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Viewing Source.

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Richard Gutery

Sep 2, 2003, 12:24:12 PM9/2/03
Wierd Problem. When right clicking on a web page and
selecting View Source, I get the following message:

"The system cannot find the path specified"!

Checked MS KB and everything points to MSI Installer, MTS,
IIS etc. Nothing points to Notepad (even used it in the
seach criteria). This is a workstation and has nothing to
do with the above.

Trust me, I've searched the web and reviewed every article
that even remotely looked valuable. Same story.

I've checked (and re-checked) the following to
1) NTFS - all good,
2) Disk Space (22 GB),
3) Environment Variables - all good,
4) Reconfiged IE to use Notepad as my HTML editor - no
change so I set it back to VS.NET,
5) Checked the Registry for missing associations etc
(SystemWorks 2003).

Same story.

The content (i.e. the web page appears in my profile\Temp
Internet Files dir), but the same error constantly appears.

Some software installed:
1) VS.Net,
2) VS6,
3) Dreamweaver,
4) Sausage Factory,
5) Office stuff,
6) Crystal Buttons,
7) Sniffer Pro 4.9,
8) yada yada yada.

All the latest and greatest Service Packs, Hotfixes etc!!!

No viruses, worms or horses. This began about 10 days ago
and nothing new has been added, and nothing has been
changed on the system (well okay something has changed

Deleted my Profile and recreated it, same story.

Nuked all registery entries that refer to Notepad (and IE
referrences to same). Imported the appropriate Registry
Keys from a "Known Working System". Same story...




Sep 2, 2003, 7:06:18 PM9/2/03

"Richard Gutery" <> wrote in message news:07db01c3716e$a5396850$a001...@phx.gbl...

You might want to disable some of that bloatware you have installed using MSCONFIG.
Reboot and try View > Source again.;en-us;273738;en-us;310560




"Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game
because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be indistinguishable from
-- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time."
- Neil Stephenson, _Cryptonomicon_

Richard Gutery

Sep 4, 2003, 5:40:53 PM9/4/03
I appologize to all. I should have mentioned that this
problem is on a Win2K WS, so using the links specified
below by siljaline are irrelevant.

In addition, the "Bloatware" is installed because we use
these programs in my company for development and design.

In any case, I've searched and reviewed every article in
ths NS to no avail.

If there are any other ideas, I would be greatful.



Mike Burgess

Sep 6, 2003, 8:11:24 AM9/6/03
I know you've tried some of this, but here's all my notes on the View Source
There may be several reasons .........

If a shortcut exists on the Desktop for Notepad, rename it.
Close all instances of OE and IE
Control Panel | Internet Options | General tab | Delete Files button
Also select the option: "Delete all offline files"
Then click the "Clear History" button, while you're at it ......
Reset the TIF cache size to 50 mb. Click Apply\Ok

[more info]
Source Code Is Not Displayed When You Click Source on the View Menu in IE
Make *sure* Notepad.exe exists and is NOT a 3rd party replacement.
In some cases a Registry entry may prevent "View | Source" from working.

Start - Run (type) "regedit" (no quotes)
Click Edit (up top) select: Find (type) "NoViewSource" (no quotes),
Click "Find Now" *if* located, highlight the entry "NoViewSource" in the
right pane
Right-click and select: Modify, change the value from "1" to "0" (no quotes)
Press F3 to continue searching until completed, repeat as needed.

Open Regedit to the following location:

"Content Type"="text/html"



If the above key doesn't exist, create it.

The below Registry key does NOT normally exist,
Tweak UI (XP) or some other app may have added the key:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source
Editor\Editor Name]

If exists, make sure the correct program and "Path" is indicated.

Note: always Export before editing.

[more info]
Source Code Is Not Displayed When You Click Source on the View Menu in IE;en-us;306907


To change the "View | Source" editor:

1) Open Regedit, in the left pane, navigate to the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer

2) Right-click Internet Explorer, select New > Key

3) Type in "View Source Editor" (no quotes) as the key name

4) Right-click View Source Editor, select New > Key.

5) Type in "Editor Name" (no quotes) as the key name.

6) Click to highlight "Editor Name".

7) In the right pane, double-click Default.

8) Type in the entire path of the desired program.

[Example - only!]
C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\Accessories\Textpad.exe

9) Click OK, and then close Registry Editor.


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source
Editor\Editor Name]
@="C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\Textpad.exe"

To use Notepad as the Editor:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source
Editor\Editor Name]

Note: always Export the key(s) before editing.
Mike Burgess
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 9-03-03]
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"Richard Gutery" <> wrote in message


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