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Re: Disabling monitor power save at logon screen

39 visualitzacions
Ves al primer missatge no llegit


no llegida,
13 de set. 2004, 13:58:3013/9/04

First set the Power Management Settings in your HAL (xxx PC) component settings in TD to Presentation or Always On.

Then you can play with ACPolicy/DCPolicy values at run time:

KM, BSquare Corp.

> Anyone know how to disable the power save at the logon screen. It seems to
> power the monitor off after 15 minutes.


no llegida,
13 de set. 2004, 15:45:0213/9/04
Thanks KM. I already had a custom component to set the power policy and a
couple other settings for the ACPI Uniprocessor PC component.

ControlSet001 at offset 0xC0 was already set to 0x00000000. However, the
same registry key at ControlSet002 was not. I set the 4 bytes starting at
offset 0xC0 to 0x00000000 which seems to keep the monitor on.



no llegida,
13 de set. 2004, 16:33:0213/9/04
I take that back. The monitor still turns off, now it only takes longer than
20 minutes.


no llegida,
13 de set. 2004, 16:46:1013/9/04

First of all, play with CurrentControlSet (not 001 or 002 or etc). this way you make sure to change the current settings.
Also, try to set up the following key (you can set it up on XP Pro and then copy to your XPe runtime):
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\PowerCfg\CurrentPowerPolicy]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\CurrentPowerPolicy]

If changing the reg.setting directly does not work for you, I'd suggest you to make an API call.
Use WritePwrScheme/SetActivePwrScheme APIs.
Or try to call CallNtPowerInformation( AdministratorPowerPolicy, ..) to set up ADMINISTRATOR_POWER_POLICY structure fields.
Particularly try setting MinVideoTimeout and MaxVideoTimeout parameters to some big value. I tested that on XP Pro and XPe/Minlogon
and worked great for me there.

Check MSDN for more details on the functions.

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