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type 'pageClass' is not defined

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Lew Burrus

2006年5月26日 上午9:09:302006/5/26
I am relatively new to advanced concepts in
OOP, though I am fairly comfortable working
in .Net. Have recently taken a 1.1 project
into VS2005, and came across a show-stopper
of an error. When I create a variable of
another page's class type, the class is no
longer available, as I get the error "Type
'userControl' is not defined".

In other words, I have a page
displayRecs.aspx, and a user control
subRecords.ascx. In the main page, I need to
dim a variable as type subRecords; it worked
fine in 1.1, but in 2.0, I get the error. I
assume the compilation model requires
separate assemblies for each page, so the
classes aren't available until runtime. But
it seems like this could be a real hindrance
for many developers, and I image a workaround
must exist. Anybody know of one? Is this a
bug to be fixed, or a permanent change in .Net?


Jose Rodriguez

2006年5月26日 上午10:23:422006/5/26
Lew, In order to reference a class type, it has to live inside the App_Code
directory or else with the new compilation model; but there is hope! MS just
released a new web application project that resembles what we had in 1.1
check this:


"Lew Burrus" <> wrote in message

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