed."
> If you go to the XP SP3 download details link at

> <incomplete link snipped>

> and read the system requirements you will find that all
> editions of XP Gold are listed AS WELL AS XP SP1 and
> XP SP2. The System Requirements statement
> is deterministic and is what MS Product Support Services
> commits itself to."
> But, hell, not only did someone know what the word 'deterministic'
> means, but he even used it in a sentence. Goll--eee!!
> Additionally, Colin came back with:
> "Check back in a couple of hours to see if an experiment I am
> running works. I already know the answer but you are so
> stubbornly hanging on to a misconception that I am using a
> copy of XP Home Gold OEM to install Windows
> on a virtual machine, after which I will block Automatic
> Updates and install SP3 Release Candidate (without
> activation or validation) just to show you what we are trying
> to tell you is true. You could have done this for
> yourself with VPC but check back in a few hours."
> REALLY soon after that he informed us that:
> "I stand corrected. XP Gold will return an error message:
> At minimum, you must have Service Pack 1 installed."
> I guess sometimes it pays to be a little stubborn, as I was.
> And I suppose that sometimes it pays to have just a little humility
> and be able to say "I'm sorry."

Bill in Co. wrote:

> What's the big rush? Why does anyone need or want SP3? Just
> because it's newer, or what?

Daave wrote:
> Is there a context to this?

Bill in Co. wrote:
> Yes. I'm asking the question.

Not that I see the connection where "Bill in Co." decided to post
the'query'... But - there is the path it took to get there... Perhaps
given the full thread as it is, a more complete answer can be gotten to -
perhaps not (at least I don't see it.)

As to answer something of "Bill in Co." and the question put forward...
Depends on the person. Some people must have the latest and greatest (per
their perception.) Some people want less work (although I don't get this
point) when integrating for an install. Some just think something like this
will fix some issue they are having or somehow improve their performance to
more than just a noticable point... It is a personal thing.

In the end - just like your question - some people 'just want to know'...


Apr 22, 2008, 10:33:15 AM4/22/08

The subject line started with "Re:"

It looked like you were responding to someone elses's post but snipped
all of it!

Why would anyone want SP3? To be up-to-date and fully patched, of

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