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Error "500 LPRT Not Understood"

조회수 3회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기

Mark Stevenson

읽지 않음,
2002. 1. 26. 오후 4:55:2902. 1. 26.
I've been able to publish via FTP to my sites for years
but now I'm getting the "500 LPRT not understood" Error.
I've been able to get WS_FTP to work by changing a setting
to "Use Passive Transfer Mode", but FP2000 doesn't appear
to have any settings for this. No one at my ISP has a
clue. Any ideas? Please reply by email too if you have a
suggestion. Thanks!!


Thomas A. Rowe

읽지 않음,
2002. 1. 26. 오후 5:14:1402. 1. 26.
FP doesn't support FTP Passive Transfer Mode. As a work around, publish your
site to folder on your HD, then open this folder and delete all _vti
folders, then use WS_FTP to upload the content of the folder.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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"Mark Stevenson" <> wrote in message

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