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ASP Download Page adds a [1] suffix to filename

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Paul J. Bussiere

не прочитано,
15 янв. 2002 г., 13:13:3115.01.2002
Anyone ever seen this?

I have a really old copy of Mustang Software's Filecenter program.
Its a really nice program but the company died a while back and all
the programs have been end-of-life'd.

But at any rate, Im about to install it again and give it another
whirl, but I recall the one annoying thing about it, I could not
resolve, was the adding of a [1] to anything being downloaded.

The link to the file didn't have this, but when you click on it with
IE to initiate the download, the filename magically has that suffix
added to it. Any ideas on where I should look ? I've never seen any
sort of download link behave this way, have you?

Paul Bussiere

P.S. Any old FileCenter users out there?


не прочитано,
15 янв. 2002 г., 13:27:4015.01.2002
It's not FileCenter doing this more then likely it's IE.
I've seen this happen when IE thinks the file already exitsts locally. Can
you specifiy the filename and remove the [1] and does the download still
work then?

** And The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth
"Paul J. Bussiere" <> wrote in message

Paul J. Bussiere

не прочитано,
15 янв. 2002 г., 15:16:3015.01.2002
On Tue, 15 Jan 2002 12:27:40 -0600, "Curt_C"
<Software_AT_Darkfalz.Com> wrote:

>It's not FileCenter doing this more then likely it's IE.
>I've seen this happen when IE thinks the file already exitsts locally. Can
>you specifiy the filename and remove the [1] and does the download still
>work then?
>** And The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth

I thought the same, but I've tried saving to different locations and
IE (or the ASP?) adds that [1] around it.

Odd, isn't it?



не прочитано,
15 янв. 2002 г., 15:52:0715.01.2002
Try a different client PC once...
Or flush your Temp Internet Files....

** And The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth

"Paul J. Bussiere" <> wrote in message

Paul J. Bussiere

не прочитано,
16 янв. 2002 г., 16:16:3616.01.2002
On Tue, 15 Jan 2002 14:52:07 -0600, "Curt_C"
<Software_AT_Darkfalz.Com> wrote:

>Try a different client PC once...
>Or flush your Temp Internet Files....
>** And The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth

Done that ;-)

Its a bitch, isn't it?



не прочитано,
16 янв. 2002 г., 16:21:2316.01.2002
are you passing through an intermediate page to download or going directly
to the file?

** And The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth

"Paul J. Bussiere" <> wrote in message

Jicheng Guo

не прочитано,
17 янв. 2002 г., 08:25:2417.01.2002
I know this problem. It happens only to IE or AOL. Netscape does not have
this problem.

If you use binarywrite to do file transfer, this problem happens to IE. if
you use directly link (like put the file in virtural directory, and provide
a link to it.) It does not happen.

Also this problem only happens when you have multiple file extensions, like
abcd.txt.gz. So try not to use multiple file extensions. Length of file name
seems not a problem.

If any more questions, let me know.

Jicheng Guo
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Vice President
The Global Techmasters, Inc.
"Curt_C" <Software_AT_Darkfalz.Com> wrote in message

Paul J. Bussiere

не прочитано,
17 янв. 2002 г., 15:21:0017.01.2002
On Thu, 17 Jan 2002 08:25:24 -0500, "Jicheng Guo" <>

>I know this problem. It happens only to IE or AOL. Netscape does not have
>this problem.
>If you use binarywrite to do file transfer, this problem happens to IE. if
>you use directly link (like put the file in virtural directory, and provide
>a link to it.) It does not happen.
>Also this problem only happens when you have multiple file extensions, like
>abcd.txt.gz. So try not to use multiple file extensions. Length of file name
>seems not a problem.
>If any more questions, let me know.
>Jicheng Guo

The product (Mustang File Center) is what I have. There is no tech
support since they are no longer. It IS using a virtual directory.
Here is the source code to the download.asp page, if this helps any.
I just did a cut/paste so hopefully none of the characters got
trampled on.



<% Option Explicit %>

<!--#include file="UrlEncode.htm"-->

Dim FileId
FileId = Request("fileid")
If Session("LastDownload") <> FileId Then
%><!--#include file="Conn.htm"--><%
Dim FileRecordset
Set FileRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
FileRecordset.ActiveConnection = Conn
FileRecordset.Open , , 1, 3, 1
If Not FileRecordset.Eof Then
Dim downloads
downloads = FileRecordset("DOWNLOADS")
If IsNull(downloads) Then
downloads = 1
downloads = downloads + 1
End If
FileRecordset("DOWNLOADS") = downloads
FileRecordset("LAST_DWNLD") = Date
End If
Session("LastDownload") = FileId
End If

Dim redir
redir = Request("redir")

Dim url
If LCase(Left(redir, 8)) = "local://" Then
Dim urlpieces
urlpieces = Split(redir, "/")
Dim areaid
areaid = urlpieces(2)
Dim filename
filename = urlpieces(3)
Dim Areas
Set Areas = Server.CreateObject("FileControl.AreaCollection")
Dim Area
Set Area = Areas.FindId(areaid)
Dim Config
Set Config = Server.CreateObject("FileControl.Config")
Dim fileserver
If Len(Area.HttpAlias) > 0 Then
fileserver = Config.HttpServer
If Right(fileserver, 1) = "/" Then
fileserver = Left(fileserver, Len(fileserver) - 1)
End If
url = fileserver & Area.HttpAlias
fileserver = Config.FtpServer
If Right(fileserver, 1) = "/" Then
fileserver = Left(fileserver, Len(fileserver) - 1)
End If
url = fileserver & Area.FtpAlias
End if
If Right(url, 1) <> "/" Then
url = url & "/"
End If
url = url & UrlEncode(filename)
url = redir
End If
Response.Redirect url

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