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Viewing Address Book by category sorted alphabetically by name

已查看 12 次

2009年4月24日 10:45:372009/4/24
Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Is it possible for me to view my address book sorted by category and be able to view my contacts alphabetically within each category? I currently have my address book sorted by category (family, work, etc.) but they are not listed alphabetically, which is kind of a pain due to the number of contacts i have. Is there some sort of rule I could set up, where I can sort FIRST by category and SECOND by last name and THIRD by first name, or some sort of combination that gets the result I am looking for?

Diane Ross

2009年4月24日 15:50:152009/4/24
On 4/24/09 7:45 AM, "" <>

> Is it possible for me to view my address book sorted by category and be able
> to view my contacts alphabetically within each category?


When you view the Address Book window there are columns listing the info.
Simply select the column you want to sort by that criteria. You can toggle
the column to show a/z or z/a.

Entourage 2008 has the ability to show First Name and Last Name.



Ed Kimball

2009年4月24日 16:45:162009/4/24

That doesn't quite answer the question. The question was, essentially, can I
sort on TWO columns simultaneously -- specifically name within category.

As far as I can tell, there is no way to do that, at least in 2004. :-(
Has that feature been added to E 2008?
Ed Kimball

2009年4月24日 17:38:502009/4/24
Exactly, for some reason when I sort by Category, all members in each category are NOT listed alphabetically. So if I have a large Family category (which I do) or Job Category (which I also do) it is difficult to get a good view of my Address Book. I could always sort by Name, of course, but then all of my entries are jumbled. So is there a setting in Entourage that can be changed so that you can view Categories sorted by Name? It appears as if the contacts within each Category are currently listed in the order in which they were last modified, for some reason. This is not a helpful default sorting method.

Any thoughts?

Diane Ross

2009年4月24日 18:19:032009/4/24
On 4/24/09 2:38 PM, "" <>

> Exactly, for some reason when I sort by Category, all members in each category
> are NOT listed alphabetically.

I guess I didn't explain it fully.

Sort by Category
Select Last Name column when sorted in that category

I just did it in my Address Book and it should be the same in Entourage


Ed Kimball

2009年4月25日 11:03:432009/4/25

It wasn't when I tried it in 2004.

First, if I sort by Category, then sort by Name, I have a sort by Name; no
indication of category.

I had hoped that the other order (first by name and then by category), but
after that sort, it appears that contacts are sorted first by category, then
by order in which they were added to the Address book. Not very
Ed Kimball

2009年4月25日 14:33:102009/4/25
I'm getting the same result as Ed. Here are the exect steps I have followed:

1) Sort by Last Name (clicked on "Last Name" column), then Sort by Category (clicked on "Category" column). Result: Categories appear in alphabetical order, but individual contacts in each Category are not in alphabetical order, they are arranged by the date they were added to Entourage.

2) Sort by Category (clicked on "Category" column) then Sort by Last Name (clicked on "Last Name" column). Result: Last Names appear in alphabetical order, but Categories to which they belong are not in alphabetical order, they are arranged by the date they were added to Entourage.

Bottom line is this: can contacts be listed in alphabetical order (by last name) when sorted by category? Is there a way to "turn off" the default secondary sorting method (date added to the Address Book)?

If Entourage is not currently configured to do this, can this be changed in the next update to Entourage? A default secondary sorting by last name is infinitely more effective than a default secondary sorting by date added to Address Book.

If there is a way to set this up as Entourage is currently configured, could you please explain?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Diane Ross

2009年4月25日 14:43:092009/4/25
On 4/25/09 8:03 AM, "Ed Kimball" <> wrote:

> First, if I sort by Category, then sort by Name, I have a sort by Name; no
> indication of category.

If they are sorted by category, then that's all that's showing. It's like a
mini ab for that category.


Diane Ross

2009年4月25日 14:45:192009/4/25
In the popup select category <select category>
Click on name column

Do you guys need a screenshot?


Ed Kimball

2009年4月25日 19:38:402009/4/25

That gives sorted by names in ONE category; OP wanted (and I too would like)
sorted by name within category for all categories.
Equivalent SQL would be something like

Entourage 2004 does not seem to be able to do this. Can Entourage 2008?
Ed Kimball

Diane Ross

2009年4月25日 20:27:542009/4/25
On 4/25/09 4:38 PM, "Ed Kimball" <> wrote:

> That gives sorted by names in ONE category; OP wanted (and I too would like)

I thought you only wanted one category alphabetized.

> sorted by name within category for all categories.
> Equivalent SQL would be something like
> Entourage 2004 does not seem to be able to do this. Can Entourage 2008?

You can only do one category at a time. You might be able to do this in


Kenneth B Winiecki

2009年7月1日 08:53:092009/7/1

Too bad no one has replied yet. I have a similar request: sort my contacts
by first name within last name. The old punched card sorting machines solved
this by sorting the cards on the lowest key first (e.g., first name), then
sorting them again on the higher key (e.g., last name). That approach
doesn't work in Entourage.

<-- Replace fake with .mv; remove .invalid

On 4/24/09 10:45 AM, in article 59b72...@webcrossing.caR9absDaxw,

Adam Bailey

2009年7月1日 11:19:002009/7/1
In article <>,
Kenneth B Winiecki <> wrote:

> Too bad no one has replied yet.

Actually there were numerous replies to this topic.

You can view them in the Google Groups archive at:

Diane Ross

2009年7月1日 16:25:582009/7/1

On 7/1/09 5:53 AM, in article, "Kenneth B Winiecki"
<> wrote:

>> Is it possible for me to view my address book sorted by category and be able
>> to view my contacts alphabetically within each category?

