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Low income users (pensioners) - how do you cope with cost of XP?

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Dec 23, 2006, 7:07:02 AM12/23/06
When my old system (P III with Windows 2000 pro) failed after several years
of good service I was given a refurbished AMD Duron based motherboard. This
runs much faster and my old Windows 2000 installed OK. I run mostly public
domain software and Open Office to keep the costs down. However I am now
finding that I am getting applications that only run on XP. Because of the
way I network to other machines I am advised that I should upgrade to
Windows XP professional. Now this is where Microsoft just prices me and
many others out of the market. As a pensioner I receive a pension which,
after paying rent and bills leaves just enough for minor essentials like
food. To purchase a standard copy of XP Professional would take about a
year of saving by which time the price will have increased anyway. Even the
educational version costs as much as I spend on food in a month. Now this is
in England. So how do low income earners, particularly in 3rd world
countries, manage to use modern software. Illegal copies are out of the
question. You can't even buy second hand copies on eBay as they are locked
into the original hardware.
Although I realise that the cost of software development and support is high
it amazes me that, for example, corporate users who earn money by the
software, can get massive bulk discounts on multi user licences whereas Joe
Public, and particularly low income earners, should have to pay full price
for what is a hobby and a lifeline to the outside world.
Richard C. Ferryman

Gerry Cornell

Dec 23, 2006, 7:44:18 AM12/23/06
Why not Home Edition?
if link broken try:


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute

"ferrymanr" <> wrote in message


Dec 23, 2006, 7:53:34 AM12/23/06

Check out Order the free CD. It will be sent to
you for free and they will pay the postage. To install it, just slip the
CD in the CDROM and click on install. It will push Windows to one side
and then you will be able to choose between Windows and Ubuntu when you
boot up. Ubuntu has hundreds of programs.


Edwin vMierlo

Dec 23, 2006, 9:29:01 AM12/23/06
Dear Richard,

I understand and feel your frustration, unfortunately there is not much we
can do on current prices.

First of all, why don't you let us know what problems you are experiencing
and with what applications.
Basically, what are your reasons that you think you must upgrade to XP-Pro ?

There might be solutions for you without upgrading.

Let us know your experiences, your conclusions, apps, and any other details
which might be important, and we can look for low-cost or even free
solutions if possible

Merry Xmas,

"ferrymanr" <> wrote in message


Dec 23, 2006, 10:27:31 AM12/23/06
It is very rare for any application to require XP in lieu of Win2000. Can
you elaborate on why you believe you must upgrade? Personally, I still
believe Win2000 is probably the best MS OS out-of-the-gate.


"ferrymanr" <> wrote in message


Dec 23, 2006, 10:53:19 AM12/23/06
Frankster wrote:
> It is very rare for any application to require XP in lieu of Win2000. Can
> you elaborate on why you believe you must upgrade? Personally, I still
> believe Win2000 is probably the best MS OS out-of-the-gate.
> -Frank

The fax is better in XP. XP recognizes more hardware. XP has MSCONFIG
while W2K does not, although it can use XP's.

Out of the gate, W2K doesn't have Auto Update.


Kerry Brown

Dec 23, 2006, 11:30:15 AM12/23/06
I want a Ferrari but I can't afford it so I make do with my ten year old
Jeep. Life is sometimes not fair and there's not much we can do about it.
Their are alternatives. Linux is one good alternative. Keeping your existing
Windows 2000 and living with the limitations is another. Your question is
more of a philosophical one than a technical one. What problems are you
experiencing that need XP Pro to solve?

Kerry Brown
Microsoft MVP - Shell/User

"ferrymanr" <> wrote in message


Dec 23, 2006, 11:40:20 AM12/23/06
> The fax is better in XP. XP recognizes more hardware. XP has MSCONFIG
> while W2K does not, although it can use XP's.

Ho hum... don't matter much. There are ways...

> Out of the gate, W2K doesn't have Auto Update.

Thank god. Auto Update causes more trouble than it solves.


Message has been deleted

V Green

Dec 23, 2006, 12:22:58 PM12/23/06

"Leythos" <vo...@nowhere.lan> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> says...

