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Carlos Fersura

non lue,
3 oct. 2002, 19:27:1303/10/2002
I have been able to configure my network adapter with the
exception of the DNSSufixSearchOrder. When I run the
method I get "Invalid Method (8004102E)". I am running
Windows 2000 SP3.

The code fragments is the following:

arrSufixes = Array("", "")
For Each oAdapter in colNetAdapters
errEnable = oAdapter.EnableStatic(arrIP, arrSubnet)
errDNS = oAdapter.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(arrDNS)
errDNS = oAdapter.SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder(arrSufixes)
If errEnable = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "The IP address has been changed."
WScript.Echo "The IP address could not be changed."
End If

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

non lue,
3 oct. 2002, 20:00:0903/10/2002
Carlos Fersura wrote:

From "SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder Method in Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"

The SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder WMI class static method allows for the setting of
the suffix
search order as a array of elements. This is an instance-independent method call
applies across all adapters.

The error in your script, is that you use this SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder method on
instance. The doc above says "this is an instance-independent method ", that
means that
you need to use it on the class instead.

errDNS = oAdapter.SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder(arrSufixes)

you would need to use this instead

Set oClass = oWMI.Get(oAdapter.Path_.class)
errDNS = oClass.SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder(arrSufixes)

The same goes for EnableDNS method in class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration:

It is an instance-independent method call that applies across all adapters,
just like SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder.

Here is the complete code that might work better (Note: Air code, not tested!):

sNode = "." 'use "." for local machine
Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts://" & sNode)

' only select adapters where ipEnabled is true
sQuery = "Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" _
& " where ipEnabled = true"

Set colNetAdapters = oWMI.ExecQuery(sQuery)

arrIP = ...
arrSubnet = ...
arrDNS = ...

arrSufixes = Array("", "")

For Each oAdapter in colNetAdapters
errEnable = oAdapter.EnableStatic(arrIP, arrSubnet)
errDNS = oAdapter.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(arrDNS)

Set oClass = oWMI.Get(oAdapter.Path_.class)
errDNS = oClass.SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder(arrSufixes)

If errEnable = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "The IP address has been changed."
WScript.Echo "The IP address could not be changed."
End If

Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI
Porsgrunn Norway

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