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Re: Creating Desktop.ini files

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Wesley Vogel

Feb 24, 2006, 9:32:11 PM2/24/06
You multiposted this same message to...

Why not just customize the folder with icon you want and let Windows create
the desktop.ini?

127 is the icon that looks like the icon that My Pictures folder uses.

Create a new folder
Right click the new folder
Click Properties
Click the Customize tab
Click the Change Icon button
Move the slider to the right about half way
The icon that you want is in the bottom row, to the left of a RED X
Double click the icon that you want
Click Apply
Click OK
Open your folder, open the desktop.ini that Windows has now created (or

If a message MUST be posted to multiple groups, post a single message and
select all the groups (or type their names manually, separated by commas) in
which you want it to be seen. This is called Crossposting and when used
properly it is GOOD.

This question was posted individually to multiple groups.

This is called Multiposting and it's BAD.

Replies made in one group will not be visible in the other groups, which
may cause multiple people to respond to a question with the same answer
because they didn't know someone else had already done it.

This is a waste of time.

What is the accepted way to share a message across multiple newsgroups?

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

mik311y <> hunted and pecked:
> I am on Windows Media center and I am trying to create a desktop.ini
> file for a new folder. I know exactly what I want in it.......
> [.ShellClassInfo]
> IconFile=%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll
> IconIndex=127
> While logged in as an admin I am creating this file in note pad and
> doing a save as Desktop.ini with all file types selected. I then go to
> dos and "attrib +h +s desktop.ini". I then refresh the desktop and log
> off and but for some reason the icon will never change. I even tried
> copying a windows created desktop.ini file into the folder and it still
> does not work. What am I over looking or not doing when I am creating
> this file? Any help would be great

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

mik311y <> hunted and pecked:
> Creating Desktop.ini files
> I am on Windows Media center and I am trying to create a desktop.ini
> file for a new folder. I know exactly what I want in it.......
> [.ShellClassInfo]
> IconFile=%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll
> IconIndex=127
> While logged in as an admin I am creating this file in note pad and
> doing a save as Desktop.ini with all file types selected. I then go to
> dos and "attrib +h +s desktop.ini". I then refresh the desktop and log
> off and but for some reason the icon will never change. I even tried
> copying a windows created desktop.ini file into the folder and it still
> does not work. What am I over looking or not doing when I am creating
> this file? Any help would be great

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

mik311y <> hunted and pecked:
> I am on Windows Media center and I am trying to create a desktop.ini
> file for a new folder. I know exactly what I want in it.......
> [.ShellClassInfo]
> IconFile=%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll
> IconIndex=127
> While logged in as an admin I am creating this file in note pad and
> doing a save as Desktop.ini with all file types selected. I then go to
> dos and "attrib +h +s desktop.ini". I then refresh the desktop and log
> off and but for some reason the icon will never change. I even tried
> copying a windows created desktop.ini file into the folder and it still
> does not work. What am I over looking or not doing when I am creating
> this file? Any help would be great

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Keith Miller MVP

Feb 24, 2006, 10:47:34 PM2/24/06
The folder has to have its read-only bit set via a command prompt window:

c:\folder parent path> attrib + r "folder name"

or let windows do this for you using the customize icon feature, as Wesley suggested. You can
overwrite the desktop.ini file with your own.

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

"mik311y" <> wrote in message
> First of all let me say sorry about not crossposting. I did not realize
> it was possible to hit multiple groups with one post. I see your point,
> now I cannot reply to the post on mutiple group. Or can I? I was not
> aware that all of these groups pointed at microsoft web site. It is
> kind of ambiguous using google group, unless you know how the group
> names work. I am just new to the news group thing. sorry again.
> Well the reason I am using a .ini file is that I moved my shared
> documents folder to another drive. I am trying to recreate the
> desktop.ini folder for it and the other shared folders in that
> directory to give it the same look and feel. Since this is a shell
> folder I am under the impression and it seems to be true that your
> method does not work. It seems though my problem lies in creating or
> with the the attributes of the desktop.ini file because I cannot even
> create a dummy folder on the desktop and change the icon using the
> desktop.ini method. I read the following article about desktop.ini
> url=/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/shell/programmersguide/
> shell_basics/shell_basics_extending/custom.asp
> I know what the code should be for the desktop.ini file I want but
> maybe I have a syntax error or something. If you have any other
> suggestions that would be great.
> Thank You


Mar 11, 2006, 9:24:39 PM3/11/06
I figured it out the directory has to be set to system

Keith Miller MVP

Mar 13, 2006, 12:52:36 PM3/13/06
Wow! Glad you figured that out!

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

"mik311y" <> wrote in message

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