> > When my old system (P III with Windows 2000 pro) failed after several
> > of good service I was given a refurbished AMD Duron based motherboard.
> > runs much faster and my old Windows 2000 installed OK. I run mostly
> > domain software and Open Office to keep the costs down. However I am
> > finding that I am getting applications that only run on XP. Because of
> > way I network to other machines I am advised that I should upgrade to
> > Windows XP professional. Now this is where Microsoft just prices me and
> > many others out of the market. As a pensioner I receive a pension
> > after paying rent and bills leaves just enough for minor essentials like
> > food. To purchase a standard copy of XP Professional would take about a
> > year of saving by which time the price will have increased anyway.
> Very few people actually NEED a computer, it's a nice to have item.
> In your case, you need better hardware/OS, to run applications that you
> use to "network" with other machines - so it sounds like you don't just
> have 1 machine.
> Now, as to your pension - well, you're old enough to not lecture about
> planning, but, why can't you get part-time work or some other work that
> would give you a couple hundred bucks and then you could afford what you
> want.
> Oh, and don't think that Corporate users get that BIG discount -
> actually, your OEM copy of Windows XP Prof is $149 most places, when I
> order XP Prof + SA + OL, it's a lot more than $149 per copy (under 1000
> units).
> So, if you're in good enough shape to have several computers to "Network
> with" and have a real need, then get a part-time job so that you can
> afford what you want.

\sarcasm on


Merry Christmas to you too, Leythos.

\sarcasm off

> --
> remove 999 in order to email me

Message has been deleted


Dec 23, 2006, 12:43:09 PM12/23/06
Leythos wrote:
> In article <uN5Y4brJ...@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl>,
> says...

>>> So, if you're in good enough shape to have several computers to "Network
>>> with" and have a real need, then get a part-time job so that you can
>>> afford what you want.
>> \sarcasm on
>> Nice.
>> Merry Christmas to you too, Leythos.
>> \sarcasm off
> It's got nothing to do with being PC or Christmas - if someone has
> retired there is nothing keeping them from getting a part time job to
> afford something they "want" vs something they need to survive.

You're assuming the OP is capable of working. You're also assuming that
there are part time jobs availabe for the OP. You're also assuming the
OP paid for the computers he or she has. You assume a lot.


Gerry Cornell

Dec 23, 2006, 1:15:13 PM12/23/06
You're 3,000 miles off the map on this one Leythos <G>.
Better buy yourself a satnav for Xmas.


Kindest Regards.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute

"Alias" <aka@masked&> wrote in message


Dec 23, 2006, 2:20:25 PM12/23/06
"Leythos" <vo...@nowhere.lan> wrote in message
> So, if you're in good enough shape to have several computers to "Network
> with" and have a real need, then get a part-time job so that you can
> afford what you want.
> --
> remove 999 in order to email me

Actually I don't have 'several computers' but I do have access via an
amateur radio link to one network and via internet to another. I spend some
of my time editing video footage for the local museum - voluntary work - and
the software downloads to my machine from their network to do the editing.
Now that they are using the latest software to handle HDV I find it only
runs under Windows XP. Reading the literature it seems that XP is becoming
mandatory for many/most HDV editing tools.

I tried using Open Suse linux 10.1 for personal work. It is a great system
and takes me back to my working days when I used HPUX and AIX but will not
run applications that only run under Windows. Of course I could use VMWare
and have a virual machine but that would still need XP installed as a guest

I am also getting good results with an old WiFi router and home made high
gain antenna to link into a friends PC (quad 2 duo and XP Pro) and I am able
to run several applications remotely. If successful this will ultimately
replace my internet link to the museum.



Dec 23, 2006, 2:05:06 PM12/23/06

Bother@forgedpostsanonymous.unorg Cymbal Man Freq.

Dec 23, 2006, 3:24:33 PM12/23/06
I've seen some computer being sold at Best Buy for $200 after a $200 rebate. I
wouldn't buy it, but....

Yeah, M$ needs to allow for low-income subsidies in the purchase price. A lot of
stuff is becoming computer-only these days. Can't even get catalogs from stores
anymore unless online.

I look forward to buying my last computer ever in 2007.


Dec 23, 2006, 3:35:55 PM12/23/06
"Cymbal Man Freq." wrote

Why are you using the M$ designation? That's juvenile and takes away from
any credibility you might have.


Dec 23, 2006, 3:44:04 PM12/23/06
ferrymanr wrote:
> Because of the way I network to other machines I am advised that
> I should upgrade to Windows XP professional.

Chances are you received faulty advice.

What are your *specific* networking needs? More often than not, XP Home
is adequate for most people's networking needs.

GSV Three Minds in a Can

Dec 23, 2006, 3:53:47 PM12/23/06
Bitstring <#ZeDuHtJ...@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>, from the wonderful
person Rock <> said

Change the record, it's stuck in the groove. YOU might find it juvenile,
fine, everyone else has no problem.

For the OP, I'm surprised that Win2k is believed to be inadequate, since
there really isn't all that much that XP Pro can do which Win2k can't be
persuaded to do with a bit of a shove.

(Yep, there are a few things .. the only ones that caused me to actually
upgrade was Cleartype and a much better help/support facility). In some
instances XP is demonstrably more broken than 2k (search springs to

GSV Three Minds in a Can
7,053 Km walked. 1,267Km PROWs surveyed. 23.0% complete.

