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Constantly using 100% of my cpu and crashing

조회수 8회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기


읽지 않음,
2003. 10. 11. 오전 12:18:3503. 10. 11.
My Windows Media Player has been all messed up lately. I
first tried deleteing all of the parts of the player I
could only delete a few tho. Then I downloaded Windows
Media Player 9 again from the website installed it and
crossed my fingers that it wouldnt crash again. no such
luck. So after that I went as far as to format my hard
drive and reinstall everything(you can tell how important
Windows Media Player 9 is to me) after 4.5 hrs of copying
files back on to my newly formated hard drive i started
up windows media player once again and gave it a spin and
it still started using 100% of my CPU. I also tried
deleteing the last couple downloads and erasing them from
my hard drive with Eraser. And the remaining programs I
scaned more than once with 2 different virus scanners,
Norton Anti-Virus, and Bull Guard. Now Im forced to use
realone Player, which is really horrible but hey at least
it works at all. I can't live without my music. So
someone plezzz help me fix this...PLEZZZ

Wil Perry

읽지 않음,
2003. 10. 11. 오후 2:07:0503. 10. 11.
I get exactly the same problem,

WinXp Home running on AMD Athlon 2600XP with 512Mb RAM..

Have removed and re-installed WMP but still have exactly the same problem...

Any info would be appreciated.


"Andrew" <> wrote in message


읽지 않음,
2003. 10. 12. 오후 11:51:3303. 10. 12.
Juss the other day i got an update for windows media
player n i downloaded and installed it. everything was
working alryt until the first song started to end. the
player froze up and the i had to go in and do the 3
finger salute n end processes on it. i really hope
someone out here can tell me what to do to fix this ASAP.
also if your encountering this problem plezz post in

zachd [ms]

읽지 않음,
2003. 10. 14. 오후 1:16:4903. 10. 14.

If it's freezing up at the end of playback, that should indicate that it's
locking up in driver release. Does

(speaking for myself and doing this in my free time)
See for some helpful WMP info.
Following up to your post with the resolution is good netiquette.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
All e-mail to this account will bounce or be deleted - *use the newsgroups*.

"Andrew" <> wrote in message



읽지 않음,
2003. 10. 14. 오후 6:50:3003. 10. 14.
nope cuz all the way thru while the song is playing the
cpu is used at 100% and then it still freezes. i dont
really kno what u want me to look at on the site but it
looks like a great resource


읽지 않음,
2003. 10. 15. 오후 10:09:0703. 10. 15.

On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 20:51:33 -0700, "Andrew" <>

>Juss the other day i got an update for windows media
>player n i downloaded and installed it. everything was
>working alryt until the first song started to end. the
>player froze up and the i had to go in and do the 3
>finger salute n end processes on it. i really hope
>someone out here can tell me what to do to fix this ASAP.
>also if your encountering this problem plezz post in

I was in the same situation as you, when reading e-mails with Agent,
and playing WMP9, a long pause would ensue between each song, no
matter if shuffle was on or not, no matter the length of the song
Today I downloaded MDAC (Microsoft data access components) 2.8 off
Microsoft's site, installed it on my Windows XP and the problem
appears to be solved.

I'm playing it as I write this and there are no over-long pauses
between songs.

See if it works and post back the results.

읽지 않음,
2003. 10. 16. 오후 9:19:0203. 10. 16.
STILL NOT WORKING PROPERLY!!!! it works fine for about a
minute n then it will just jump my cpu usage all over the
place. even when i wasn't doing anything with windows
media player the cpu usage for it was still at 22 or 19%.
WTF!?! can't you people at microsoft get anything right?

zachd [ms]

읽지 않음,
2003. 10. 18. 오후 12:26:0603. 10. 18.

You've probably deduced by now that you're almost unique (out of ~100
million users) in experiencing the problem. So, given that less than 0.001%
of users are experiencing this affliction, the failure rate on that is
pretty darn good.

But still totally unacceptable.

The thing is: everybody's computer is configured differently. What's unique
about your system that uniquely causes your computing life with WMP to suck?
Obviously it's something pretty danged unique about your computer (we get
back to "how many users are affected" there). If this was a general
problem - even something in the 1% range - it'd be a lot easier to fix and
understand. And realistically, if it was a problem in WMP, it'd be in that
>1% range. But- it's always possible that 0.001% of users find a certain
bug in WMP that nobody ever knew about.

So the question then becomes (if you want people to be able to fix):
* How does somebody else recreate your problem without using your system?

That can be a tough question to answer, but it is how a problem gets
isolated and eventually becomes possible to fix. :\

(speaking for myself and doing this in my free time)
See for some helpful WMP info.
Following up to your post with the resolution is good netiquette.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
All e-mail to this account will bounce or be deleted - *use the newsgroups*.

<> wrote in message

Ken Lyon

읽지 않음,
2003. 10. 22. 오후 8:15:4703. 10. 22.
I just installed MDAC 2.8. No change to WMP's behavior; it still
starts out ok, then builds to 99% CPU and everything
sloooooooowwwwwwssssss to a stop. It takes three fingers to stop it.

Any other ideas on how to stop WMP from hogging all the CPU?


sergio <sergiorogerdon'> wrote in message news:<>...

Ken Lyon

읽지 않음,
2003. 10. 26. 오후 8:23:4603. 10. 26.
I've been trying to figure out why my WMP uses up most all the CPU,
and I've finally figured it out, at least on my pc.

There was one video file in My Music that WMP couldn't play. I got an
unknown problem (or some such) error msg. Once I deleted that file,
WMP stopped using up all that CPU time and has been fine ever since.

My advice. Try playing all your media files, and delete those that
WMP can't play.

My hypothesis as to why corrupt media files cause this particular
problem in WMP is this: I think that when you start up WMP, it goes
thru your media files and for each file, it goes to the internet and
tries to bring down information about each file. When it gets to a
file that's corrupt in some specific way, it starts looping forever.

One way to find what file(s) is giving you problem is this. GO to
WMP, delete all the entries in your media library (but NOT the files
themselves), then do File, Add to Media Library, By searching
computer, and let WMP rebuild your media library. If you have a
corrupt file, WMP will hang partway thru this process. Then, compare
the contents of your Media Library with the contents of the file
folder where your media files are. You'll see that there are more
files in the folder than in the Media Library. One of the files that
didn't make it in the Media Library is the culprit that hung up WMP.

Does this make sense to anybody but me?


"Andrew" <> wrote in message news:<05b201c38fae$bd211810$a301...@phx.gbl>...

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