Lock info Layer

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siddahrtha kamasani

05.01.2011, 09:42:2305.01.11
an mapi...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,
I am looking for MapBasic code to lock the object info tool from edit. So that user cannot do any modification from click of object using info (main tool).
Thanks in advance.

Warm Regds
Sidharth Kamasani

Spencer Simpson

05.01.2011, 10:59:2505.01.11
an mapi...@googlegroups.com

If I interpret your request correctly, you want to issue the following command


Set table <whatever> UserEdit off


on each table you want to control.   This will prevent the user from editing the table via all aspects of Mapinfo Professional's user interface; all changes will have to be made using your custom code (which will probably involve one or more dialogs).



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