V Green

Dec 23, 2006, 4:12:33 PM12/23/06

"Rock" <> wrote in message

In your opinion only, O Almighty Judge Of Everything That Goes
On On This Newsgroup ("juvenile" response intentional).

It has been my observation that posters who have had
"issues" with a MS product, and now are pissed off at
them, often offer workable solutions to said problems
that the rest of us can use.

Those who worship at the MS altar tend to only respond with
missives such as:

"Doesn't happen here. Must be YOUR fault."

"Doesn't belong on this newsgroup. Take your
problem elsewhere."

"This isn't a chat room. Do you have an XP OS question?"



and, lest we forget this helpful response:

Bruce Chambers

Dec 23, 2006, 4:15:53 PM12/23/06
GSV Three Minds in a Can wrote:
>> Why are you using the M$ designation? That's juvenile and takes away
>> from any credibility you might have.
> Change the record, it's stuck in the groove. YOU might find it juvenile,
> fine, everyone else has no problem.

Not necessarily, but most us of realize the futility of pointing out to
a child that his/her behavior is, in fact, juvenile. One: it's stating
the obvious, to no good affect; and, two: it's very rare that the
deliberate juvenile actually wishes to grow up, so we know the advice
will fall on deaf hears.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. -Bertrand Russell

Ron Martell

Dec 23, 2006, 4:54:52 PM12/23/06
"ferrymanr" <> wrote:

How much did you pay for your Windows 2000 originally? Probably the
same, or maybe even a little more, than you would now pay for Windows
XP Pro. The prices for Microsoft operating systems have not
increased to any significant extent in recent years. Prices for
Windows 95 were pretty much the same as they are for Windows XP Home,
even without allowing for inflation.

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."

GSV Three Minds in a Can

Dec 23, 2006, 5:11:54 PM12/23/06
Bitstring <>, from the
wonderful person Ron Martell <> said

Sounds like he got Win2k WITH the PIII, in which case the price was a)
low (OEM) and b) buried in the system cost anyway.

I sympathise - UK OEM builders pay more than USA ones, but can still
offer XP at way way lower costs than I can buy even an OEM copy for,
never mind a 'retail' one (heck, the retail UPGRADE costs more than an
'OEM' copy, and that's a 'retail OEM', i.e. one I can buy, not one that
Dell can buy).

I would agree that XP Pro costs only slightly more than Win2k (but then
it's only slightly different, under the hood), but both are damn
expensive if you try to buy them to add to pre-existing hardware.


GSV Three Minds in a Can

Kerry Brown

Dec 23, 2006, 5:26:59 PM12/23/06
"ferrymanr" <> wrote in message

If the program only runs in XP then you are indeed stuck. It would be very
unusual for a program to require XP Pro and not run in XP Home which is
quite a bit less expensive. As you are doing the work for a museum perhaps
they would be able to supply a copy of XP. It would still be much less
expensive for them than paying someone to do the work. It is also possible
you could be eligible for a grant of some kind to purchase a new computer
for the job. Governments at all levels have programs for this type of thing.
You have many things going for you when applying for grant. You are a senior
on a fixed income doing volunteer work for a non-profit.

Gerry Cornell

Dec 23, 2006, 6:23:44 PM12/23/06
Won't the price of Windows XP fall significant over the next
6 / 12 months? Seems a good possibility!




Enquire, plan and execute.
Stourport, England

"GSV Three Minds in a Can" <> wrote in message


Dec 23, 2006, 7:25:22 PM12/23/06

Bruce Chambers wrote:
> GSV Three Minds in a Can wrote:
>>> Why are you using the M$ designation? That's juvenile and takes away
>>> from any credibility you might have.
>> Change the record, it's stuck in the groove. YOU might find it
>> juvenile, fine, everyone else has no problem.
> Not necessarily, but most us of realize the futility of pointing out
> to a child that his/her behavior is, in fact, juvenile. One: it's
> stating the obvious, to no good affect; and, two: it's very rare that
> the deliberate juvenile actually wishes to grow up, so we know the
> advice will fall on deaf hears.

I guess its better to be juvenile and have the ability to grow up then
be deaf and dumb.


Dec 23, 2006, 7:55:45 PM12/23/06
ferrymanr wrote:
> Although I realise that the cost of software development and support
> is high it amazes me that, for example, corporate users who earn
> money by the software, can get massive bulk discounts on multi user
> licences whereas Joe Public, and particularly low income earners,
> should have to pay full price for what is a hobby and a lifeline to
> the outside world.

You've had a lifetime to save your money. But no, you threw it away,
probably on booze and loose women. Now you expect a break?