Are you aware that in Entourage 2008 you can have a First Name and Last Name
column? Add these and remove the old Name column. The old Name column was


Sort by Category, then click on the Last Name column to sort alphabetically.


Ed Kimball

2009年7月4日 19:24:422009/7/4

But does that solve the OP's problem of sorting by first name within last
name, or more to the point, by first name within last name within category
(i.e., first by category, then by last name, then by first).

As the OP said, many apps (including Excel) save the previous sort order
when sorting by a new field. If Entourage did that, you could sort in
reverse order (first, then last, then category) to get what OP wants.
Unfortunately, Entourage doesn't work that way. :-(
Ed Kimball

Diane Ross

2009年7月4日 19:50:332009/7/4

On 7/4/09 4:24 PM, in article, "Ed
Kimball" <> wrote:

> But does that solve the OP's problem of sorting by first name within last
> name, or more to the point, by first name within last name within category
> (i.e., first by category, then by last name, then by first).
> As the OP said, many apps (including Excel) save the previous sort order
> when sorting by a new field. If Entourage did that, you could sort in
> reverse order (first, then last, then category) to get what OP wants.
> Unfortunately, Entourage doesn't work that way. :-(

This is getting a bit confusing. In Entourage contacts....

If you sort by Category in the popup, then you can sort within by columns.

If not, then give me an exact example of what you would want.


Ed Kimball

2009年7月6日 09:20:192009/7/6

I'm still using E 2004, which may be different from E 2008.
If I sort by Category (by clicking on the column label), I get contacts
sorted by category (ACM, Advertising, etc.), but the contacts appear to be
in random order within each category.

What I (and the OP) would like is to have the contacts sorted by name WITHIN
category. I.e., the equivalent of the following SQL Select statement:
Select * from AddressBook
order by category, name;
I haven't found a way to get Entourage to do that for me. I don't understand
your statement that "you can sort within by columns." What do you mean and
how do you accomplish it?

Ed Kimball

Diane Ross

2009年7月6日 18:32:062009/7/6
On 7/6/09 6:20 AM, in article, "Ed
Kimball" <> wrote:

> If I sort by Category (by clicking on the column label), I get contacts
> sorted by category (ACM, Advertising, etc.), but the contacts appear to be
> in random order within each category.

You should be able to click on the columns now to sort. AFAIK this view is
the same in 04 and 08. I sent you a screenshot off list.


Ed Kimball

2009年7月6日 20:57:302009/7/6

As I replied off-list, you selected one category and sorted within that. I
was looking for a listing of ALL contacts sorted first by category, then
name within category. That was my understanding of the OP's request, too.
Entourage refuses to do that.
Ed Kimball


2009年8月18日 07:36:272009/8/18
I may be a bit late coming to the party on this. Would it be useful to
use the "Category is" box first to select a category, and then sort
the names that remain by first or last name? It means you only get a
list of one category at once but that may be all you need.


2009年10月1日 12:30:012009/10/1
I agree - this is incredibly frustrating when you have lots of contacts and
prefer to sort within categories. In Outlook (and isn't Entourage supposed to
provide the same functionality as Outlook?) sorting by two criteria takes two
clicks. Simple. I can only come to the conclusion that Microsoft is punishing
Mac users by removing simple functionality. Petty.

Diane Ross

2009年10月1日 16:11:382009/10/1
On 10/1/09 9:30 AM, in article, "NickWR"
<> wrote:

> (and isn't Entourage supposed to
> provide the same functionality as Outlook?)

Why did Microsoft replace Outlook for Mac with Entourage?


Entourage is not Outlook


Office for Mac is not a Clone of WinOffice


> I can only come to the conclusion that Microsoft is punishing
> Mac users by removing simple functionality. Petty.

That's a pretty big assumption. Can you explain why the next version of
Office for Mac will contain Outlook for Mac?




2009年10月1日 17:31:152009/10/1
Thanks for responding, Diane. Didn't mean to ruffle feathers. My point,
however, was that Entourage provides the same resources that Outlook provides
to my PCs - email, address book, calendar, notes, to-do lists - but none of
them has all the "bells and whistles" of Outlook - virtually every one of
them is inferior in terms of customization and functionality. And that seems
to be the case with the other program I use primarily within the Office Suite
- Word - which doesn't allow for the same level of customization of menus or
toolbars, either. I don't use Excel or Powerpoint much, so can't comment
about them with any certainty. However, it does seem like more than a
coincidence that the Mac versions of these Microsoft products come up short
compared to the PC versions - or at least their PC counterparts. Perhaps
you're right, though - my cynicism may be unfounded. But it's hard for me not
to believe Microsoft corporate has ulterior motives when programming for
their main rival's machines.

As for the "can I explain..." part - no, of course I can't explain why any
decision might be made in which I'm not involved.

Bottom line is that I just hope this simple functionality (sorting by
multiple criteria) which is a given in most any data-driven program be added
in future versions. For now, I guess I'll just have to lose time searching
for names that can not, for some reason, be listed alphabetically.

"Diane Ross" wrote:

> On 10/1/09 9:30 AM, in article
>, "NickWR"
> <> wrote:
> > (and isn't Entourage supposed to
> > provide the same functionality as Outlook?)

Diane Ross

2009年10月1日 17:40:442009/10/1
On 10/1/09 2:31 PM, in article, "NickWR"
<> wrote:

> I guess I'll just have to lose time searching
> for names that can not, for some reason, be listed alphabetically.

Are you using Spotlight search? I find that the quickest way to find
anything in Entourage 2008.

If you haven't noticed....

Entourage 2008 has the ability to show First Name and Last Name. see


Nicknames in the Address Book are not seen by anyone but you. You can put
clues to help find folks there too. This is especially useful for names that
have several entries like Bob.


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