Here's a clue: Most things are priced based on what the customer is WILLING
to pay, not on what the customer is able to pay. If you can't afford XP,
then don't buy it. Same as a Gulfstream jet, a vacation to the Galapagos
Islands, or a month's supply of Viagra.


Dec 23, 2006, 8:58:55 PM12/23/06

"Leythos" <vo...@nowhere.lan> wrote in message
>> When my old system (P III with Windows 2000 pro) failed after several
>> years
>> of good service I was given a refurbished AMD Duron based motherboard.
>> This
>> runs much faster and my old Windows 2000 installed OK. I run mostly
>> public
>> domain software and Open Office to keep the costs down. However I am now
>> finding that I am getting applications that only run on XP. Because of
>> the
>> way I network to other machines I am advised that I should upgrade to
>> Windows XP professional. Now this is where Microsoft just prices me and
>> many others out of the market. As a pensioner I receive a pension which,
>> after paying rent and bills leaves just enough for minor essentials like
>> food. To purchase a standard copy of XP Professional would take about a
>> year of saving by which time the price will have increased anyway.
> Very few people actually NEED a computer, it's a nice to have item.
> In your case, you need better hardware/OS, to run applications that you
> use to "network" with other machines - so it sounds like you don't just
> have 1 machine.
> Now, as to your pension - well, you're old enough to not lecture about
> planning, but, why can't you get part-time work or some other work that
> would give you a couple hundred bucks and then you could afford what you
> want.

> Oh, and don't think that Corporate users get that BIG discount -
> actually, your OEM copy of Windows XP Prof is $149 most places, when I
> order XP Prof + SA + OL, it's a lot more than $149 per copy (under 1000
> units).

> So, if you're in good enough shape to have several computers to "Network
> with" and have a real need, then get a part-time job so that you can
> afford what you want.

You are assuming the OP is cable of doing paid work , he may well be a
young invalid pensioner.... [he doesn't elaborate]


Galen Somerville

Dec 23, 2006, 9:01:54 PM12/23/06

"Daave" <dcwash...@myrealboxXYZ.invalid> wrote in message
I network to other machines even with Win98se. The other machines being
WinXP and NT2000


Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Uncle Grumpy

Dec 23, 2006, 9:47:10 PM12/23/06

ferrymanr wrote:

> As a pensioner I receive a pension which,
> after paying rent and bills leaves just enough for minor essentials like
> food. To purchase a standard copy of XP Professional would take about a
> year of saving by which time the price will have increased anyway

I'm rapidly nearing your situation, but I would rather DIE than find
myself whining in a public forum about not having the money to continue
to pursue my "hobby".

You made your choices long ago. You don't have any money now.

It's not Microsoft's fault.... it's YOURS.


Dec 23, 2006, 11:11:39 PM12/23/06

This can be done with XP Home.


Dec 23, 2006, 11:39:25 PM12/23/06
"V Green" wrote

> "Rock" wrote

> and, lest we forget this helpful response:
> "Why are you using the M$ designation? That's juvenile and
> takes away from any credibility you might have."

It is not my opinion only, though I do hold that opinion about the
credibility of those who post in that manner and what it expresses. As
Bruce pointed out most people don't because, as he well said it, it's
futile. But sometimes you have to say it.

I'm not sure who all you're quoting but it's good etiquette to attribute the
quote to the poster. I see one quote of mine, and I stand by it. This
isn't a chat room, it's for questions on the XP OS.

The people who post in here regularly work very hard to help the people who
come in here with their problems. I take exception with those who waste the
time of this newsgroup with off topic posts and rants.


Dec 23, 2006, 11:45:17 PM12/23/06
> "GSV Three Minds in a Can" wrote

>> Rock said


>>Why are you using the M$ designation? That's juvenile and takes away from
>>any credibility you might have.

> Change the record, it's stuck in the groove. YOU might find it juvenile,
> fine, everyone else has no problem.


Who exactly is this everyone? I think not. The tune still applies, though
as Bruce pointed out, sometimes it's like spitting in the wind.

Message has been deleted


Dec 24, 2006, 1:24:41 AM12/24/06

"Leythos" <vo...@nowhere.lan> wrote in message
> In article <uC9Ag9v...@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl>,
> says...

>> You are assuming the OP is cable of doing paid work , he may well be
>> a
>> young invalid pensioner.... [he doesn't elaborate]
> Based on his responses, it appears that he's both mobile, intelligent,
> capable, and has skills - sounds like he could find a part-time job to
> pay for his hobby.

Now I see from later replies the true picture, as suggested by others
the museum may want to consider offering assistance to him.
But initially without knowing the true facts of his situation, you
left yourself open to criticism, [foot in mouth] ;-)


Gerry Cornell

Dec 24, 2006, 4:20:11 AM12/24/06
Yes Leythos but not too many think in $ on a day to day basis.
However, this pensioner is a bit a bit more savvy than he would
have us believe methinks and probably quite resourceful.


Kindest Regards.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute

"Leythos" <vo...@nowhere.lan> wrote in message

> In article <#RzZV5rJ...@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl>,
> says...

>> You're 3,000 miles off the map on this one Leythos <G>.
>> Better buy yourself a satnav for Xmas.

> People in the UK can get part time jobs and also find work when on
> "pension".

Message has been deleted

Paul Johnson

Dec 28, 2006, 6:07:34 PM12/28/06
HeyBub wrote:

> ferrymanr wrote:
>> Although I realise that the cost of software development and support
>> is high it amazes me that, for example, corporate users who earn
>> money by the software, can get massive bulk discounts on multi user
>> licences whereas Joe Public, and particularly low income earners,
>> should have to pay full price for what is a hobby and a lifeline to
>> the outside world.
> You've had a lifetime to save your money. But no, you threw it away,
> probably on booze and loose women. Now you expect a break?

Another reason not to buy into the whole proprietary software world if you
can avoid it: Rabid backers of failed software design models insisting the
world that disagrees with them is morally corrupt.

Paul Johnson

Dec 28, 2006, 6:14:19 PM12/28/06
Leythos wrote:

> Anytime you ask someone to be responsible for their own self, you take
> heat from those that feel we owe others.

I think a more constructive answer that would have prevented you from having
to make the assumption that he was just being selfish and didn't want to
pay for Windows but had to have Windows, would have been to consider that
Windows isn't the only answer to any problem in general, and is probably
not the right answer given the OP's criteria in this case.

Paul Johnson

Dec 28, 2006, 6:29:40 PM12/28/06
Cymbal Man Freq. wrote:

> Yeah, M$ needs to allow for low-income subsidies in the purchase price.

Why? It would be better if they didn't strongarm OEMs so badly that you
have to shop around to find a computer with no OS or a non-Windows OS
pre-installed. If Microsoft competed in a truly open market, this would be
a nonissue.

> Can't even get catalogs from stores anymore unless online.

As long as the catalog checks out at and passes, it
doesn't matter what browser or OS you use, it'll work and it'll look good
doing it. Except IE, but that's because microsoft is still fighting the
browser war they lost a decade ago (I say lost because nobody uses MSHTML
and expects it to be viewable these days).

Paul Johnson

Dec 28, 2006, 6:24:57 PM12/28/06
ferrymanr wrote:

> I tried using Open Suse linux 10.1 for personal work. It is a great
> system and takes me back to my working days when I used HPUX and AIX but
> will not run applications that only run under Windows. Of course I could
> use VMWare and have a virual machine but that would still need XP
> installed as a guest system.

I think you have the right idea thinking to emulate what you need for a
couple Windows-only binaries. Some things I would consider as well:

1) Do you really need Brand X program, or do you just need a specific
application?[1] Generally speaking, you can find the same application
through different program titles in Linux.

2) If you really do need a specific Windows program, is it so intrinsically
tied into the environment that you can't just run it in Wine[2] or
Cedega[3]? Is there a Linux version on the original installation media[4]
that you perhaps overlooked?

[1] There seems to be some confusion about what an application is among less
experienced users... it's not a particular software title, but rather a
software category. Microsoft Word is not an application, word processing
is not a program. Word Processing would be the application that the
program Microsoft Word handles best.



[4] Vendors of cross-platform titles usually develop on Linux first, then
port to Windows or other platforms as needed. Reason being that it's
easier to develop on Linux and port to Windows instead of developing
natively on Windows, especially if you need any version of the project to
run someplace other than Windows anyway. Atari is a good example of this:
Everything they've put out from UT2004 on for the PC was dev'd on Linux and
ported to whatever other platforms they support.

Paul Johnson

Dec 28, 2006, 6:05:29 PM12/28/06
ferrymanr wrote:

> When my old system (P III with Windows 2000 pro) failed after several
> years of good service I was given a refurbished AMD Duron based
> motherboard. This runs much faster and my old Windows 2000 installed OK.
> I run mostly public domain software and Open Office to keep the costs
> down. However I am now finding that I am getting applications that only
> run on XP.

Have you tried looking for Linux equivalents of the softare you're looking
for on XP? Linux is Free Software, and Free Software is better than public
domain because unlike public domain software, Free Software can't be
reclaimed by another entity down the line and taken out of the public
domain. Most software available for Linux is Free Software, so you're
pretty well covered once you make the switch.

> Because of the way I network to other machines I am advised that I should
> upgrade to Windows XP professional.

If you expand on this, there may be more than one way to acheive the same
goal that doesn't involve chunking down money on more software or resorting
to piracy.

> Now this is where Microsoft just prices me and many others out of the

> market. As a pensioner I receive a pension which, after paying rent and

> bills leaves just enough for minor essentials like food. To purchase a
> standard copy of XP Professional would take about a year of saving by

> which time the price will have increased anyway.

If you're on such a tight budget, it would definitely be prudent to consider
some of the zero-cost alternatives to Windows. Windows is for those who
have the time and money to blow on expensive software and keeping an OS
with no public review secure, which is neither cheap nor trivial (if even

> Even the educational version costs as much as I spend on food in a month.

And you can't legally license it unless you're a student or teacher.

> Now this is in England. So how do low income earners, particularly in 3rd
> world countries, manage to use modern software.

Ubuntu is Africa's most popular operating system. It's a Linux distribution
based around Debian Linux (I primarily use Debian myself). Much of
Extremadura in Spain uses Debian. Public schools in Oregon and Microsoft's
Washington home commonly use K12LTSP, a Linux distribution tuned to run a
large cluster of older machines used as terminals to one really overpowered
Linux server. The common theme in all these situations is that Microsoft
does not want their business: Microsoft can't squeeze money from the
economic rock that is Extremadura and Africa, and K12LTSP wouldn't even
exist had Microsoft not sued the Multnomah County, Oregon Educational
Service District over a bungled license audit, causing the County to drop
Microsoft products like a bad habit almost overnight.

> Although I realise that the cost of software development and support is
> high it amazes me that, for example, corporate users who earn money by the
> software, can get massive bulk discounts on multi user licences whereas
> Joe Public, and particularly low income earners, should have to pay full
> price for what is a hobby and a lifeline to the outside world.

My colleagues in France have a saying about software. Translated to
English, its "You can get a worse product, but you have to pay more." To a
very large degree in the desktop and SOHO software world, the more you
spend on software, the more that software will suck.

Paul Johnson

Dec 28, 2006, 6:08:59 PM12/28/06

Gerry Cornell wrote:

> Won't the price of Windows XP fall significant over the next
> 6 / 12 months?

True, but what difference is $60 instead of $120 going to make when your
budget is $0?

Dec 28, 2006, 11:49:44 PM12/28/06
Hello Mr. Johnson: I agree with much of what you say, being as I am
probably in your group. I direct my comments to everyone. I made three
installment payments to purchase this system with Windows XP Pro preloaded,
from my neighborhood computer shop($399.+. It was necessary to keep
computing, since the W98se system crashed(again). I trust that the shop
would not jeopardize their business by selling me a nonvalid OS. Although
it is an older Compaq computer, it is configured to run XP Pro(with
limitations, of course). I am not a gamer or power user, so it works for me.
I am having trouble with the 2000 versions of the programs loaded also, but
will solve that problem later. Right now I just want my OS recognized by
Microsoft as valid. I call this system my "Saturday night special", because
of its 'bareboneness'. Am waiting for Microsoft's reply to my submitted
request for validation help. I appreciate your comments---though some will
"Paul Johnson" <> wrote in message
Message has been deleted

Dec 29, 2006, 12:28:24 PM12/29/06
Well now, looks like these thoughts are still around(if; should have;
without any problems; just call; and see if. I didn't find any answers that
seem extra-special. Thank you for your comments anyhow.

"Leythos" <vo...@nowhere.lan> wrote in message
> In article <OqnqBTwK...@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl>,
> says...

>> Hello Mr. Johnson: I agree with much of what you say, being as I am
>> probably in your group. I direct my comments to everyone. I made three
>> installment payments to purchase this system with Windows XP Pro
>> preloaded,
>> from my neighborhood computer shop($399.+. It was necessary to keep
>> computing, since the W98se system crashed(again). I trust that the shop
>> would not jeopardize their business by selling me a nonvalid OS.
>> Although
>> it is an older Compaq computer, it is configured to run XP Pro(with
>> limitations, of course). I am not a gamer or power user, so it works for
>> me.
>> I am having trouble with the 2000 versions of the programs loaded also,
>> but
>> will solve that problem later. Right now I just want my OS recognized by
>> Microsoft as valid. I call this system my "Saturday night special",
>> because
>> of its 'bareboneness'. Am waiting for Microsoft's reply to my submitted
>> request for validation help. I appreciate your comments---though some
>> will
>> not.
> If XP is valid, it should have validated online without any problem. If
> the computer was bought "as-is" and the vendor won't fix/refund your
> money, then you bought a "as-is" computer with a pirated copy of Xp on
> it.
> Why not just call MS to phone activate and see if they will activate it?

Andrew Murray

Dec 31, 2006, 11:36:41 PM12/31/06
The OP stated he needs the networking capabilities of XP Pro.....

"Gerry Cornell" <> wrote in message
> Why not Home Edition?
> if link broken try:
> --
> Hope this helps.

> Gerry
> ~~~~
> Stourport, England
> Enquire, plan and execute
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> "ferrymanr" <> wrote in message


>> When my old system (P III with Windows 2000 pro) failed after several
>> years
>> of good service I was given a refurbished AMD Duron based motherboard.
>> This
>> runs much faster and my old Windows 2000 installed OK. I run mostly
>> public
>> domain software and Open Office to keep the costs down. However I am now

>> finding that I am getting applications that only run on XP. Because of

>> the
>> way I network to other machines I am advised that I should upgrade to

>> Windows XP professional. Now this is where Microsoft just prices me and

>> many others out of the market. As a pensioner I receive a pension which,
>> after paying rent and bills leaves just enough for minor essentials like
>> food. To purchase a standard copy of XP Professional would take about a

>> year of saving by which time the price will have increased anyway. Even
>> the
>> educational version costs as much as I spend on food in a month. Now this

>> is
>> in England. So how do low income earners, particularly in 3rd world

>> countries, manage to use modern software. Illegal copies are out of the
>> question. You can't even buy second hand copies on eBay as they are
>> locked
>> into the original hardware.

>> Although I realise that the cost of software development and support is
>> high
>> it amazes me that, for example, corporate users who earn money by the
>> software, can get massive bulk discounts on multi user licences whereas
>> Joe
>> Public, and particularly low income earners, should have to pay full
>> price
>> for what is a hobby and a lifeline to the outside world.

>> Richard C. Ferryman

Gerry Cornell

Jan 1, 2007, 5:57:46 AM1/1/07

He was also pleading poverty! More emerged later in the thread!



Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

Bob I

Jan 3, 2007, 1:57:41 PM1/3/07
Just how hard is it to access the Dell site? Sheesh!

Paul Johnson

Jan 3, 2007, 4:00:56 PM1/3/07
Bob I wrote:

> Just how hard is it to access the Dell site? Sheesh!

Try quoting properly. I have no idea what paragraph you are referring to.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

Bob I

Jan 3, 2007, 5:54:44 PM1/3/07
And since you chopped everything off with your silly quote, I guess
you'll never know!


Jan 3, 2007, 6:12:06 PM1/3/07
[top-posting eliminated for logical flow]

To which Bob I wrote:
> Just how hard is it to access the Dell site? Sheesh!

Seems like a non sequitur to me, Bob.

Gerry Cornell

Jan 3, 2007, 7:14:14 PM1/3/07
Isn't persistent Off topic posting in breach of Usenet Etiquete?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute


Jan 3, 2007, 11:48:16 PM1/3/07
Yes, I believe it is.

Gerry Cornell wrote:
> Isn't persistent Off topic posting in breach of Usenet Etiquete?

Paul Johnson

Jan 4, 2007, 3:58:26 PM1/4/07
Bob I wrote:

> And since you chopped everything off with your silly quote, I guess
> you'll never know!

Oh, I get it now, you're some kind of newbie. You're supposed to trim
quotes to just the material you're replying to, and intersperse your quote
in the trimmed material after what you're responding to. This lets people
quickly skim through and keep with the flow of the conversation even if
they receive posts out of order or didn't get or read all the previous

So show some basic consideration for your fellow netizen and check out


Jan 4, 2007, 4:53:02 PM1/4/07

"Paul Johnson" <> wrote in message

> Bob I wrote:
>> Just how hard is it to access the Dell site? Sheesh!
> Try quoting properly. I have no idea what paragraph you are referring to.

What he was referring to... I think Dell does offer barebones (no OS) PCs.
I know a lot of internet sites do, though actual stores you walk into
usually have a Windows OS intalled.

Toni Cascarino

Jan 4, 2007, 5:10:55 PM1/4/07

Eric wrote:
> What he was referring to... I think Dell does offer barebones (no OS) PCs.
> I know a lot of internet sites do, though actual stores you walk into
> usually have a Windows OS intalled.

NOT in the UK! DELL don't supply bare bone systems to anyone in the UK
- not even to corporates who have VLK OS. To make things worse, if you
want to reconfigure these PCs/Laptops, you have to manually wipe the HD
so that you can reload the OS from network image files or for that
matter using SYSprep - a pain in the ****.

Novatech does supply barebone systems without the OS:


Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Jan 4, 2007, 6:52:03 PM1/4/07
Volume License customers still need an OS with the computer.
The Volume License in only an upgrade from another qualifying OS.
So if Volume License customers purchase bare bones computers and install
their Volume License, they may be violating their agreement without a
qualifying OS.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Toni Cascarino" <> wrote in message

Toni Cascarino

Jan 5, 2007, 4:56:09 PM1/5/07
You are talking complete and utter rubbish. Yet another example of an
MVP (Most valuable PIG) to jump into the thread without knowing the full
story or having any first hand experience of managing more that 1000
systems with diverse OSs in an educational environment. It is time for
you lot to go the old peoples' home and let younger ones to fill the
void left by people like you - the old farts as we like to call!.

Volume license customers have already got a license for 1000 systems (I
hasten to add including a CD supplied by your masters) and all they now
need is blank PCS so that they can install the OS using their own CD
(supplied by Microsoft UK) with its VLK. In order to roll out 1000
systems, using DELL supplied systems are a completely waste of time
because these have to be formatted or wiped clean before anyone can load
pre-configured OS to suit a particular organization. Dell standard
setup is just not suitable for corporates and in particular for our
educational institution (lets ge this straight - DELL (UK) DO NOT SELL
( has got a better way of managing these
things. All they need is the key and they will install and test the
systems before shipping using the key supplied by the customer. They
normally have all the CDs necessary to do the job professionally OR THEY
INSTITUTIONS. Some of us don't like giving out VLKs to anybody -
although Michael Stevens MVP (your partner in crime) is providing tools
for people to steal the keys and so our task has become extremely
difficult to control them being stolen from the systems available for
students' use.

Wiping 1000 systems is no easy feat because these cannot be done
over the net. There are time constraints to roll out systems and
applications in our organizations. It took us nearly 4 days (when it
took us 0.5 day for W2K many years ago!) to this with the help of
temporary assistance from IT students. Loading OS (and application
packages) is a piece of a cake once the PCs are blanks - try it for your

Have a nice one.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Jan 5, 2007, 6:42:10 PM1/5/07
Your second sentence set the tone of your post.
I noticed there was much more, but with that start, the rest was probably
more of the same and I just skipped the rest of your drivel.
Obviously you have problems communicating in a civil tone.
To bad you need to insult to make a point, it shows your own insecurity in
your view.
If your point is valid, I suggest you leave it to those who are competent
and secure in themselves.

"Toni Cascarino" <> wrote in message

> You are talking complete and utter rubbish. Yet another example of an
> MVP (Most valuable PIG) to jump into the thread without knowing the full

SNIPPED a lot of garbage


Jan 5, 2007, 7:42:30 PM1/5/07
"Toni Cascarino" wrote

> You are talking complete and utter rubbish. Yet another example of an
> MVP (Most valuable PIG) to jump into the thread without knowing the full
> story or having any first hand experience of managing more that 1000
> systems with diverse OSs in an educational environment. It is time for
> you lot to go the old peoples' home and let younger ones to fill the
> void left by people like you - the old farts as we like to call!.

You have something against people who are older? That statement and you
are offensive.

Rock [MVP - User/Shell]

Shenan Stanley

Jan 5, 2007, 8:33:37 PM1/5/07
<snipped thread>
Want to see the entire thing?

Toni Cascarino wrote:

> Wiping 1000 systems is no easy feat because these cannot be done
> over the net. There are time constraints to roll out systems and
> applications in our organizations. It took us nearly 4 days (when it
> took us 0.5 day for W2K many years ago!) to this with the help of
> temporary assistance from IT students. Loading OS (and application
> packages) is a piece of a cake once the PCs are blanks - try it for
> your self!

1500+ systems - redone once per academic semester (by design - may be more
at other times) with Windows XP and 150+ applications available on all,
40,000+ possible users, 6+ locations... 1 to 3 days when they are all new,
8-16 hours after the initial installation with the CD boot. Utilizing
student workers to put in the initialization CD and boot with it that then
hooks up to the network and does the rest. At least 6 different types of
hardware/manufacturers at any given time. You can eliminate the need for CD
in most places with a NetBoot - but the student workers still have to change
something, so are still a necessity (if you don't want to do way too much
running around yourself.)

That is done with imaging - where-as in another environment (less than 1000
machines) - an unattended method is utilized (with NetBoot and/or CD) so
that more options to the install can be given and done by the individual
user if needed when they receive a new machine. This is mostly for faculty
and staff - since their needs are different than those of the general;
student labs and such. Still just a few steps (set system to boot from
CD/network, reboot, answer proper questions, wait for it to finish...)

Using a method similar to the second scenario - the image for the first
scenario is easier to maintain than when it was first conceived.

Volume Licenses are not an absolute necessity - as you can (with the
unattended method) set it up to utilize/ask for the keys from the machine
OEM, etc. But they DO make life much easier and much happier. I am glad
the organizations/institutions I most deal with have gotten them - most at
an educational deal where they also sell them 'on the cheap' to the students
and faculty as well.

Piece of cake? Not always.
Can be a bit stressful? On occasion.
Can be even a bit fun? Yeah.

Shenan Stanley
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

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